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Stylistiiс Devices Lte Last Laugh


Submitted By astra1992
Words 806
Pages 4
Lexical Stylistic Devices
1)Like a faun-подобный фавну
2)Slipped away like fishes among rocks- ускользнули словно рыбы среди скал
3)Nymph-like-словно нимфа
4)Never quite like a woman-но никогда не походившая на женщину
5)Like a hound-подобно гончей
6)Like an animal laughing-подобно реву животного
7)Like a weird paw of some animal-будто бы жуткая лапа неизвестного зверя
8)Like a wireless operator-как связистка
Is a rustic forest god or goddess (genii) of Roman mythology often associated with enchanted woods and the Greek god Pan.
The faun is a half human - half goat (from the head to the waist being the human half, but with the addition of goat horns) manifestation of forest and animal spirits which would help or hinder humans at whim.
2)Satyr-is one of a troop of male companions of Pan and Dionysus. He has goat-like features.
Fauns and satyrs were originally quite different creatures: whereas fauns are half-man and half-goat, satyrs originally were depicted as stocky, hairy, ugly dwarfs or woodwoses with the ears and tails of horses or asses. Satyrs also were more woman-loving than fauns, and fauns were rather foolish where satyrs had more knowledge.
3)Nymph –нимфа
In Greek mythology is a minor female nature deity typically associated with a particular location or landform. There are 5 different types of nymphs, Celestial Nymphs, Sea Nymphs, Land Nymphs, Wood Nymphs and Underworld Nymphs.
4)Book of Job-Книга Иовы
Сommonly referred to simply as Job, is one of the books of the Hebrew Bible. It relates the story of Job, his trials at the hands of Satan, his discussions with friends on the origins and nature of his suffering, his challenge to God, and finally a response from God.
5)Hampstead- Хэмпстед Commonly known as Hampstead Village, is an affluent area of London, England
1)She stood still and lifted her woolly, gloved finger .
Она надела шерстяные перчатки на руку.
2)Suddenly he lifted his face and gave the weirdest,slightly,neighing laughter….
Он приподнял свою голову
3) She remained erect, her fur hat in her hand, her fine bobbed hair banded with the machine-band and catching crumbs of snow, her odd, bright-eyed, deaf nymph's face lifted with blank listening.
И она подняла свое великолепное подобное глухой нимфе лицо
4) She glanced straight into the puzzled eyes
Он всматривалась в его озадаченный взгляд

1)And she glanced round with flashing eyes at her policeman.
Сверкающие глаза
2)She glanced straight into the puzzled eyes.
Озадаченный взгляд
3)A most marvellous scent of almond blossom.
Удивительный аромат
4)A confused little sound of voices
Неясные звуки
5)His face had beautiful lines, like a faun, and a doubtful martyred expression.
Мученическое выражение лица, полное сомнений
6)Till the yellow canaries like faded daffodils.
Увядшие нарциссы
7)Came in with an inquiring and rather disapproving look.
Неодобрительный и пытливый взгляд
1)His rather hooked nose self-derisive, jamming his hat on again, he seemed like a satanic young priest.
Молодой *служитель сатаны
2) She was surprised herself at the strong, bright, throbbing sensation beneath her breasts, a sensation of triumph and rosy anger.
Светлая злость

Syntactical Stylistic Devices
1)A most marvellous scent of almond blossom.
Самый невероятный запах миндаля.
2)Extraordinary laughing.
Чрезвычайно-необычный смех
3)Young policeman.
Молодой полицейский
4)It most extraordinary.
Это очень странно
5) Anaphora
-Only you,” said Miss James.
-“Only you, sir!” echoed the policeman.
-Только вас- сказала Мисс Джеймс
-Только вас сэр- отозвался полицейский
1)Below was the yellow, foul-smelling glare of the Hampstead Tube Station.
Впереди была желтая и зловонная станция метро под названием Hampstead.
1)There came a bit of gay music.
И тут раздались звуки веселой музыки.
2)There he comes, just now,” she said abruptly
Он пришел только что- сказала она резко.
3)In the doorway he stood staring at her with a vacant, sardonic look
Стоя на пороге он не отводил от нее своего пустого взгляда.
1)The laughing. Somebody laughing. It’s most extraordinary.”
Смех .Кто то смеется. Это так странно.
2)Never lovers. Never that at all. But friends.
Они были друзьями, но никогда влюбленными друг в друга.
3)And she so ridiculously determined to save him from himself. Это Было так нелепо с ее стороны ,спасать его от самого себя. 4)My policeman. Мой полицейский
5)Is love really so absurd and infra dig ?
Неужели любовь так абсурдна и унизительна?

In dialogs
1)Absurd!Absurd!Absurd!(Inner monologue)
2)Hear What?(Слышишь?)
3)Very much!(Очень)
4)Who what?(Кто?)
One-member nominative sentences
1)A man(Мужчина)
3)I,No ( Я,нет)
4)A radio ?(Радио?)
5) Drunk?(Пьяный?)

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