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Summary Of The Book 'Growth Rings'

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“Growth Rings” The book on “Growth Rings” provides an interesting take on human development for the development of adolescents and emerging adults. It focused on three main items of development in the young adults, accepting yourself, being yourself, and forgetting yourself. Combining these together for the betterment of your emotional maturity. This uses the analogy of parts of a tree to describe each category. Accepting yourself relates to the roots of the tree, being yourself is the is the trunk of the tree, and finally, the branches forming from the trunk are forgetting yourself. In accepting yourself you can form a strong foundation by feeding off the nutrients of a supportive family building a strong trunk and lacking in the emotional nutrients causing you to have a narrow trunk. One analogy provided for a possible aid for people who are missing the nutrients at the start is to seek the shade of another person to provide emotional support. For me, this would be my grandfather and his role in my upbringing. For me, he did provide that helped in accepting myself and …show more content…
This was about how she survived cancer and helps people who have suffered from cancer also She came from a supportive family they encouraged extracurricular activities like soccer. Her upbringing played a positive role in here resilience to survive this and her positive concept of self-played an equal role. One aspect of an individualistic culture that aided Breezy is her self-esteem and her ideal self. In individual cultures the individual is held as the main ideal, this, in turn, causes the elevation of your self-esteem and this in turn building your resilience. This individualism is built further in our and Breezy’s mindset using sports in our society in her life it was soccer. Over her life, she used this to build the competitive spirit that is competitive in people with a positive

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