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Summary of Survey Dispels Myth of Failing Single Parents


Submitted By laddetske
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Pages 2
A.1 Summary of survey dispels myth of failing single parents
Penny turner would never say that it was easy to bringing up a child alone, but she have taking care of Jordan since he was born, from nine years ago. Penny means that it has become easier for her to teach Jordan the value things in live, because she hasn’t so much money.
She means that Jordan is better off with just her, without his father. a lady named Teresa Goodman says that It is better for the child to live without conflicts, and is some child just live with one parents they get a lot more attention. Not all single parents has been created by failed relationships, some people want to brining up a child alone, maybe because their parents did that, ore because of their partner has died, or many other things.
Rebecca tells her story about her bad relationships, and her boyfriend who’s leaved her when she was just nine month in her pregnancy.
A.2 gives an outline
Some positive things with single parenthood in the tree texts “Mothers Without Men”, “survey dispels myth of failing single parents”, and “Single moms by choice or Circumstance” is that there is very positive things about the single parenthood.
Mothers Without Men.. positive things about Mothers Without men, is that now you can get a baby whit out a man in your live, but with Donor insemination for single woman. negative thing is that, some women means that if they not find mister right gay, the cant have any children, because no man, no child. survey dispels myth of failing single parents positive things about survey dispels myth of failing single parents could be that, for an example Penny Turner says that it has become easier for her to teach Jordan the value things in live, because she is alone with him, and she can teach him the things she means is the right things.
Not all single parents has been created by failed relationships, some people want to brining up a child by them self. negative things could be if the boy friend or the man leaves the woman, in her pregnancy. Or stuff like that.
Single moms by choice or Circumstance a positive thing is that its all about sacrifices but the biggest part is love. negative things would be if you get pregnant by circumstances and not by their own choice.

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