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How Does Domestic Violence Affect The Victim And Society

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III. How does domestic violence affect the victim and society?
A. Domestic violence cost can be phenomenal for the victim.
1. 40% of the victims of domestic violence live in poverty.
2. 30% of the victims of domestic violence are on some type of public assistance.
B. Domestic violence affect all of society not just the victim.
1. $44 million in medical treatment for victims is directly attributable to domestic violence.
2. 50% of the homeless population is women and children of domestic violence.
3. Tax payers will pay an estimated $ 96 billion in a lifetime for domestic violence.
IV. What if you are victim of abuse or know someone who is being abused?
A. If you are being abused:
1. Talk to someone you trust.
2. Seek some professional

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