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Case Study - Ob


Submitted By akcl
Words 3060
Pages 13
1. Introduction
The Sri Lanka Navy is a well-balanced and cohesive force, capable of operating in waters around Sri Lanka effectively safeguarding our national interest. The secondary role is land operations acting together with other services specially, in terms of internal strife in the preservation of law and order.

Since the Sri Lanka Navy is a very large organization, I have selected the prime technical organisation of it, Sri Lanka Naval Dockyard, Trincomalee for the purpose of this assignment.

1.1. History of Background Sri Lanka Naval Dockyard
Sri Lanka Naval Dockyard had been commissioned and restructured primarily as a technical base in 1985 to support large number of Naval ships and craft calling at
Trincomalee, one of the best natural harbour of the world. Since then the technical expertise and facilities of SLN Dockyard have improved tremendously to become one of the best ship repair facilities in the country.
1.2. Background
The technical organization of Dockyard is headed by a Marine or an Electrical Engineer of the rank of Commodore designated as Commodore Superintendent Dockyard. Two deputies function as departmental heads of Marine and Electrical/Electronic Engineering Departments.
The technical organization is comprised of two main branches and sub departments.
2. Organizational behavior (OB)
Organizational behavior (OB) is the study of what people think, feel, and do in and around organizations. Its focus is on employee behavior, decisions, perceptions, and emotional responses. The prime aim of any organization, irrespective of whether it is private or public, is to increase the output in all desirable. Organizational Behavior is concerned with the study of what people do in an organization and how their behavior affects the organizations performance

2.1. Organizational Behavior Trends
There are many trends within the workplace and around the globe that have and will continue to affect the workplace and your career. I will highlight two of these trends along with the challenges and opportunities they present for organizational behavior. These two trends are outsourcing management and innovation for organizational competitiveness.
Outsourcing-management is a management tool adopted by companies which are either faced with personnel shortage or have increased customer demands or have launched new products /services. Also it is to reduce operational costs and gain access to superior technologies
/efficient personnel at reduced cost. Following are the few advantages of out sourcing.

Able to concentrate more on their core activities

Increase in productivity and job satisfaction

Cost reduction and improved quality

Availability of expert knowledge and operational expertize

Accesses to new market

Introduce and implement changes

Capacity management and taking advantages of opportunities

2.1.2. Outsourcing-management in Sri Lanka Naval Dockyard
Sri Lanka Naval Dockyard is the one place who does most of the outsourcing management in Sri Lanka Navy. Within the Sri Lanka Navy many Staff Officers are exclusively allocated for this task. Staff Engineer Officer (Repairs) at Naval Head Quarters is looking after all the Marine Engineering related outsourcing jobs and Senior Staff Officer (Repairs) is looking after all other outsourcing matters within entire Navy. In addition to them, Area Repair Officers have been appointed within each Naval Area to look after similar jobs within the financial limit of each Area.
Central fuel Injection pump room, MTU work shop, Fleet Repair work shop, Fast Gun
Boat workshop and auxiliary workshop are mainly out sourcing their certain jobs due non availability of facilities and special tools within the Dockyard. Considering the number of jobs outsourcing, it is no economically beneficial to establish these facilities within the Navy.


Certain engines, fuel injection pumps, machineries major repairs (eg: - CATERPILLAR,
MTU 2000 series) are outsourced from reputed service/ repair firms (Local agents) in Sri
Lanka due to the non-availability of specific OEM technology. Such processes shall be monitored by the respective workshops and shall be accepted after quality inspection. As an example, Sri Lanka Navy has acquired two Bay class ships from Australia in recent past. The both main engines of her is due for Major overhauls. Even though SLN Dockyard is capable of undertaking these major routines, does not possess with required special tools. The cost of these special tools through OEM is approx. Rs. 23 Mn and therefore, SLN has outsourced same through the Local Agent for MTU spares in Sri Lanka, M/S DIMO(Pvt) Ltd to a cost of only approx. Rs. 2 Mn.
2.1.3. Corporate entrepreneurship Culture
One of the ways for industries to meet environmental requirements is to utilize corporate entrepreneurship. It is argued that creativity and innovation are vital lifelines for organizations.
These two are tools for entrepreneurs to identify and take advantage of opportunities. It is considered as an additional input to production . Moreover, growing and intense competition, lack of confidence in traditional management styles, and high turnover of talented employees, make corporate entrepreneurship a necessity. Followings are factors which drives corporate entrepreneurship. 

Top Down approach
Alignment between organizational structure and vision
Flexibility of the organization to internal and external environmental
New technology
Value proportion to align different work groups

2.1.4. Corporate entrepreneurship Culture in Sri Lanka Naval Dockyard
Sri Lanka Naval Dockyard is practicing and implementing corporate entrepreneurship
Culture since its establishment in 1985. Being a part of a Naval force, generally it does not involve subordinates in planning. Instead, the Top management generates the vision, mission, strategic goals and plans and then communicates these to the ranks below. Subordinates translate goals into daily action to achieve the desired results and the first-hand knowledge of subordinates helps ensure wise goals and plans.


Sri Lanka Naval Dockyard organization has a clear mission and it is to deliver the best quality service in repairs/maintenance and operations of ships/craft and ensure operational availability of all shore based installations of Eastern Naval Command through professional competence and training facilities. The ships company is always align with the organizational structure and mission.
Being the premier technical organization of Sri Lanka Navy, the SLN Dockyard desires to;

Maintain operational availability and readiness of ships, craft, machinery, and systems at the highest level.

Achieve the state of zero premature defects through timely and precise maintenance. 

Ensure smooth operation of machinery throughout its designed life span.

Up lift technical knowledge and expertise of the staff through controlled process development with the continual improvement of quality management system. 

To establish, document, implement and maintain a quality management system and continually improve its effectiveness in accordance with the requirement of
ISO 9001:2008 QMS.

3. Contemporary Challenges for Organizations
Organizations are deeply affected by the external environment. They need to maintain a good fit with their external environment by continuously monitoring and adjusting to changes in that environment. In this section, I highlight two of the major challenges facing organizations out of globalization, increasing workforce diversity, emerging employment relationships and
Information technology.
3.1. Workforce Diversity
It is mainly divided into two parts.

Surface-level diversity
The observable demographic and other overt differences in people, such as their race,

ethnicity, gender, age, and physical capabilities. Surface-level diversity has changed considerably in the United States over the past few decades. Many other countries are also experiencing increasing levels of racial and ethnic diversification.

Deep-level diversity
Diversity also includes differences in the psychological characteristics of employees,

including personalities, beliefs, values, and attitudes. We can’t directly see this but it is evident in a person’s decisions, statements, and actions. Meanwhile, some observers suggest that
Generation, employees (those born after 1979) are noticeably self- confident, optimistic, multitasking, and more independent.

Consequences of Diversity
Diversity presents both opportunities and challenges in organizations. My main point

here is that workforce diversity is the new reality and that organizations need to adjust to this reality both to survive and to experience its potential benefits for organizational success.
3.2. Emerging Employment relationships
Globalization and increasing workforce diversity have produced two contrasting changes in relationship between employers and employees. They are aligning the workplace with emerging workforce expectations and increasing work force

flexibility to increase

organizational competitiveness.
3.3. Workforce diversity and Emerging Employment relationships in Sri Lanka Navy
Sri Lanka Navy is an extremely large, complex organization with over 55000 people with working diversity of observable demographic and other overt differences, such as their race, ethnicity, gender, age, and physical capabilities to achieve various goals. The organization is of hierarchical nature and well-structured type and it includes differences in the psychological characteristics of employees, including personalities, beliefs, values, and attitudes. When, such a large number of people work together to achieve goals, which are not similar in nature, extremely complex situations arise due to individual differences. Some instances, these individual differences are resulted in disastrous situations to the organization and in some instances, the individual differences are brought to an acceptable level so that everybody will work together to achieve the common goals.


4. Individual Behaviour in Organization

For most of the past century, experts in psychology, sociology, and, more recently, organizational behavior have investigated the direct predictors of individual behavior and performance. It illustrates these four variables, motivation, ability, role perceptions, and situational factors, which are represented by the acronym MARS.

Types of Individual Behaviour in an Organization

4.2. Selection of Two Employees from Navy
I have selected two personnel from Sri Lanka Navy, who are working in two different environments to the purpose of identifying their behavior within the Sri Lanka Navy with reference to the different type of individual behaviors.
4.2.1. Lieutenant Commander (Eng) SNDS Abeysooriya, NRE 1081
Lieutenant Commander (Eng) SNDS Abeysooriya has joined Sri Lanka Navy as a Cadet
Officer in 1997 and completed his BTech in Mechanical Engineering and post-graduation in marine engineering specialization through Naval College of Engineering and Center for Marine

Engineering, INS Shivaji, India respectively. He is presently performing duties as The General
Manger for Malima Hospitality Services vehicle division. Malima Hospitality Services vehicle division is almost similar to an outside reputed vehicle repair center and it undertakes outsourcing naval vehicle repairs through competitive quotations basis.

4.2.2. Lieutenant (Eng) GBDS Gamlath , NRE 2332
Lieutenant (Eng) GBDS Gamlath has joined Sri Lanka Navy as a Cadet Officer in 2004 and completed his BTech in Mechanical Engineering through Kothalawala Defence University and post-graduation in marine engineering specialization through Center for Marine Engineering,
INS Shivaji, in India. He is presently performing duties as Marine Engineer (Fast Attack Craft)
Squadron II at Naval Dockyard, Trincomalee. His main responsibility is to look after all repair and maintenance of Fast Attack Craft Flotilla of SL Navy.

Different types of behavior
Lieutenant Commander (Eng)
Lieutenant (Eng) GBDS Gamlath
SNDS Abeysooriya
Professional ability

Extremely proficient

Generally sound in routine matters


Exceptionally resourceful and always ready to act on his own initiative Reliability
Can be relied upon to carryout his orders under the most difficult conditions Zeal and Energy Will do utmost for the good of the service and nothing will divert his energies Personal Qualities
Moral Standard Possesses the highest ideals and lives up to them
Most successful in dealing with others Cheerfulness
Cheerful but temperamental at times Loyalty
Unwavering in allegiance to the service and to seniors and juniors alike Social
Participates in Social functions but
do not mix well. Unable to organise social events on his own

Acts on his own but tend to seek advise unnecessarily Generally produce results but cannot be always depended upon
Energetic if the work interests him.
Otherwise lethargic

Of high moral with good sense of right and wrong
Handles difficult situations diplomatically Always cheerful and helps others to feel light and easy when in difficulties
Service is always at heart and faithful to his duty and juniors no less than to his seniors
Outstanding and a knowledgeable organiser of all kinds of social functions and active participator

Power of

Always-in charge and firm, decisive and clear in passing instructions and orders.
Force of
A strong dynamic character. Exerts
a compelling influence on others who look up for leadership.
General Bearing An exceptionally commanding and distinguished personality.
Do not always inspire the
Manner to confidence of his men or get the
best out of them.

Mental Qualities
Can grasp the essentials of any situation and exceptionally intelligent. Alertness
Exceptionally alert and quick to react to any unforeseen event understanding the full implications of the situation.
Has an exceptional power of
deduction and judgement. power Adaptability
Exceptionally balanced in thinking and versatile in tackling problems willingly and ably.
Administrative Ability
An outstanding and able organizer.
Automatically thinks and plans ahead. Marked capacity for visualising outcome of a situation and providing for it.
Outstandingly successful in working with others to a common end. Power of
Can set out clearly and broadly the
essentials of any situation however complicated. 8

.Generally takes charge, but orders are muddled at times. Seldom get instant response. Can lead but not impressive to inspire others. Smart in appearance and presence is felt. Fair and pleasant towards his men who generally works for him willingly

Very intelligent and can grasp most situation quickly.
Alert on day-to-day activities but slow to react and unprepared for most emergencies. Above average in deduction and judgement. Adaptable and ready to learn.

Can organize normal and routine matters satisfactorily
Can be relied on to have an eye to the future and to consider possibilities as well as problems.
Works well in harmony with others

Clear and brief in expression in all but the most difficult situations.

5. Emotions in the Workplace
Emotions have a profound effect on almost everything we do in the workplace. Emotions are physiological, behavioral, and psychological episodes experienced toward an object, person, or event that create a state of readiness. Most of these emotional reactions are subtle and occur without our awareness.
Emotional labor
People are expected to manage their emotions in the workplace. They must conceal their frustration when serving an irritating customer, display compassion to an ill patient, and hide their boredom in a long meeting with senior management. These are all forms of emotional labor. Emotional Dissonance
Emotional labor can be challenging for most of us because it is difficult to conceal true emotions and to display the emotions required by the job. Emotional labor also creates conflict between required and true emotions, which is called emotional dissonance.
Emotional Intelligence
It can significantly improve individual, team, and organizational effectiveness. Emotional intelligence includes a set of abilities to perceive and express emotion, assimilate emotion in thought, understand and reason with emotion, and regulate emotion in oneself and others.
5.1. How selected persons manage their emotions at work?
After the interviews had with both Lieutenant Commander (Eng) SNDS Abeysooriya and
Lieutenant (Eng) GBDS Gamlath, I have discovered six simple techniques that they have used to manage their emotions at work.

Don't react right away
Reacting immediately to emotional triggers can be an immense mistake. Before refuting

the trigger with your emotional argument, take a deep breath and stabilize the overwhelming impulse. 

Ask for divine guidance
When burdened with emotion, close your eyes, envision a positive solution to your

problem, and ask the universe to illuminate the best path forward


Find a healthy outlet

Call or go see someone you trust and recount to them what happened. Hearing an opinion other than your own broadens your awareness

See the bigger picture

Even in the midst of an emotionally upsetting moment, trust that there exists an ultimate purpose which you will come to comprehend soon.

Replace your thoughts

Whenever you are confronted with an emotion which is making you feel or think something bad, force it out of your mind and replace it with a different thought.

Forgive your emotional triggers
As you forgive, you will find yourself disassociating from the harsh feelings attached to your being.
6. Different methods practice by Sri Lanka Naval Dockyard to overcome work place stress
Even though Sri Lanka Naval Dockyard is overloaded with many multi directional maintenance and repair tasks, today’s employees are expected to do more with less, which has become a major source of stress at work. Following are the different practices used by SLN
Dockyard to overcome stresses of their employees.

Take care of them

Physical activities are a boon to health and can be protective. Being in good physical strength also makes them somewhat more immune to effects of stress.

Shift employee’s mindset
Set peoples mind set to elicits a negative reaction, such as sadness or frustration and

impose anything positive reaction.

Resolve your concerns
Pinpoint their sources of stress, and consider how can resolve these concerns, basically,

the key is to take a problem-solving approach and try to fix what’s within your power.


Practice gratitude
Appreciation and grateful for every day at work, even if it’s as simple one but being


Hang with a great crowd
A great group of co-workers also can help with a heavy workload or just provide moral


Reconnect with what you loved about your job
Most people are more satisfied if they have a job that they see as meaningful and give

them the chance to use a lot of their skills that they value.
7. Conclusion
An organization is consisting of many individuals who bear different perceptions, values, attitudes, ethics, beliefs, different types of behaviours, emotions and workplace stress managements. These different perceptions, values, attitudes, ethics and beliefs always influence the individual behaviour and therefore have direct bearing on the organization goals. The larger the organization, the more difficult it is to contain these differences. In organizations, the decisionmaking mechanism is a loosely coupled, partially decentralized structure in which different sets of constraints may affect on decisions at different organizational locations. The impact of individual perception, attitudes, differences and values are much more felt when such individuals are on top positions of hierarchical organization structures. The Navy is such a large organization with hierarchical structure and therefore should have mechanism to check and balance the effect of individual behaviour, emotion and workplace stress management. It is concluded that individual behaviour, emotion and workplace stress in an organization should be addressed at the initial stage to achieve a common goal in a successful manner.



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Reseach Paper

...European energy markets. - Ongoing research in General Management, Organizational Behavior, Technology and Operations Management, and Entrepreneurial Management. - ERC case interviews and field research in Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland, Selected events: Glocoll Program on campus; MBA events in Munich, Frankfurt, Paris and London; the European Area Conference; CSR Conference in Brussels; EAB meeting in Milan; L'Etudiant Conference in Paris; ELC Meeting in Geneva. It is with mixed feelings that we say farewell to our Research Associate, Mr. Karol Misztal. Karol first joined the ERC in 2010, and quickly became a valuable member of our team. We are thankful for his contributions to our organization and, undeniably, he will be deeply missed. Please join us in wishing Karol the very best of luck and success in all his future endeavors. We were also very fortunate to welcome two outstanding Harvard College students to the ERC team for a two-month internship: Ms. Nina Chen and Mr. Roland Yang. We would like to thank them for their great work and we wish them all the best for their future careers! br> And to all of you, Happy Holidays and best wishes for 2014! Newly Released Cases Case study "FX Risk Hedging at EADS" Co-authored with Professor Carl Kester, FIN, this case describes how, in 2008, EADS, the European aerospace group that owns Airbus, was faced with the decision of how best to hedge against the risks stemming from a large and...

Words: 1545 - Pages: 7

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...30 Introduction to Business Summer 2015 04-75-100-Section 30 Introduction to Business Summer 2015 Class meetings: | Tuesdays: 7:00 to 10:00 p.m. (OB B14) | Professor: | Prof. Nicole Anderson | Office: | Room 118 OB | Office hours: | Tuesdays, 5:30PM – 7:00PM | E-mail: | | Secretary:Office: | Ms. May NhanRoom 405 OB | E-mail: | | Teaching Assistants: | To Be Assigned | | | This course will familiarize students with business including marketing, operations, finance, accounting international business and human resource management. By the end of the course students should develop a general understanding of business including but not limited to its various applications and forms, key challenges to ethical decision-making, key success factors for a career in business, and the impact on, and the impact of, business on political, legal, social, cultural and economic environments. Methodology This class follows a lecture-discussion format. Students are expected to be prepared to discuss readings assigned for each class. With only limited time to meet during the semester, is it essential that students be prepared to engage, participate and contribute in each session. Lectures and readings will be supplemented by discussion, videos, and case studies, which apply concepts to real-world situations. Textbook, Other Materials and Course Web Site * Bissonette, G. 2012. Business: Strategy, Development...

Words: 4348 - Pages: 18

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Tony Stark Case Study

...CASE 1 An Overview of Organizational Behavior Difficult Transitions Tony Stark had just finished his first week at Reece Enterprises and decided to drive upstate to a small lakefront lodge for some fishing and relaxation. Tony had worked for the previous ten years for the O’Grady Company, but O’Grady had been through some hard times of late and had recently shut down several of its operating groups, including Tony’s, to cut costs. Fortunately, Tony’s experience and recommendations had made finding another position fairly easy. As he drove the interstate, he reflected on the past ten years and the apparent situation at Reece. At O’Grady, things had been great. Tony had been part of the team from day one. The job had met his personal goals and expectations perfectly, and Tony believed he had grown greatly as a person. His work was appreciated and recognized; he had received three promotions and many more pay increases. Tony had also liked the company itself. The firm was decentralized, allowing its managers considerable autonomy and freedom. The corporate Culture was easygoing. Communication was open. It seemed that everyone knew what was going on at all times, and if you didn’t know about something, it was easy to find out. The people had been another plus. Tony and three other managers went to lunch often and played golf every Saturday. They got along well both personally and professionally and truly worked together as a team. Their boss had been very supportive...

Words: 1713 - Pages: 7

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The Business Model Describes How an Organization Creates, Delivers, and Capture Value Economic, Social, or Other Forms of Value. the Business Model Is Part of the Business Strategy.

...Inter American University of Puerto Rico Metropolitan Campus Economic and Administrative Sciences Division School of Business Administration Graduate Program Project Management Helps IT Group Grow More User-Friendly Study Case # 1 By: Karla M. Ramos Y00047695 BADM 5100 Profa. Olga Maldonado Our case study introduces an emergent problem faced by Capital Region Health Care (CRCH) in regards to its Information Technology Services (ITS) group. The article presents the current work mechanism used by the ITS unit on their beeper system, thus unveiling the lack of organization within the unit. The problem seemed to arise from the fact that the ITS group was fundamentally a technology-driven shop, the lack of communication between the group and its users and the absence of knowledge about the human. After many incidents had taken place the CIO, Deane Morrison, took noticed and decided it was time to change the culture of the ITS group and branch into a more customer service oriented system. In order for us to tackle this organization scarcity of customer service, we must understand what is organizational behavior. Robbins and Judge (2011, p.43) describe it as a field of study that investigates the impact that individuals, groups, and structures have on behavior within organizations, for the purpose of applying such knowledge toward improving and organization’s effectiveness. Another important concept we must understand is that of organizational culture, Robbins and...

Words: 1161 - Pages: 5

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Organisation Behaviour

...An Analysis of Case Studies Prepared by Rafiqul Alam Khan Rakibul Haque Department of Finance Page 1 Dhaka, June 05, 2014 Acknowledgement All the praise and appreciation to Allah, the most merciful and beneficent who has enabled us to submit this humble work. We would like to express our special thanks and honour to our course teacher, Sonia Munmun, who guide us in every minute whenever we sought, and who showed us the right track to conduct the study. Finally, we would be happy if the findings of this study could make any contribution in the field of business efficiency. Department of Finance Page 2 Table of Content 7 Abstract Chapter 01: Context and Rationale Preludes: the General Scenario Rationale of the Study Objectives Methodology: Primary & Secondary Sources Limitation Chapter 02: Framework of Case Study Chapter: Foundations of Group Behavior Case Incident 1 Case Incident 2 Chapter: Understanding Work Teams Case Incident 1 Case Incident 2 Chapter 03: Conclusion & Recommendations Conclusion Findings References Department of Finance 8 8 9 9-10 10 11-14 15-17 17-19 20-21 22-24 25-28 29 30 30 Page 3 Abstract Organizational Behavior (OB) is the study and application of knowledge about how people, individuals, and groups act in organizations. It does this by taking a system approach. That is, it interprets people-organization relationships in terms of the whole person, whole group, whole organization...

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