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Summary: Indeterminate Sentencing

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Model of criminal sentencing and identify models in use today
A model of criminal sentencing could be defined as a method used to sentence and punish those that have been convicted of violating a criminal statute.
In presenting Schmalleger and Smykla’s material, Pittaro (2017), states that the two primary Models of Sentencing used in the United States today are Indeterminate Sentencing and Determinate Sentencing. He also informed of a 3rd model, in his video lecture summary, Mandatory Sentencing.
In indeterminate sentencing, the judge specifies the maximum and minimum length within limits set by legal statute. The parole board determines the actual time of release. In these cases, the legal sentence is the maximum imposed and not the minimum (Pittaro, 2017). …show more content…
42). This sentence can be reduced by the administering of earned good time. Pittaro (2017) advises prison administrators favor this model over others because it aids in controlling the prison population. Bohm and Haley (2014) advise determinate sentencing eliminates the responsibility of parole boards and is looked at as a more humane sentence because offenders know exactly when they will be released (pp. 311-312).
Mandatory sentencing is the most controversial (Pattaro, 2017). Schmalleger and Smykla (2017) inform the “three-strikes laws” are mandatory sentences where generally a life sentence is given after two prior serious convictions are done (p. 38).
While these are the mentioned Sentencing Models in Pattaro’s lecture (2017), there are seven goals of sentencing: 1. Revenge, 2. Retribution, 3. Just desert, 4. Deterrence, 5. Incapacitation, 6. Rehabilitation and 7. Restoration. The 3 models Pattaro discussed can by umbrellaed under

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