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Chakra Research Paper

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Headaches and lethargy may not be from the hardships of everyday life; the problem can be defective chakras. The idea of chakra was brought into India around 1800 and 800 BC, and was introduced as a system of unseen, points of energy located within the body (Catalfo). Each chakra corresponds to a specific anatomical point, that influences the position its located at. Chakra has to be properly maintained, in order to promote a healthier physical and emotional lifestyle. Chakra are the strategic points of energy sources in the body, that are arranged vertically up the spine. They give emotional and physical life. There are seven different known types of chakra: the first four are concerned with physical and worldly manners. For example, the …show more content…
For example, the fourth chakra is associated with love. An overabundance of energy in this vortex will lead to emotions such as being melodramatic and reliant on others, while a deficiency results in inconsideration and apathy. However, with a balanced fourth chakra, one is cordial and compassionate (Catalfo). It is important to keep chakra leveled, not only because it promotes better personal qualities, but also because the poor state of the chakra will only continue to worsen. This will lead to a deeper state of affliction, and emotional illnesses will eventually turn …show more content…
For instance, since the fifth chakra is associated with spiritual means, its energy vortex becomes dysfunctional when one gives in to fears and loses faith in a higher power. As a result, the fifth chakra, which is linked to the throat, can lead to chronic tonsillitis and complications with the thyroid. In order to fix this, complete submission and affection towards a higher power is necessary (Nemri 40) Similarly, the the third chakra, located at the solar plexus, can also promise complications. A firm believer that there is a relationship between disease and the chakra system is psychiatrist, Jerry P. Gore. According to his studies, “Many men can't rise above their solar plexus; they can't exercise the right manipulation of power. And so their heart chakra — and heart — suffers” (Catalfo). This demonstrates the repercussion of failing to take initiative and repair the third chakra: heart disease. Because of this, Gore recommends homeopathy and exercise as an outlet for trapped energy. Doing so, will help repair existing conditions and prevent others from

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