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Summary: CTE Interview

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CTE Interview
I interviewed two professionals at Lakeland Union High School. The first person I interviewed was Tammie Woodie who is a Business Education Educator and also is the School to Career Coordinator. I interviewed Tammie on July 10th. The second person I interviewed is Shaun Umland who is the Marketing Instructor and is also the DECA Coordinator. I interviewed Shaun on July 7th.
Youth Apprenticeship Program
Question: What are the Components of a YA Agreement?

Student must be a junior or senior in order to participate in the YA program. The students must be in two semesters of the related instruction that would apply to the work experience. The students are required to work 450 hours of paid employment beginning the 2nd semester …show more content…
We use a time sheet that they need to fill out and then get signed by their supervisor at their place of work.
Question: How do the students find jobs?
Have students and staff do local newspaper searches and identify employers who are seeking employees in each of the Youth Apprenticeship Career Areas.

Question: How do you get students involved in the YA Program?
I recruit students in my classes, Mr. Umlands Classes, FCS, and Tech Education to be a part of this program. Really anyone can join, but like it was said before, you need to be taking classes in those areas in order for it to count as YA.
Tammie shared this brochure with me that we use to promote the program as well as putting it in the school newsletter. This is a good way to promote the program. She said she also promotes the program at the beginning of the year when they have an activity fair.

Question: How did you advocate for your program to students?
1. Create a video highlighting past …show more content…
Members and advisors from your chapter may help at a local food bank or collect items for people in need.
How I can use this information to help my program…
These two individuals worked close to me this past year, but I never really knew all the work that they did to either start or continue their programs. I really liked how Tammie used the resources at school to promote the YA program. All students and parents receive the school newsletter and all students attend the activities fair in the beginning of the year. Also, I feel that she can get students involved because then they get a shorter day as a junior or senior which is always a plus! I like the idea Shaun does with his classes, where he shows a highlighted video of all of the fun places they get to go to and the things that they get to do. I took a lot of pictures last year of some of the fun activities and cooking experience the students got, so I will have to put them in a slide show to recruit the students right off the bat if I were to do a student run organization. Neither of these teachers had a council with business professionals, but they did have a lot of connections from some of the groups that they were involved in outside of school. I will need to find a few different groups to join, if I do not start a council right away to get to know the community and the

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