Premium Essay

Persuasive Essay On Veganism

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After standing in the long stir fry line at the dining service and finally am the person “up to bat,” the chef will first ask me, “What meat would you like to start with?” I’ll usually follow up with an “I’m vegan, so I’ll have it without meat,” and just to probably make sure I wasn’t lying or something, nine times out of ten, the person behind me responds with a “Wait, you’re vegan?” When I acknowledge that I indeed am, the dreaded rebound I receive is when the person spells out all of the animal products he eats as well as an, “I’m sorry bro but I couldn’t go even a day without eating meat.” In the cross-swords about food talk, I will then respond that a chicken is an embodiment of an animal who wanted to live. If someone killed you, would you eat yourself? The consuming of one’s self often ends what could intensify into a bitter conversation that neither of us really wanted. Several of us are born vegan, and the rest who adopt veganism usually do so after a particular revelation, possibly following a health catastrophe, watching one of those broadcasts that capture the dairy and meat industry’s slaughtering of these animals, or after falling in love with a …show more content…
I am not sponsored by any organization for being vegan. I often feel proud of myself for choosing the “vegan way out” mainly because of the number of animals that won’t have to be killed from my behalf. I am not in favor of a calf being separated at birth from its mother only to be butchered and put on someone’s plate for a nice feast. I see all animals equally no matter how big or how small, and I don’t look at a cat differently from a goat because one doesn’t deserve to be treated differently than the other all due to a “prettiness” factor. I am just a person who cares sincerely about animals, and about the people who are left with nothing to eat because so much of the corn we grow in the United States goes to feed cattle, not the

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