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Summary: The First Immigration Border Patrolman

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Serving since 1924, U.S Customs and Border Protection has been proudly serving our countries land, sea and aviation borders. Throughout the years CBP has developed new ways to run their operation and borders. In the operations earliest days, basic values like professionalism, honor, integrity, respect for human life helped shape CBP. This task force against illegal crossing, had watchmen of the U.S. Immigration Service Patrol guard the border as early as 1904. These inspectors called Mounted Guards, were stationed out of El Paso, Texas. They patrolled as far west as California in efforts to reduce the flow of illegal Chinese immigration. "The first Immigration Border Patrolman", Jeff Milton became a Texas Ranger in 1879 and later joined the U.S. Immigration Service, retiring in 1932. Milton died in 1947 at his home and according to his wishes, they scattered his remains in the Arizona desert. In 1915, a separate group of Mounted Guards, referred to as “Mounted Inspectors” roamed the borders. Most Mounted Inspectors rode on horseback and a few operated cars and even boats. These inspectors had broader arrest authority but, they largely pursued Chinese immigrants that were trying to avoid the Chinese exclusion laws. The patrolmen that were largely pursuing the Chinese immigrants were known as Immigrant Inspectors. …show more content…
Agencies noticed that their efforts were totally ineffective without border enforcement between inspection stations. In 1917, a higher head tax and literacy requirement was put in place for entry which then caused more people to try to enter illegally. In 1918, Supervising Inspector Frank W. Berkshire wrote to the Commissioner-General of Immigration. Inspector frank expressed his concerns about not enforcing immigration and customs laws along the border with

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