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British Short Fiction in the
Early Nineteenth Century
The Rise of the Tale

Cardiff University, UK

© Tim Killick 2008
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Tim Killick has asserted his moral right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988, to be identified as the author of this work.
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British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
Killick, Tim
British short fiction in the early nineteenth century : the rise of the tale
1. Short stories, English – History and criticism 2. English fiction – 19th century – History and criticism 3. Short story 4. Literary form – History – 19th century
I. Title
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Killick, Tim.
British short fiction in the early nineteenth century : the rise of the tale / by Tim Killick.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-0-7546-6413-0 (alk. paper)
1. Short stories, English—History and criticism. 2. English fiction—19th century—History and criticism. 3. Short story. 4. Literary form—History—19th century. I. Title.
PR829.K56 2008
ISBN: 978-0-7546-6413-0






Overview: Short Fiction in the Early Nineteenth Century
Part I: Criticism, History, and Definitions
Part II: Short Fiction in the Periodical Press



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Marxist Readind

...“W. Labov: Case Study Martha’s Vineyard and New York” Sprachwissenschaft Englisch Hausarbeit “Sociolinguistics“ Maria Juchem 2003 List of Contents 1. Introduction 2. Labov’s motivation for studying Sociolinguistics 3. Labov’s observations in Martha’s Vineyard 3.1 Geographical and historical basics of Labov’s studies 3.2 Repetition of the studies in 1961 by Labov 3.3 Labov’s explanation of the observations 4. Labov’s studies in New York 4.1 The Social Stratification of (r) in New York Department Stores 4.1.1 Preliminary Überlegungen 4.1.2 The experiment 4.1.3 The results of the department store study 4.2 Study of Lower East Side 4.2.1 The MFY Survey 4.2.2 The ALS (American Language Survey) 5. The meaning of Labov’s studies for modern sociolinguistics 6. Conclusion 1. Topic and Introduction The topic of this term paper are “Labov’s studies in New York and Martha’s Vineyard”. Labov’s observations in Martha’s Vineyard served Labov as a model for his Master’s essay and his observations in New York as a model for his dissertation. The second chapter will give a survey of William Labov’s motivation for studying sociolinguistics. Chapter 3 is about his observations in Martha’s Vineyard. After that I’ll give a detailed description of his studies in New York (chapter 4) divided up into the two parts: First, the social stratification of (r) in New York City Department Stores (4.1) and second The Lower East Side (4.2). These studies are Labov’s most famous works and...

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