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Theft Crime Research Paper

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Theft, Robbery, and Similar Crimes
Theft, in the judicial system, defines and covers a wide variety of crimes including larceny, robbery, and burglary; The penalties and effect that is encountered when interacting in such behaviors will result in a civil consequence, which should be upheld during all provable evident circumstances of theft.

Theft in Law is specifically defined as the physical removal of an object that is capable of being stolen without the consent of the owner of it permanently; The intent needs to clearly exhibit that he/she is not intending to keep any such property, values, or money to themselves, destroy it, or sell it.
Larceny is the act of any individual or trespasser removing personal goods or possessions of another with …show more content…
Petit Theft “Pety Theft” the lowst level but seemingly more common level of theft is classified in 2 degrees. Misdemeanor of the Second degree, which is punishable, if the possession is valued at less than $100 (Fla. Stat. Ann. § 812.014.) A sentence of retaining the individul is apploied with descretion of prosecutor.
Petit Theft of the First Degree. If the property stolen is valued at $100 or more, but less than $300, the offender commits petit theft of the first degree, which is punishable as a misdemeanor of the first degree. (Fla. Stat. Ann. § 812.014.) After a conviction for a misdemeanor of the first degree, the offender may receive a definite term of imprisonment of not less than one year and a fine of not more than $1,000. (Fla. Stat. Ann. § 77.082, 77.083.)
Grand Theft of the Third Degree. A variety of different theft offenses can constitute grand theft of the third degree (considered a felony of the third degree in Florida), including theft of:
• property valued between $100 and $300, taken from in or around someone's

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