...prisons? Have you ever wondered about the aspects of jail and prison culture and subculture? Why do jails play an important role in the criminal justice system? What is the role of community-based corrections programs associated with jails and prisons? Did you know that violent behavior occurs in jails and prisons? Do you know what the role of probation and parole are? Well, this paper will answer all of those questions for you. By the end of this paper, you will understand a lot better about jail and prisons. Types of Prisons Prisons are grouped into two categories, which are state and federal (Schamelleger, 2011, p. 466). According to Schamelleger (2011), there are six types of prisons (p.468) One type of prison is high-security prison for long-term, high-risk offenders (Schamelleger, 2011, p. 468). There is one or more medium-security institution for offenders who are not high risks. There is even one institution for adult women (Schamelleger, 2011, p. 468). There are one or two institutions for young adults (generally under age 25) (Schamelleger, 2011, p. 468). According to Schamelleger (2011) there is also, one or two, specialized mental hospital-type security prisons for mentally ill prisoners (p.468). The last type of prison, is one or more, open-type institutions for low-risk, nonviolent inmates (Schamelleger, 2011, p. 468) Major Differences between Jails and Prisons The "Law Enforcement - Forensic Science - History of Crime - Crime Museum" (2015) the main differences...
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...Jail and Prison Within today’s corrections system, there are prisons of three security levels; minimum-, medium- and maximum-custody. Inmates may move between these custodies depending on their progress in self-control and responsibility, and movement is possibly in both direction, toward leniency and restrictiveness (Schmalleger, 2011, p. 471). The two facilities I chose are the Van Nuys Jail, the largest local jail in my neighborhood and San Quentin State Prison. Van Nuys is a pretty standard jail; it’s not used for any specific types of inmates, but mostly houses inmates that are awaiting their court date or transport to a county jail. San Quentin State Prison has multiple custodial levels within its wall comprised of a maximum security cell block, a medium security dorm setting and a minimum security firehouse. San Quentin State Prison is also the only facility in California to house a gas chamber and death row (California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitations, n.d.). The most notable difference between the jail and prison I have chosen lie in size, mission and scope. The Van Nuys Jail is the equivalent in security to a minimum-custody facility. Inmates are only held here until they are released on their own recognizance, post bail or are taken to court for their arraignment (Shouse California Law Group, n.d.). San Quentin, on the other hand, is a much larger facility that houses over 135,000 inmates for all lengths of sentences. The facility provides vocational and...
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...The main form of punishment for breaking the law in the United States is incarceration. The Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) reports that at the end of 2010, there were 2,266,800 adults incarcerated in the U.S. federal and state prisons, and county jails (Prisoner Statistics, 2012). When one adds the reported 493,100 corrections staff working inside the prison or jail, the total number of people interacting on a daily basis in this closed society creates conditions where corruption at some level is likely to occur (Bureau, 2012). Research suggests corruption of correction officers, also known as detention officers, or guards is a serious issue that should be continually addressed by facility management because it occurs for many reasons and takes on many forms that can pervert the justice system. This paper will explain some main forms of corruption, give outrageous examples of documented corruption, and spell out why, given the ethics expected of the profession, corruption must be continually addressed and prevented. The first step for criminals is finding the officer with a mindset that can be corrupted. Low to median pay scales for these officers and an increase in offenders affiliated with the gang element of society has increased the potential for corruption related manipulation of prison staff (Diaz, 2009). “Corrections and law enforcement work by its very nature involves the...potential for gradual deterioration of social-moral inhibitions and perceived sense of...
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...CJA 324 Complete Course Material Version 3 http://hwminute.com/downloads/cja-324-complete-course-material-version-3/ Please use a valid e-mail address while placing your order, the link to download products will be sent to this address. Check your Junk/Spam folder as well. After downloading, unzip the files. If you don't have WINZIP software, you can download it for free at www.winzip.com . If you don't receive any download link within a minute. Please contact us immediately. ( hwminute@gmail.com) Visit Website: http://hwminute.com/ Week One: Ethics and the Criminal Justice Practitioner Details Due Points Objectives 1.1 Explain the importance of ethics to the criminal justice practitioner.1.2 Distinguish between morality, ethics, duties, and values.1.3 Explain common theories related to ethics in criminal justice. 1.4 Analyze ethical decision-making processes. Reading Read the Week One Read Me First. Reading Read Ch. 1 of Justice, Crime, and Ethics. Reading Read Ch. 2 of Justice, Crime, and Ethics. Reading Read Ch. 3 of Justice, Crime, and Ethics. Reading Read this week’s Electronic Reserve Readings. Participation Participate in class discussion. 4 of 7 days 1 Discussion Questions Respond to weekly discussion questions. DQ1 due day 3DQ 2 due day 5 3 Learning Team InstructionsLearning Team Charter Select Learning Team members who work together throughout the course.Create the Learning Team Charter. Day 7 Learning Team InstructionsWeekly...
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...10 Prison Subculture and Prison Gang Influence LEARNING OBJECTIVES: 1. Discuss the prison subculture for inmates and correctional officers. 2. Compare importation theory with exportation theory. 3. Identify different aspects of prison culture that explain how offenders and officers view the world around them. 4. Discuss how professionalization and the diversification of correctional staff have impacted the prison subculture. 5. Discuss the impact that prison gangs have had on prisons, including the traditional prison subculture. 6. Identify the 13 gangs listed in this chapter as the primary prison gangs in the United States. 7. Explain what prison systems do to control gang problems that occur in their facilities. chapter I will stand by my brother My brother will come before all others My life is forfeit should I fail my brother I will honor my brother in peace as in war Aryan Brotherhood Oath INTRODUCTION This chapter provides students with a very unique aspect of the world of corrections. Students will learn that within the institutional environment, there is a commonality of experiences that arise between those who are involved; this is true for both inmates and staff. Indeed, many people may not be aware that, in fact, the mind and the world of the inmate often affect the mind-set of security personnel who work with the inmate. In essence, there is an exchange of beliefs and perspectives that often come together to produce a unique fusion...
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...Crime and law enforcement is in a unique period that has been going on for over 30 years. During the 1960s crimes presented to police skyrocketed and more criminals being apprehended. Lawmakers started enacting strict laws that expanded punishments for criminals, the amount of legal cases prosecuted by the court of law soared, the amount of individuals in jails, prisons, and undergoing probation or prison release observation escalated dramatically, and spending by branches of government surrounding criminal justice organizations increased. It was also during this time that the Federal Governments position in the Nations attempts to combat crime was additionally restructured. Agency policies There were more than 14,000 law enforcement agencies in the United States in 2008, employing more than 700,000 officers. Intrinsically, policies are different between law enforcement agencies; and are centered on the agencies history and problems they have encountered. Law Enforcement policies, budget and technology evolves as society around it evolves. In 1987, the Association of Chief of Police joined alliance with the U.S. Justice Department to establish a nationwide policy. The Chiefs of Police commission was founded to aid agencies throughout the country enforce the same set of laws. According to Matz, and Kim, (2013), the result of the partnerships between agencies resulted in created an alert system called “America’s Missing Broadcast Emergency Response (AMBER)” and Homeland...
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...What would life be without morals, rights and judicial laws? If the world was without order and no one supported the structure of containing crime with correctional and facilities, the world may be in pandemonium; full of gangs, violence killing, rape, suicide and a world if corrupt figures. Jail and prison facilities play a significant role in providing structure and governmental law enforcement. Jail and Prison Jail and prison are the same in many ways. According to (CJ interactive), each is a form of supervised detention, they both meet the minimal daily needs of detainees, and they both segregate inmates to some degree from staff, the community, and one another. As far as behavioral issues, both experience a variety of violent behavior; such as, riots which included mutilation, torture, beatings, and sexual assault. Though they have noticeable similarities, they are very much different and are commonly confused. Jail is a locally-operated, short term facility where as prison is a state or federally operated, long term facility. Jails are mainly used for detaining inmates awaiting trial or sentencing. They can also house inmates who have been sentenced for less than a year. This will vary depending on the state. Prisons are long term facilities used after sentencing, where felons and inmates are housed for more than a year. These sentencing guidelines may vary by state. In six states there is an integrated corrections system of jails and prisons. According to Schamelleger...
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...Date: Abstract: Through out this paper I will be discussing the types of prisons, as well as the differences between Jail and Prisons. I will also discussing Aspects about jail and prison culture and subculture. Next I will be talking about the role jails have a part in our criminal justice system. Then I will be discussing about how violent behavior among all those involved in the prison system from inmates to the staff and role of probation and parole. Types of prisons There are four types of prisons federal, state, municipal, and military. Federal prison is operated and managed by the government who normally house inmates who have been convicted of a crime in violation of a federal statue. State prisons are facilities operated by a state and used to house and rehabilitate criminals. State prisons have a minimum and maximum security prisons which are divided based on the severity of the crime. Municipal prison is a high security prison. Military prison is operated by the military and is used to house prisoners of war, enemy combatants, those whose freedom is deemed a national security risk by the military or national authority and member of the military found guilty of a serious crime. (Department of Corrections WA State", 2012) Differences between jail and prisons: Although many people consider jail and prison the same thing but there are many differences the public should be aware of. For example, Ellisville county jail typically...
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...Prisons are currently being run by private owners so Team C has taken on the task of consulting with a private facility that houses those offenders who have been sentenced to active time in the Department of Corrections. Private prisons are no longer ran by the state so the prison can offer programs and training that can help with the rehabilitation of offenders. Team C believes that rehabilitating offenders will cause them to better transition back into society after their sentence is served. Team C will discuss policies and procedures of the prison, budgets, projected revenue sources, communication and technology. Team C will also discuss the cultural aspects of the prison as a whole and an integration plan that will include interactions...
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...NORTHCENTRAL UNIVERSITY ASSIGNMENT COVER SHEET Learner: LaChara S. Hill THIS FORM MUST BE COMPLETELY FILLED IN Please Follow These Procedures: If requested by your mentor, use an assignment cover sheet as the first page of the word processor file. The assignment header should include the Learner’s last name, first initial, course code, dash, and assignment number (DoeJXXX0000-1) justified to the left and the page number justified to the right. Keep a Photocopy or Electronic Copy of Your Assignments: You may need to re-submit assignments if your mentor has indicated that you may or must do so. Academic Integrity: All work submitted in each course must be the Learner’s own. This includes all assignments, exams, term papers, and other projects required by the faculty mentor. The known submission of another person’s work represented as that of the Learner’s without properly citing the source of the work will be considered plagiarism and will result in an unsatisfactory grade for the work submitted or for the entire course, and may result in academic dismissal. | | | |CJ7011-8 |Gabriele Suboch | | | ...
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... 1. Criminal Justice Integration Paper Criminal Justice Integration 2. Introduction Learning Team A has agreed on a number of things to be discussed in our paper. Organizational structure of the criminal justice system, agency policies: inclusive of statutory authorities, budgets: projected revenue sources and expenditures, communication, technology, and cultural or sub-cultural aspects of organization. The development of improved interactions between security agencies, courts, law enforcement personnel as well as community and institutional corrections over the next 15 years need fragile focus and planning. Agency policies of each of the above organizations must cast back the certain needs of the population change. The funds of these organizations play a easily pained role in the enlarged portion of what can and cannot be given to communities. Open and close up transmission of severe information between criminal justice material could bring about problems if they are not trustworthy. They must rely on one another for support. Criminal Justice Integration 3. Organizational Structure Of The Criminal Justice System The phase...
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...Criminal Justice System CJA/204 Crime is an omission or act which violates laws that results to punishment of an individual. The specific omissions or acts that constitute a crime are determined by the governmental bodies from the area you live. At any given time you will most likely be subject to three sets of laws. Defined is the first set federal statute. Outlined by the state government where you live is the second set. The third set is laws enacted by local government. If conflict ever arises in local rule or state in federal law generally federal law will control. The crime or offense level will usually be set from how sever the crime. Paying a fine to being incarceration can be the range of punishment. Law means a set of rules, regulations and principles by following which the society runs. Before you can be punished for the conduct most crimes require that you complete an affirmative act. Relationship between crime and law is without the strict enforcement of the law crime cannot be prevented. The two most common models on how society determines what acts are criminal are Due Process Model and Crime Control Model. Due Process highlights rights of a group of people and an individual’s right. Courts, quality, formality and individualization are the important issues that ensure the respect of due process. Crime Control is the efficient maintenance for safety of a community. Police, quantity, informality, and standardization are considered important...
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...safe all offenders must be sentenced and sent to prison, jail, or some rehabilitation program where the offender can better him or herself. However, it must depend on what kind of crime the offender committed. If the offender was selling drugs, he or she is sentenced to a federal prison, but if he or she where to be receiving threats because he or she witnessed a drug deal while dealing he or she is sent to jail for protection. Jail and prison have always had bad reputations of violence occurring inside the facility. Therefore, those who are let out early on good behavior are ecstatic to be out of such chaotic environment. Upon being released the individual will be placed on either probation or parole. Both probation and parole have law enforcement professionals who will supervise the newly reintegrated individual while he or she is trying to get his or life back on track. Parole and probation officers often encourage the individual to enroll into school or start a new career. There are three security levels of prisons and there are two types of prisons. The two types of prisons are Federal and State prisons. Federal prisons hold individuals who commit federal crimes such as smuggling drugs. State prisons hold individuals that are convicted of crimes of the State. The three levels of security of prisons are minimum, medium, and maximum security prisons. Minimum security prisons contain individuals who committed nonviolent crime such as tax fraud or forgery. Medium security prison...
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...Robert P. Munoz Jr Scrapbook Project CJAD 345 Columbia College 19 December 2014 Table of Contents 1. Police Role – (Chapter 5 – The Police Role in Society) Article: Richard Goerling, “The Role of Mindfulness Training in Policing a Democratic Society,” Officer Safety Corner, The Police Chief 81 (April 2014): 10–11 Web Sites: Community Policing: A Model for Today's Society. (2004, May 4). Retrieved December 10, 2014, from http://www.policeone.com/community-policing/articles/86020-Community-Policing-A-Model-for-Todays-Society/ Role of police in society. (n.d.). Retrieved December 10, 2014, from http://www.activistrights.org.au/handbook/ch01s06.php BENZIGER, J. (2010, November 1). The Role of Police in Democracy. Retrieved December 10, 2014, from http://www.dynamicyouth.org/index.php?option=com_content&id=1583:the-role-of-police-in-democracy&Itemid=85 2. Corruption – (Chapter 7 – Police Corruption and Responses) Article: Griffith, D. (2003, October 1). Corruption: Cracking Down on Bad Cops. Retrieved December 10, 2014, from http://www.policemag.com/channel/patrol/articles/2003/10/corruption-cracking-down-on-bad-cops.aspx Web Sites: Statistics. (n.d.). Retrieved December 10, 2014, from http://www.policemisconduct.net/statistics/ Police Corruption and Misconduct. (n.d.). Retrieved December 10, 2014, from http://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/PoliceCorruptionandMisconduct White, S. (1999, July 4). Controlling Police Corruption. Retrieved...
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...4 The Police Culture CHAPTER LEARNING OBJECTIVES O • Describe the various ways in which the police subculture conflicts with the official norms and values of policing. • Compare and contrast the various forms of an organization’s culture. • Identify and elaborate on variables that influence police officers’ acceptance of the subculture. • Describe the positive aspects of the police subculture. • Identify the sources of police stress. • Highlight the various strategies that both organizations and individual officers can implement to mitigate the negative effects of job-related stress. • Describe the ways that the police subculture and stress are related. • Identify and provide examples of the ways in which community policing can both increase and decrease stress levels among police officers. • Describe the characteristics associated with the phenomenon of police burnout. I n Chapter 4, we focus on organizational and administrative aspects of policing, on the formal structure and the impact of police leaders. While these formal considerations are crucial to an understanding of the police role, there are two other contributing factors that must be considered in our attempt to understand policing as an occupation: the police subculture and the pressures and stresses of police work. Police administrators and the law specify the broad parameters within which officers operate, 97 98 O INTRODUCTION TO POLICING O PHOTO 4.1 This patrol officer is attempting to explain to members...
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