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Summary: Tensions In The Colonies Of Great Britain

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Paragraph 1: Tensions in the colonies of Great Britain were rising increasingly higher as time went on in the near mid-eighteenth century. Taxes on legal documents were placed directly on the colonists without representation in the Stamp Act, which resulted almost immediately in an outcry of protest and rebellion. The Stamp Act Congress was created to express the colonists grievances and Sons and Daughters of Liberty rose up in protests, continually pushing harder for independence from Great Britain. Protests grew rampant in many places throughout the colonies and one protest even led to the killing of five protesters after shots were fired into the crowd. These events led to the Boston Tea Party and the resulting Coercive Acts as punishment, further leading to the colonial alliance and the American colonies creating a separate and new identity in independence. While many colonial-American traditions and cultures stayed intact, …show more content…
During this war, the Second Continental Congress held a gathering of the most influential politicians and thinkers, which included John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, Roger Sherman, and Robert Livingston, to write what would become the Declaration of Independence. America’s independence allowed for the creation of a new government and, therefore, new political parties. These political parties that erected at the beginning of a new nation included the Federalists and the Republicans. Politics would become a matter of great influence in the society and government in America. Changes in the national government during the mid to late eighteenth century were gargantuan due to the fighting of the Revolutionary War, the constant conflicts between the newly created parties, the Federalists and the Republicans, and the creation of new constitutions to attempt to support the new

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