...《Organizational Be h a v i o r 》 Dr.Hong Zhan 2010-9-14 1 Something about our course 2010-9-14 2 1 How • • • • • To Find Me Personal Work Room:J1-632 Tel:2187097(O) My Office :J2-302 , Tel:2187156(O) E-mail: zhanhong@xmu.edu.cn 2010-9-14 3 Start With the End in Mind 2010-9-14 4 2 有效的目标管理 \ÇàxÜtvà|ÉÇ: Page 5 有效的目标管理 中国最受西方人推崇欣赏的优秀管理者是谁? Page 6 3 有效的目标管理 无论对组织还是个人:目标的意义 To succeed is to select a goal,determine a course of action that will bring you to that goal and then hold to that action until the goal is reached . Page 7 有效的目标管理 开篇箴言1:成功就是逐步实现有价值的事先决定的个人或企 业目标。 不同的目标产生不同的结果 Page 8 4 有效的目标管理 哈佛大学的试验 所占比例 27% 60% 10% 3% 目标状态 成就 Page 9 有效的目标管理 开篇箴言2:看不到目标比死还可怕 故事分享:军阀惩罚犯人的方式 Page 10 5 有效的目标管理 开篇箴言3:千万不要忘了真正的目标是什么 故事分享: Spring book草原上羊群跳悬崖的故 事 Page 11 有效的目标管理 开篇箴言4:目标不想成为口号,就得分解,步步管 控 理论分享: X理论 与 Y理论 Page 12 6 有效的目标管理 X • • 假设 员工天生不喜欢工作,只要可能,他们就会逃避责任 由于员工不喜欢工作,必须采取强制措施与惩罚办法迫使他们实现组 织目标 • • 员工只要有可能就会逃避责任,安与现状 绝大多数人喜欢安逸,没有雄心壮志 Page 13 有效的目标管理 Y 假设 • • • • 员工视工作如休息、娱乐般自然 如果员工对某项工作作出承诺,他们会自我指导,以完成任务 一般而言,每个人不仅能够承担责任,而且会主动寻求承担责任 绝大多数人都具备正确作出决策的能力,而不仅仅是管理者自身 Page 14 7 Start With the End in Mind The Secret of Success Know Know Believe in you are going. you are doing. you are doing. 2010-9-14 15 Class Method • Usual: Especially Large Sections – – – – pure lecture Few questions Fewer answer Little interaction ...
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...- what is organizational behavior A field of study that investigates the impact that individuals, groups and structure have on behavior within organizations, for the purpose of applying such knowledge toward improving an organization’s effectiveness - what is a manager Someone who gets things done through other people in organizations. They make decisions, allocate resources, and direct activities of others within the organization to complete goals. Managers must plan, a process that includes defining goals, establishing strategy, and developing plans to coordinate activities. They must organize, determine what tasks are to be done, who is to do them, how the tasks are to be grouped, who reports to whom, and where decisions are to be made. Managers must lead, a function that includes motivating employees, directing others, selecting the most effective communications channels, and resolving conflicts. Managers also control, monitor activities to ensure they are being accomplished as planned and correcting any significant deviations. Three different roles: Interpersonal (ceremonial and symbolic in nature) , Informational (collect information from outside organizations and institutions, Decisional (requires making choices) Manager skills, Technical (the ability to apply specialized knowledge or expertise, Can you actually do the job?), Human (the ability to work with, understand, and motivate other people, both individually and in groups, Can you work with others to get the...
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...Case Study For Organizational Behavior Submitted by: Varun Paruchuri BM11059 OB Case Study Joining XLRI after having worked in an organization (Infosys) for close to three years is one of the best things that have happened to me in my life. I was filled with boundless joy and happiness when I got to know that I had made it to XLRI. After having joined here, I was very happy to come back to studying and college life again. Everything here was excellent, the infrastructure, the faculty and the environment to learn. Subjects like Organizational Behavior highlighted the importance of being not only a good manager who is very good technically but also a good human being before anything else. It aimed to create responsible individuals who are sensible, knowledgeable and are good citizens in the society to whom everybody can look up to in their lives. Various topics were taught to us in the class and the point was driven home through effective use of real life examples, creative games and other modern teaching tools. The focus was not on the marks scored in the exam but on the learning and experience gained in the classroom. I have collated the learning’s that I have gained during the course of my stint with OB (I sincerely hope this is not the last one) below. I’m sure that as you read along, you would notice a certain trend in the learning and it indicates my progression gradually...
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...world. Since then the technical expertise and facilities of SLN Dockyard have improved tremendously to become one of the best ship repair facilities in the country. 1.2. Background The technical organization of Dockyard is headed by a Marine or an Electrical Engineer of the rank of Commodore designated as Commodore Superintendent Dockyard. Two deputies function as departmental heads of Marine and Electrical/Electronic Engineering Departments. The technical organization is comprised of two main branches and sub departments. 2. Organizational behavior (OB) Organizational behavior (OB) is the study of what people think, feel, and do in and around organizations. Its focus is on employee behavior, decisions, perceptions, and emotional responses. The prime aim of any organization, irrespective of whether it is private or public, is to increase the output in all desirable. Organizational Behavior is concerned with the study of what people do in an organization and how their behavior affects the organizations performance 1 2.1. Organizational Behavior Trends There are many trends...
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...According to Follet, “Management is the art of getting things done with and through people. Management is both mixture of art and science. Art denotes the ways and style of individual to do the things. Science is quantifiably proven by principles and theory. Management is both art and science. Getting things done with and through people tactically, it is art. And as we know management is guided by different principles and theories. It consist of process like planning organizing, controlling. So we can say management is science as well. The managers should adopt the situational approach, cope with environment, working with others, now how his art will support him, he will do the Task accordingly. By using his art he will be able to achieve organizational objective. For this he has to follow scientific method being guided by theories and principles. Can managers be developed? Yes of course managers are developed. Someone would say mangers are born but I would say managers aren’t born they are made. One can be a manager if he has a quality inside him. To be a manager one need to learn about the managerial issue from the grass root level. Managers are the one responsible to get the maximum output from optimum utilization of resources he is provided with. Learning is the way that leads a person to the position of manager. For example some has entered into hotel organization in junior assistant position. Now he can learn the way of working, learn about the norms and culture of organization...
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...John Mackey discusses Whole Foods core values emphasizing collaboration among their employees and their management teams. Whole Foods expects their managers to hire qualified staff; they entrust these decisions to their management team. One objective of the organization is to cultivate staff which are well trained and content with their work environment. An organization of well trained employees will ultimately lead to a content workforce, this benefits the organization, ensuring outstanding customer service, positive brand recognition, increase sales and profitability. This approach should make the employee feel valued and in most cases I believe it does, there will always be the outliers, people who will not be a happy no matter what is done for them. These individuals will need to be dealt with on an individual basis, it is consistent with the 80/20 rule; if 80% of your workforce is happy then you are doing a good job. . Mackey speaks about having a heroic purpose, changing the world for the good. His organization participates in fair trade, animal compassion,(seeking better conditions for farm animals), and 5% donations day, this helps build positive relationships which benefits the organizations reputation.(site reference). Large corporations should give back to the community and the environment, since Whole Foods deals with produce, live stock, should be conscious of the environment. Does this appeal to most customers, it depends on the customer. In these...
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...CASE STUDY ORGANISATIONAL BEHAVIOUR « ARTIC MINING CONSULTANT » Leadership, motivation, relationships and teambuilding are frames that must be taken as very important in the realization of a one’s project. Indeed, a strong leadership permits to motivate the team members, which improves productivity ; in the same way, relationships inside the team impact how the members will feel, their satisfaction, fulfillment, and whether the project will fail or pass. The case we have to analyse deals with the organization of a project Tom Parker is an experienced geological field technician and a field coordinator for Arctic Mining Consultants. Tom had to lead an assignment in which he was expected to stake 15 claims close to Eagle Lake, British Columbia. In this way, he selected Greg Boyce, John Talbot and Brian Millar to be his field assistants, as he had already worked with them. The objective was to complete the job in one week. Each member of the team had a minimum of lengths to stake each day and the prime for reaching the quotas was $300 per person. But, the fact is that some problem occured, several problem were present at the beginning, and it influenced the good realization of t. In this report, I will discuss this case around the main problem that I found, the other problems related to it and give some recommandations, some alternatives to solve it (or not to do it next time).he project The problems that occured in this case : the manager Parker did not well...
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...Organizational Behavior's Assessment إعداد الطالب عبيدة عبد الرحمن ازكاحي C3 | obaidah_67399 | إشراف الدكتور الأسئلة والأجوبة: أ- ما هي المشكلات التي تعاني منها شركة صناعة الإغذية. يوجد عدة مشاكل تحيط بالشركة ومنها: 1- بما أن حوالي 35% من موظفين الشركة من النساء ومنتجات الشركة هي عبارة عن منتجات الكونسروه واللحموم المجمدة فإن بعّد الشركة عن مركز المدينة ( 20 كم ) هي المشكلة الأكبر التي تواجه الشركة. 2- انخفاض المبيعات والنمو على الرغم من وجود مندوبي المبيعات. 3- الصراع بين مدير المالي الذي يسعى لتحقيق هدفة لخفض التكاليف 25% وخصوصاً في الرواتب والمكافآت وبين مدير الموارد البشرية الذي يرى بالقوة العاملة رأس مال فكري قادرة على حل مشكلة انخفاض المبيعات. 4- عدم وجود هدف واضح للشركة ووجود مشكلة تخطيط لعدم وجود رئيس اداري للتنسيق والاتصال بين الأقسام لتوحيد وتحديد الأهداف. ب- أين تضع المديرين الاربعة فيما يتعلق بمستويات التطور في نموذج القيادة الموقفية؟. مع التعليل. حسب نظرية القيادة الموقفية يمكن ترتيب المدراء فيما يتعلق بمستويات التطور: 1- محمد الأحمد تركيز مرتفع على المهام ومرتفع على العلاقات وذلك بسبب قضاء معظم وقته لوضع خطة طويلة الأمد لتطوير نموذج فعال لاتخاذ القرارات حول الإنفاق المستقبلي على المعدات والمباني وكما يراه زملائة كفؤاً. 2- السيد معاذ رئيس قسم المبيعات والتسويق: تركيز مرتفع على المهام ومرتفع في العلاقات: بسبب وضع خطة وهدف واضح وهو زيادة المبيعات السنوية للشركة بنسبة قدرها 15% كما أنه يريد الارتقاء باتباعه إلى إنتاجية عالية، على الرغم من أن زملائه يروه لا يفهم تماماً كيفية عمل شركة متخصصة بصناعة الأغذية لكن زادة نسبة...
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...In 2003, Kimberly-Clark, the maker of paper products including Kleenex, Huggies, and Depends, announced it was creating a radical new structure to shore up underperforming parts of its business by restructuring its products into three categories. The categories were “grow,” “sustain,” and “fix” – somewhat unconventional categories. They weren’t devised based on product type, customers, or geographic locations in which they sold, but instead on the perceived strength of the product themselves. Background Kimberly, Clark and Company was established in 1872 by four young businessmen, John A.Kimberly, Havilah Babcock, Charles B.Clark, and Frank C.Shattuck. Based in Neenah, Wisconsin, the company initially manufactured paper, but over the years it began to branch out, broadening into the personal hygiene consumer products area to compete with companies like Procter & Gamble. In 1978, Kimberly-Clark introduced what would become its top seller: Huggies disposable diapers. Huggies were an instant hit and soon became the nation’s number-one brand. In the next two decades, Kimberly-Clark introduced Depends for adults, training pants for toddlers, and merged with Scott Paper, a leading maker of toilet paper and paper towels. Today, the merged company sells its products in over 150 countries around the world. In about 80 of those countries, it holds the number-one or number-two spot in the marketplace. Restructuring Problems Like many corporate mergers, the merger between Kimberly-Clark...
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...Christiane Khoury Nov 26, 2012 MGT301 Personality and Perception Case Study 1. People are born different, with distinctive personalities and attitudes. Some are optimistic or pessimistic, active or passive, calm or agitated and so on. Such diversity in personalities, in addition to the culture that individuals are attached and raised by, affects their attitudes and thus their perception. Therefore, personality plays a role in defining people’s reactions and behaviors to events around them. In the case, “Differing Perceptions at Clarkston Industries”, the manager Susan contemplates the problem of Jack, a new employee she hired. Jack was hired directly after he left prison, given a chance by Susan who in turn passed through a similar situation in the past. Later then, Jack was accused and suspected of stealing money by his fellow coworkers who perceived such an incident on previous records that is he staying in prison. On the other hand, Susan had ambivalent thoughts and was disturbed. She perceived the problem considering Jack and avoiding muddling up with perception shortcuts such as stereotyping and Halo effect along with reflecting on the reaction of other employees to her decision. 2. In my opinion, Susan should not fire Jack for two reasons. The first reason is that Jack, as mentioned in the case, is a hard working and capable worker who appreciated the chance he was...
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...MGMT 3720 Assignment #1 An evaluation of this selective case study reveals a work environment at the Wilson Construction Company with a discussion between an employee and his supervisor. The employee, Walt Henderson, works at WCC as a drafting technician. He has brought his personal project from home to work on during assigned work hours. His supervisor, a man, named Ken, feels that this sets a poor precedent for the other employees and reminds him that his actions are inappropriate. Walt counters this by commenting that he has not only already finished his assigned work, but also worked while home to finish other company materials. He feels that this should entitle him personal time at work since he gave up time at home for company work. This case study is an excellent example of how attitudes, mainly Walt’s toward his use of time, play an important part in actions, feelings, and behavior in the workplace. Attitudes at work, such as Walt’s about his use of company time both at home and at work, are evaluative statements about objects, people, or events in the workplace. In this paper, I will evaluate the situation at work concerning Walts attitude related to work, his boss, and his time spent at home and work. I will also evaluate Walt’s discourse in order to try to predict his future behavior at work. In conclusion, I will suggest alternative ways on how Walt’s supervisor, Ken, should handle the manner in which Walt’s attitude affects his performance at work...
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...Chapter 1 (10-11 questions): * How do we “know” what we know about OB? (7 questions) * OB: A field of study devoted to understanding, explaining, and ultimately improving the attitudes and behaviors of individuals and groups in organizations. * Method of Experience: Holding firmly to a belief because it’s consistent with my experience and observations * Method of Intuition: Holding firmly to a belief because it “just stands to reason”---it seems obvious or self-evident * Method of Authority: Holding firmly to a belief because some respective official, agency, or source has said it is so. * Method of Science: Accepting some belief because scientific studies have tended to replicate that result using a series of samples, settings, and methods * Theory: A collection of assertions—both verbal and symbolic—that specify how and why variables are related, as well as the conditions in which they should (and should not) be related * Tells a story and supplies the familiar who, what, where, when, and why elements found in any newspaper or magazine article * Hypotheses: Written predictions that specify relationships between variables * Integrative model of OB (2 questions) * Building a conceptual argument (1 question) * Resource based view states that Rare and inimitable resources are drivers of resource value increase Chapter 2 (12 questions): Many organizations identify task performance behaviors...
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... Case Study Chapter 4 Questions 1-. No, but most of the things they mentioned in the case study are true in my point of vies of course. In the myth number one, I think is true because in the United States everything is individualism, and in China is more collectivism. Is true two people work better than one, and is one of the reasons of why china is one of the best countries in the world. I’m not saying United States is not one of the best countries in the world, but right now China has better economy than United States has. Also, something that I see is all the Chinese people they are everywhere around the world, in Mexico we have tons of Chinese people they like to have business all around the world and for them is not complicated to adapt the culture of where they decide to move. 2-. First business in china are very different and I think will be hard for me to adapt the way they business work. But if I decide go and do business I think will look first the way they work and learn for it and then apply a little bit of the way business work in Mexico. Something that everybody needs to know is wherever you go you need to adapt if you are the one coming to a different country of where you come from. Some people don’t understand that concept and they want to act and live the way the used to live but if you come to a different country you are the one that has to adapt to that culture. 3-Something that everybody learn when they come to study or work...
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...Hilton’s transformation case studies Case Summary Qualities and suppositions imparted over an association are alluded to as the hierarchical society. The hierarchical society of a company or even a district is in light of the disposition and estimations of the representatives. As the district of Hilton developed in populace and size its administration group was compelled to change from a city concentrated on foundation to a city occupied with social administrations. City representatives confronted a shift in authoritative society. This article addresses the change in metropolitan administration and authoritative society and its impacts on nature and group of Hilton. The authoritative environment in the region of Hilton pandered to rank and could be portrayed as one of "qualification and solace," (McShane & Von Glinow, 2010, p. 438). Office administration to a great extent worked without impedance from the city administrator or chose authorities. As city development strained social administrations and group individuals communicated dismay with the current hierarchical culture in the district it got to be clear that the city required a change in working environment. The region of Hilton occupied with natural and authoritative change by reinforcing the corporate culture and incorporating outside experts to fabricate a versatile society. Problem Identification The issue recognized is that Hilton HHonors need to choose how to approach an alternate situating stand and...
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...ARCTIC MINING CONSULTANTS Case Synopsis Arctic Mining Consultants is a mining company that deals with mineral exploration. In this case study, the project given is staking 15 claims in Eagle Lake, Alaska. The project Manager was Tom Parker, who has a wide experience and specialized knowledge in all nontechnical aspects of mineral exploration. He is a geological field technician and field coordinator for Arctic Mining Consultants. He assigned his previous field assistants John Talbot, Greg Boyce and Brian Millar to help him complete the project. The job required them to stake at least 7 lengths each day in order to be completed on time. However, the whole team has became very tense and agitated, especially Tom Parker, as the deadline was just around the corner and there’s still many to be finished within the limited time. The problem became worse with the way Tom managed and treated his team. The only motivation to the team was the $300 bonuses promised by the company when the job is done on time, otherwise, they might wished to give up already. This happened because working as a field assistant and in long-working hours only giving them low wages, which is considered unreasonable compared to what they have to do. During the eight hard days, everything had actually proved the strengths and weaknesses of each of the team members, including Tom. Case analysis symptoms 1) What symptom(s) exist in this case to suggest that something has gone wrong? The symptom(s) to suggest...
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