...10/12/2014 Pearson Branching Shell by All Things Media, LLC. Communicating in a World of Diversity Feedback RESULTS REPORT Date: 12 October 2014 SIMULATION TITLE: Communicating in a World of Diversity SIMULATION DESCRIPTION: You have been an associate manager for GreenStar Banking for almost five years. Your boss often calls on you to help with any in-house situations in the teller department. Recently, the bank has hired a 22-year-old college student, Lexie Ratcliff, as its newest teller. Lexie is majoring in accounting and is excited to have the opportunity to work for a bank. In school, she is specializing in e-commerce and is eager to apply the principles learned in her classes. As part of GreenStar's mentoring program, Lexie is paired with one of the senior bankers, Stephanie Owens, who has been with the company for almost 15 years and is 60-years old. They are having some difficulties working together on a customer appreciation event. Your boss has asked you to help the two communicate more effectively while working on this project. You earned 85 percent. Background GreenStar Global is a multinational corporation that began as an oil and energy company and now includes a variety of firms focusing on everything from pharmaceuticals to books to banking. GreenStar Banking prefers to hire a diverse group of people for its customer service and teller positions; subsequently, the staff reflects the same diversity as its customers. Background You have been an associate manager...
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...that causes us to procrastinate. ACTIVITIES TO PRACTICE PARAPHRASING Activity 1 (pp. 11-12) 1. Paraphrase 1: Not OK; Possible explanation: too close to original wording and sentence structure Paraphrase 2: OK 2. Paraphrase 1: Not OK; Possible explanation: meaning is changed (wording “rich individual countries” is unclear); Paraphrase 2: OK 3. Paraphrase 1: OK; Paraphrase 2: Not OK; Possible explanation: meaning is changed (“terrorize” has a different meaning than “threaten,” and “enslave” has a different meaning than “subject”) Activity 2 (p. 12) Answers will vary. Activity 3 (p. 13) Answers will vary. Activity 4 (p. 13) Answers will vary. Activity 5 (p. 13) Answers will vary. Now You Try (p. 15) 1. In her article “Closing the Gap,” Mary Piper 2. /“My life is richer, too, because of the time that I’ve spent with my elders. Over the past three years I’ve...
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...AP Biology Reading Guide Fred and Theresa Holtzclaw Chapter 48: Neurons, Synapses, and Signaling Name _______________________ Period ___________ Chapter 48: Neurons, Synapses, and Signaling Concept 48.1 Neuron organization and structure reflect function in information transfer 1. What is a neuron? 2. Neurons can be placed into three groups, based on their location and function. Type of Neuron Function Transmit information from a sense receptor to the brain or spinal cord sensory neurons Integrate information within brain or spinal cord; connect sensory and motor neurons; located entirely within the CNS interneurons Transmit information from the brain or spinal cord to a muscle or gland; Cause muscle contraction or gland secretion motor neurons 3. Neurons are the nerve cells that transfer information within the body. Which division of the nervous system includes the brain and spinal cord? The central nervous system 4. This sketch shows two neurons. Label the following elements of this figure: cell body, dendrites, axon, synapse, presynaptic cell, postsynaptic cell, synaptic vesicles, synaptic terminal, and neurotransmitter. axin synapse presynapse cell dendrites vesticles synapse postsynapse 5. What is shown in the box above? What do the red spheres represent? Chemical signal Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. -1- AP Biology Reading Guide Fred and Theresa Holtzclaw 6. Chapter...
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...The first difference was the different seating arrangements. The first client I was on we worked in cubical and at the second client we worked in a boardroom. I enjoyed the boardroom setup more because it was more of a team setting and it was easier to communicate amongst the team. Second, there was a difference in the size of the client. The first client was larger than the second. The size did not make too much of a difference to me, but it was interesting to see how large the gap was between material misstatements within both company’s books. Finally, the first client was a public company while the second client was a private company. Again, I did not prefer one over the other, but there was a different mentality between the two teams knowing that one client’s financial statements are being seen by millions of potential investors, while the other client’s financial statements were for internal use only. Getting to experience both types of audits provided me with valuable insight as to the type of work I will be interested in in the...
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...[TITLE]* [Name of Student]* A thesis submitted to the Department of [Project dept]* National University of Singapore in partial fulfilment for the Degree of Bachelor of Science with Honours in Life Sciences *Please replace with the relevant inputs. Please delete this instruction in red. Cohort AY2012/2013 S1 GUIDELINES ON THESIS WRITING ( LSM4199 (Version V) Order of presentation The order of contents should be as below: Title Page Acknowledgements Table of Contents Abstract Introduction (including Literature Review) Materials & Methods Observations and/or Results Discussion (Results and Discussion can also be combined as one section) [A short section on General Conclusion(s) can also be included] References Appendices (if there is any) Pagination All sections before the Introduction (except the Title Page) should be numbered in Roman numerals (i, ii, iii, iv, etc.) at the bottom centre of the page. All other pages should be numbered with Arabic numbers (1, 2, 3, 4, etc.) Appendices will not be paginated. Length of Thesis The maximum length of the thesis text is 15,000 words. A length of 100 pages from the Introduction to References is recommended. Please do not ‘pad’ your thesis and reach this suggestion. This is detrimental! Typing The entire thesis must be typed on white A4 paper...
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...Structural Risk Management (Asset/Liability Management) (ALM) Section Topic Page 7000 Executive Summary…………………………………………… 7-2 7100 Legislative Summary………………………………………….. 7-3 7200 Policy……………………………………………………………. 7-5 7201 Asset/Liability Management Philosophy…………………….. 7-6 7202 Balance Sheet Mix…………………………………………….. 7-7 7203 Managing Liabilities…………………………………………… 7-9 7204 Managing Assets………………………………………………. 7-13 7205 Pricing…………………………………………………………… 7-14 7206 Terms……………………………………………………………. 7-15 7207 Interest Rate Risk……………………………………………… 7-16 7208 Matching Maturities……………………………………………. 7-17 7209 Foreign Currency Risk………………………………………… 7-18 7210 Financial Derivatives…………………………………………... 7-19 7300 Planning………………………………………………………… 7-21 7400 Risk Measurement and Board Reporting…………………… 7-22 7401 Mix and Yields…………………………………………………. 7-25 7402 Growth………………………………………………………….. 7-26 7403 Financial Margin……………………………………………….. 7-27 7404 Interest Rate Risk Measurement…………………………….. 7-28 7405 Monitoring Derivatives………………………………………… 7-35 7500 Risk Management……………………………………………… 7-36 7501 Reliance on Qualified and Competent Staff and Volunteers 7-37 7502 Managing Interest Rate Risk… ……………………………… 7-38 Executive Summary The goal of asset/liability management (ALM) is to properly manage the risk related to changes in interest rates, the mix of balance sheet assets and liabilities, the holding of foreign currencies, and the use of derivatives. These risks should be managed...
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...Inflation – Impacts On The Economic Growth Of Nigeria By DoubleGist | Published: June 5, 2013 Inflation – Impacts On The Economic Growth Of Nigeria Inflation – Impacts On The Economic Growth Of Nigeria A macroeconomics problem facing Nigeria, and the most disturbing, is the problem of inflation. As a result of its growing rate, Nigerian government is concerned about its impacts on her economic growth. To place an order for the Complete Project Material, pay N5,000 to GTBank (Guaranty Trust Bank) Account Name – Chudi-Oji Chukwuka Account No – 0044157183 Then text the name of the Project topic, email address and your names to 08060565721. Many authors have written on Impacts of inflation on Nigerian economy, but the authors have different views because inflation analysis, nevertheless, one thing common is that all the authors agree that inflation has Impact on Nigerian economic growth. Samuelson (1973), defines inflation as “a general rising prices for breeds, cars, haircut, rising wages, rent etc. Onwukwe (2003), on his side defines inflation as “a significant and sustained rise in the general price level or a declining value of the monetary units. The problem created by the rising prices of goods and services has become two difficult for government to solve. During inflationary period, fixed amounts of money buy less quantity of goods and services. The real value of money is drastically reduced i.e the purchasing power of consumers are reduced. The Impact of rapid...
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...competitive advantage doing something differently from the competition that leads to outperformance and success human resource management the organizational function responsible for attracting, hiring, developing, rewarding and retaining talent staffing the process of planning, acquiring, deploying and retaining employees that enables an organization to meet its talent needs and to execute its business strategy total rewards the sum of all of the rewards employees receive in exchange for their time, efforts and performance direct financial compensation compensation received in the form of salary, wages, commissions, stock options or bonuses indirect financial compensation all the tangible and financially valued rewards that are not included in direct compensation, including free meals, vacation time and health insurance nonfinancial compensation rewards and incentives given to employees that are not financial in nature including intrinsic rewards received from the job itself or from the work environment Strategic risk, Operational risk, Financial risk and Compliance risk Managing human resources strategically helps organizations manage four types of risk: business strategy defines how a firm will compete in its marketplace talent philosophy a system of beliefs about how an organization's employees should be treated human resource strategy links the entire human resource function with the firm's business strategy ...
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...Managerial Authority: Is It Abused or Justified? GM591 – Leadership & Organizational Behavior Managers are responsible for taking the necessary steps to provide a work environment that is free from harassment and discord and for effectively communicating individual expectations to all employees under their supervision. This reinforces the responsibility of management to foster a work environment in which employees can thrive and work together harmoniously. I was hired by Noble Investment LLC as a conflict negotiator to address the complaints that have been initiated by current and former employees in regards to unfair treatment of certain employees by a particular upper-level manager. The manager has allegedly written up and terminated employees with whom she perceives as a threat to her position because of their level of education. Before my arrival, every employee, including the complainants, were asked to complete a questionnaire regarding their with the organization’s structure and culture. They were asked to answer questions such as: their level of experience and education, their feelings about the work environment, improvements that should be made, their overall view of management including fairness and effectiveness, and what they would like to see come out of this negotiating process. I then anonymously compiled the results and shared them with the Director of Human Resources and the manager in question. The results indicated that there was some possible disparity...
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...CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background Due to increased globalization competition has virtually cross is extremes globally and Nepal is not an exception to it. The degree of world converging economy and unchallenged dominance of develop nation has proved to suppressing developing countries to a larger extent. India a developing nation has proved to withstand itself as an exception to this challenge all because of its efficient and effective human resource. The capability of human resource and its retention within determines the development of any economy and nation as a whole. Nepal Bank Limited being the first bank of Nepal, is a pioneer banking institution of Nepal. Nepal Bank Limited seeks to provide and Environment within which the bank can bring unique financial value and service to all customers. Being a sound institution where depositors have continue to have faith in the security of their fund and receive reasonable returns. Borrowers are assured of appropriate credit facilities at reasonable prices. Other service seekers receive prompt and attentive service at reasonable cost through its extensive branch networks around the country. Beside this NBL has been providing various modern banking products and services to its customers. For this to take place I enrolled with NBL kalimati branch as an intern for the period of two months. The help desk service includes the services of account opening, balance inquiry, publishing account statement, issuing cheque...
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...| 19-Apr-15 | | | | | | | | | | | | Course Project ReportEnterprise Resource Planning (Spring 2015) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 58821 Ayesha, 58205 Lt Col Saad | Course Project Report Enterprise Resource Planning (Spring 2015) TABLE OF CONTENTS | Ser | Content | Page | 1. | Acknowledgement & Introduction | 2 | 2. | Planning, Implementation, Cost | 3 | 3. | Oracle e-businesssuite R/12 | 4 | 4. | Core HRMS | 5 | 5. | Financials | 6 | 6. | EAM, Inventory Management, MRP | 7 | 7. | Orde Management, Manufacturing | 8 | 8. | Purchasing | 9 | 9. | Conclusion | 16 | 10. | Questionnaire | 17 | 11. | Hiearchical Representation of Business Processes | 18 | 12. | Endnotes | 19 | ENTERPRISE RESOURCE PLANNING SYSTEM ATLAS BATTERY LIMITED Acknowledgement: This project would not have been possible if not for our esteemed faculty Mr. Ahsan Ul Haq, his motivation has made this project possible. The Reason behind this project: This project was given to us inorder to understand how different companies use ERP’s in there everyday work and what kind of advantages does it provide to the company, we choose Atlas Battery LTD because most of their operations are done through the ERP’s they used the tier3i before but now they have shifted to ORACLE Business suite. This project provided us with the oportunity to actually understand the ERP system and the business processes that have...
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...on Aplestia ‘s case, which shows the rationale and business justification for this project. This is a process-based technique where the structure includes 5 phases as well as 8 high level processes. One of the merits of PRINCE 2, is that it can be applied to any size of set up or any type of project. One of the key shortcomings of PRINCE 2 is that it does not provide and cover for any support of the project of project procurement management and human resource management. PRINCE2 is arranged into eight processes as shown below: 1. Starting Up a Project (SU) 2. Planning (PL) 3. Initiating a Project (IP) 4. Directing a Project (DP) 5. Controlling a Stage (CS) 6. Managing Product Delivery (MP) 7. Managing Stage Boundaries (SB) 8. Closing a Project (CP) ITIL Integration In...
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...An Introduction to Project Management, Fifth Edition By Kathy Schwalbe Professor Emeritus, Augsburg College Department of Business Administration Minneapolis, Minnesota An Introduction to Project Management, Fifth Edition Cover Photo: Dan Schwalbe ©2015 Schwalbe Publishing ISBN-13: 978-1505212099 ISBN-10: 150521209X ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this work covered by the copyright hereon may be reproduced, transmitted, stored, or used in any form or by any means graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including but not limited to photocopying, recording, scanning, digitizing, taping, Web distribution, information networks, or information storage and retrieval systems, except as permitted under Section 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, without the prior written permission of the author. Materials from Kathy Schwalbe’s Information Technology Project Management, Sixth and Seventh Editions, are used with permission from Cengage Learning. Microsoft and the Office logo are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. All screenshots from Microsoft products are used with permission from Microsoft. Information and screenshots from MindView Business are used with permission from MatchWare. Information and screenshots from Basecamp are used with permission from Basecamp. Some of the product names and company names used in this book have been used for identification purposes...
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...CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION This Chapter presents the background of the study, statement of the problem, significance of the study and operational definition of terms. Background of the Study An Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System has an enormous effect on a business which includes information sharing, business planning and decision making on an enterprise-wide basis, Therefore it allows each department to share information and communicate which greatly benefit for a more productive and effective business flow. ERP is one of the newest Information Technology System which is implemented on all KFC Restaurants around the world which is used to analyze and integrates all of business processes. Enhancing the customer relationship is one of the main features coming under the core objectives of every ERP system, the newest web-based system enables quick generation of inventory, sales and revenue report which is very effective for every QSR Restaurants including KFC. There are various modules in ERP system including Finance, Human Resource Management, Manufacturing, Project Management etc. KFC is a major quick serving restaurant (QSR) with stores located in 109 countries and territories around the world and serves over 12 million customers every day generating nearly $10 billion a year, Founded by Col. Harland Sanders and based in Louisville, Kentucky USA, it is now the world’s most popular chicken restaurant fast food chain specialized in Original Recipe, Hot and Crispy Chicken...
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...Global Economy News: U.S. Tells Berlin To Spend More Url:http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424052702303393804579307722825726640?mod=WSJ_economy_LeftTopHighlights BERLIN—The U.S. Treasury renewed its criticism of the German economy's dependence on exports, just as new data showed that the country's trade surplus swelled in November. Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew, visiting Berlin, urged the German government to do more to boost lackluster domestic demand, which the U.S. and others argue is partly to blame for the anemic economic growth in the euro zone as a whole. Do Tax Cheats Solve the U.K.’s Productivity Puzzle? URL:http://blogs.wsj.com/economics/2013/10/22/do-tax-cheats-solve-the-u-k-s-productivity-puzzle/?KEYWORDS=productivity abstract: Economists in Britain have long been scratching their heads over the nation’s troubling “productivity puzzle.” Now Markit, the financial information provider that publishes the purchasing managers’ indexes used to gauge activity in the global economy, has tentatively suggested that former tax cheats might be muddying the waters. Britain has a bigger workforce than it did before it tipped into recession in 2008 yet is producing far fewer goods and services. This mismatch between output and jobs has led to a collapse in productivity, a measure of how effectively an economy uses its resources that’s an important driver of future growth prospects. Bank of Mexico’s Carstens: Inflation to Move Above 4% URL:http://blogs.wsj...
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