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Subject and Verbs


Submitted By csexton
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Introduction to University Studies

I am a visual learner, and I have found that having charts and graphs in my work area helps me understand what I am working on. I will continue to take grammar and writing workshops so that I can improve my writing skills. I know that I have support resources such as: center for writing excellence, facilitators, my academic advisor, my classmates, and the University of Phoenix library. I will use these resources before I turn in a worksheet or paper that I am unsure of. I have learned that not asking for help makes matters worse. Great summary of resources and how you will use them! I will keep myself motivated by not forgetting why I am wanting my degreegoing to school to earn a degree. I have a constant reminder. I am doing this so that I can help women and children during tough times in their lives. That’s a strong motivator! I have been pastoring since March 2012. The part that I like the most about pastoring is helping families during crisis. I decided that I wanted to make this my career. I will put 150% of my effort into my school work. My kids see that I am working so hard, this makes them want to do well in their studies as well. I will absorb as much information as I possibly can. I do have a goal to achieve an 85% or higher in every class, but more importantly I will continue good study habits to ensure that I absorb the information given to me. I have recently completed a basic grammar workshop. It was great information. I will continue to complete any workshops that will help me with the parts that I am not confident in.
I will achieve all university goals, I have a copy of them right next to my personal goals. These goals will become part of my instincts. I practice them daily and I will carry them over into my professional career. I have no doubt about this.
I am not concerned that I will make any choices that are not ethical. I have a respect for myself, my school, and God. Cheating or making unethical choices will let my kids, God, my facilitators, and myself down. I want to get as much knowledge out of school as possible. You do not learn anything from cheating. Good!
I will continue to set up my week on Sunday evenings with daily checklists that are not so demanding that it is unrealistic that I will complete them. I will do a little bit every day so that I do not get overwhelmed. I plan on continuing to complete assignments a day or two early so that I do not get stressed out because I waited until the day that it is due. This will give me time to ask for help if it is necessary. You have really good strategies for success in terms of time management. I will check my goal worksheet weekly and adjust the action plans when it is needed. I created a goal worksheet that covered the 9 weeks that my first two classes lasted. I will continue to do this, I feel that this helps me see what making some changes to the action plans does. My short-term SMART goal I set for myself is: Complete Introduction to University Studies with an 85% or higher by the end of the nine weeks (2/23/2014).
I will improve my writing skills by practicing writing correctly. All of my personal correspondence will be written like I am writing it for my classes. I plan on completing more workshops to help me improve my writing skills. I just completed basic grammar workshop. I have two more coming up next month. I will also use the center for writing excellence more. It has so many tools, it is foolish not to use them.

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Water Resources Engineer

...sentence is a group of words that are put together to mean something. A sentence is the basic unit of language which expresses a complete thought. It does this by following the grammatical rules of syntax. A complete sentence has at least a subject and a main verb to state a complete thought. The first word of a written sentence has a capital letter, and at the end of the sentence there is a full stop or full point. The sentence consists of: subject + verb + object or (preposition + noun) 2.1 Sentence Structure * The basic unit of grammar is the clause. All clauses have at least two parts: a noun phrase (subject) and a verb phrase. clause = subject + verb We can join two or more clauses together to make a sentence. Example: (subject) (verb) (verb) (subject) Although the method improved accuracy, it caused a significant increase in computation time. * There are two types of clause: main clause (independent clause) and subordinate clause (dependent clause): (1) Main clause (Independent clause) A main clause contains a subject and a verb that has a tense that expresses a complete thought. It can make sense as a sentence by itself as the underlined clause shows below. A main clause is formed with subject + verb. Example: Although the method improved accuracy, it caused a significant increase in computation time. (2)...

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