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Summary: Pilot Program

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You, ____________________________, are invited to participate in a pilot program to investigate the effectiveness of an exercise and recreational sport program in improving activities of daily living, physical and cognitive function in members of the Alzheimer's Resource Center of Connecticut. You are being asked to participate because you currently attend Chapter 126 Sports & Fitness weekly with the Alzheimer's Resource Center. Alzheimer's disease is an important public health concern because of the growing elderly population in the United States. Exercise has been shown to have beneficial effects on cognitive abilities, like memory and decision-making skills, as well as physical function for activities of daily living. Therefore the purpose of this pilot program is to assess whether a group …show more content…
This is important because we will be able to assess the effectiveness of this program on your ability to perform daily living activities, cognitive and physical health and ultimately your quality of life. It is important to note that the staff at Chapter 126 and the Alzheimer's Resource Center will make every effort to protect your identity from the results from these assessments. However many of the procedures of this program will be conducted in a group setting. In this context, it is not possible for the staff to be able to fully guarantee your privacy and confidentiality. In all cases, every effort will be made to keep participant information private and confidential. The following steps will be taken to protect the confidentiality of your records. A study number, not your name, will code your study information and results. Your study information will be kept in a locked file cabinet only accessible to Chapter 126's Certified Exercise Physiologist. A master key, which links your name and study number, will be kept in a separate and secure

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