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Suicide Scale


Submitted By Picasso92
Words 636
Pages 3
The Suicide Scale
PSYC 341 SEC402 Fall 2014
12 11 2014
Richelle O. Bowman

Hopelessness is a very difficult feeling to deal with; it is an emotional process, linked through feelings of fear and anticipation. An individual may feel hopeless when he/she is submerged in a lack of control, from a situation they feel is out of their hands. They may begin to feel depressed if they feel they can do nothing to stop the negative situation at hand. Furthermore, feeling hopeless equates to the feeling of the weight of the world on your chest and no matter how hard you attempt to push it off, it just won’t budge. You may feel as though it is your fault that you are feeling this world weight and no matter what you do, it will continue to be your fault. The significance of hopelessness among teens and young adults is overlooked in today’s society and I propose a scale to measure any negative attitudes an individual may possess about the future.
The psychological construct of this scale will explore the conceptual basis of who would commit suicide between outpatients and hospitalized patients, who have recently attempted suicide in the past 3 months. For example, a norm-referenced sample would consist of 200 psychiatric patients who have made recent attempts of suicide. 100 men and 100 women, all Caucasian, single, living at home with parents/guardians/family, and ranging in the age of 18-24yrs old. In another normative sample, there are 200 psychiatric outpatients who have not attempted suicide in the past 3 months, but have self-harmed in the past 6 weeks. In this normative sample, there are 100 men and 100 women, all Caucasian, 50 single and 50 in a relationship, living at home with parents/guardians/family, and ranging in the age of 18-22yrs old.
In order to establish preliminary items for this scale, the total number of outpatients and hospitalized patients in the

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