Premium Essay

Summary: The Funtainhead By Ayn Rand

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THE FOUNTAINHEAD by Ayn Rand, set in the mid 1920's in the city of high rises, New York, portrays the exceptional building style of the modeler, Howard Roark which parallels his uncompromising and individualistic identity. Roark is compelled to overcome cooperation in a general public where Dominique Francon, a wonderful and rich lady, is the main individual who comprehends his expectations and cravings, while Dwindle Keating, a third-rate planner whose profession is effective because of his adjustment to society, longs to get dignity, and Ellsworth Toohey, a Philanthropic, pursuits to annihilate men's souls in his mission for control over humanity. In this phenomenal book, Rand joins both her enchanting thoughtful perspectives with a touch of sentiment to recount the narrative of the …show more content…
He rehearses techniques for annihilating the colossal men and revering the powerless to confound individuals' feeling of good and terrible, and afterward he controls their souls. He fills their brains with thoughts of philanthropy and after that he deceivingly picks up control over their psyche and soul. The impacts of his energy is most clear in the obliteration of Diminish Keating and his supervisor, Gail Wynand, the proprietor of the most intense daily paper in New York. At last Toohey arrangements to control the Wynand Realm and after that humankind.

The models in the public arena in The Origin are set by the puissant man, Ellsworth Toohey. Toohey keeps up understood control over individuals and can spread his impact with his publications in the Standard. His can make an average ability into an awesome achievement, and in like manner demolish the profession of a skilled individual. His way is preaching so as to delude that selflessness is prudent and afterward he contorts men's feeling of qualities. This unsafe control and information of annihilating a man's spirit is shared just by the skilled man, Howard

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