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Summary: From Somaliland To Harvard

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As I read the article titled “From Somaliland to Harvard”, the first thought that came to my mind was that I am very fortunate to have all of the resources I do. These resources allow me to carry out my education properly, without many issues being encountered, and yet I sometimes still find myself complaining about minor subjects. On the other hand, we have Abdisamad Adan, who is a twenty-one year-old that was recently admitted into one of the United States’s most prestigious universities, Harvard. Even though his resources were very limited, he managed to enter the university that most students are “fighting” to get into. Personally, this inspires me to continue to excel with my studies and work steadily toward my goal of being accepted …show more content…
Would he have made it to Harvard if he migrated to Europe, or would he have lost his interest for an education at that point? This leads me to talk about Jonathan Starr, who founded Abaarso School of Science and Technology in Somaliland. He was a man who was looking to invest his money in something useful, therefore, he decided to open the school for some of the most intelligent students in Somaliland, both boys and girls. This was where Abdisamad received what was practically a tuition-free education. In my opinion, Mr. Starr opened the doors to many students; he opened the doors to the individuals that will help shape the future, the individuals that will make an impact on the world, and most importantly, to the individuals that will inspire many others for their persistence and dedication to the studies. For instance, Abdisamad’s parents were unfortunately not present in his life to support him, neither emotionally or financially, so he had to work in order to earn the privilege of attending school. I think that this portrays him as a very responsible student who is willing to engage in his education. In addition, I can infer that the reason as to why almost half of his brothers and sisters are not receiving an education is because his family simply does not have the monetary expenses to pay for an education. However, Abdisaman, who was granted the opportunity to attend school, was able to thrive. The fact that he learned how to speak English very quickly goes to show how determined he was to learn, even if it meant that he would not learn in his own language. With such “events” taking place in his life, I am left wondering how Abdisamad managed to balance his school life with spending time with and helping his

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