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Summary Chapter 1 Summary Zinn

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Zinn analyzes the controversial stories told about Columbus’ journey. He chastises other historians for excluding and burying truths and lesser point of views. He exposes the cruelties the Indians went through, as well as the sailors crazed ambition for gold. The total control over the Indians brought complete cruelty and caused the Indian population to decrease immensely. Zinn includes the good and the bad of all the parties involves, allowing the reader to see clearly the actions of everyone involved.
Chapter Two
The desperate need for labor was one of the many factors that brought slavery to America. Zinn exposes the hardships the settlers went through as they failed to keep themselves fed and well. Zinn introduces the reader to the horrible treatments the slaves went through on the way to America and once there. The relationships between white servants and black slaves had a less violent presence within it, but racism materialized even more when “a law was passed requiring masters to provide white servants” more rights. This created an even more prominent color line.
Chapter Three Zinn analyses the Bacon Rebellion and introduces the reader to Nathaniel Bacon, the leader. In that …show more content…
Zinn makes sure to include everyone’s side of the story. He even criticizes other Historians and their methods of excluding truths to blind the reader. Zinn not only tells the story from the popular point of view, like columbus, but also the lesser point of views, like the indians. He does this not to create pity or sympathy, but to make sure to include everyone's story. He includes the bad and the good from both sides, allowing the reader to decide who to see with or what to

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