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Summary: The Epidemic Of Homelessness

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Homelessness has been a problem in our society for as long as houses have existed. This will always be a problem and will unfortunately be a problem forever. There have always been people without houses and there always will be. Because of the paramount importance of balance of society and the economy, homelessness is both a good and bad thing. It is obviously awful because people aren’t living in houses, but it exceptional at the same time because without it, we would not have wealthy people. There always needs to be a balance in the economy, which includes both extremes. Homelessness is becoming an epidemic in recent times, and to stop it we should all have a broader understanding of the problem, which is mainly caused by poverty, natural disasters, and personal health reasons.
The first main cause of homelessness is poverty. This issue is on a level of its own, being caused by many different factors, but for most people they either lose their job, or something else drastic happens. Because theses people do not have money, they then lose their house and have to live either on the …show more content…
Although this is not as common, it can be detrimental to not only a town or city, but to a nation. Some natural disasters include earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, and even volcanic eruptions. Again, these are not as common as someone striking poverty, but they still happen and still cause thousands of people to lose their homes a year. “The ‘inn’ of the Christmas story is a metaphor for hospitality, a safe haven for travellers, a place of warmth and respite for those on the road, a space of refuge as the day turns into night,...” (“Finding room…” 1)This article speaks of a college that takes homeless people in around the winter time so they have a home to spend christmas in. Because this inn is in Toronto, Canada, there is a very high chance of a blizzard or a severe storm that could easily destroy the houses in this

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