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Substance Abuse and Its Effects on Society


Submitted By mstaymoo
Words 1348
Pages 6
Substance Abuse and Effects on Society
Tracy Moore
SOC203: Social Problems
Brianne Larsen
November 24, 2014

Social Problem
Substance abuse leads to an inability for the user to be responsible. The behaviors can lead to dangerous situations, legal problems, and social or interpersonal problems. After time substance abuse can have a physiological symptoms including tolerance that leads to addiction. The cost of this personal decision causes the government millions in the criminal system, destroys families and children involved, and causes more deaths a year than car accidents.
Qualifying Social Problem
Goldstein talks about the tripartite model to describe the characteristics, behaviors, and events associated with social institutions and/or influences. The model represents the psychopharmacologic, economic compulsive, and systemic dimensions that link substance abuse to crime. There is the psychological and biological effects that cause anger, violence, and lack of self-control. There are crimes committed to obtain money to buy drugs. Followed with the violent crimes related to trafficking and distribution of drugs usually involving violence, guns, and death (2012). Core values are also violated because of the behavior of addicts. There is a lack of; self-control, responsibility, consideration for others, proper parenting that would ensure the safety of their children and family. Those who abuse substances also disrupt institutions associated with the health care system, criminal justice system, child protective and human services. Remedies for this social issue include drug treatment court. There are also laws that set age restrictions, while prohibiting other substances completely. There are also programs aimed at the younger generations. The DARE program and the “Just Say No” program are affiliated with junior high and high school children.

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