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Summary Of The Mating Game By Elijah Anderson

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As we know Elijah Anderson argues that the behavior of many youths is influenced by a street culture or “code” that prescribes violent reactions to interpersonal attacks and shows of disrespect. Moving forward to chapter three Anderson delivers his ideology of the connection between drugs and violence. Drugs and violence go hand and hand; initially, the more drugs that are on the streets the more crime is being committed. Not to mention, lack of jobs and education can be a result of violence. Children from the inner-city of poor neighborhoods are often set to fail. Therefore, kids suffer from not having a proper education because these poverty neighborhoods tend to have poor education systems; due to this negative outcome, they are troubled …show more content…
This chapter also highlighted the relationship style and stability between the two based on power, sex, privilege, and the code of the street. According to Anderson, the code is fundamentally male, making women appear incidental. Anderson stresses the advantages and disadvantages of black men and women’s relationships based off of the street code influences as well as societal social constructions of gender roles. So supposedly girls having to be blessed with having the dream of the “good life” and in order to have that good life, it is necessary that they have a baby, which I totally disagree with. The fact that young girl’s want to get pregnant at a young age to keep their “baby daddy’s” is crazy to me. That baby is automatically set up to fail because of it’s inner-city soon to be parent, not to mention, it is still hard for the women who already have a well-paying job to afford a child. First, I do not agree with Anderson when he states that younger inner-city girls find it cool to have a baby, despite, not thinking about the morality of the situation or the decisions they are making. I strongly feel that no one should be encouraging young girls, especially, those who come from a low-income family to conceive a child. I believe that is an ultimate mistake that they are setting their self up for because of the lack of maturity and stability they have. However, I feel these young girls frustrations to feel that the only way they can be viewed as visible or to find their own benefit within the code of the street is through a man because they face oppression. In terms of sex in “The Mating game”, sex is a very patriarchal in the sense that only men are expected to have sexual control and gain power and pleasure from sexual conquest. Moreover, in terms of power and privilege within

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