...Journal of Health Communication, 13:667–680, 2008 Copyright # Taylor & Francis Group, LLC ISSN: 1081-0730 print/1087-0415 online DOI: 10.1080/10810730802412248 Interrupting a Narrative Transportation Experience: Program Placement Effects on Responses to Antismoking Advertising SARAH DURKIN AND MELANIE WAKEFIELD Centre for Behavioural Research in Cancer, The Cancer Council Victoria, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia It is thought that ‘‘transportation’’—absorption into the narrative flow of a story— may play a role in influencing resistance to persuasion. We hypothesized that advertising that disrupts the experience of narrative transportation may be adversely appraised by audiences. This study aimed to explore the influence of two types of television programs: narratives (dramas, comedies, and soap operas) versus nonnarratives (light entertainment, sports, documentaries, and news), on smokers’ reactions to antismoking advertisements. In preexposure interviews, daily smokers (n ¼ 779) were asked to watch a particular television program they usually watched. Postexposure interviews were conducted within 3 days of exposure. Results indicated that placing an antismoking ad within a program in which the viewer is focused on the narrative flow of a story may lead to reduced immediate cognitive and emotional impact of the ad and reduced intentions to quit, especially among those for whom the ad is most relevant, such as those preparing to quit smoking. Placing antismoking advertising...
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...Richard Russo’s memoir, Elsewhere, provides a son’s narration of a lifetime of adventures and tribulations with his mother, Jean. The piece also provides an ideal case study of development, experiences, challenges, and transitions across the adult phases of the human lifespan, thereby allowing for an application and analysis of adult psychology theories and concepts that are commonly presented in more objective and less narrative works. First, attention will be paid to the roles and relationships that Richard and Jean Russo establish throughout their lives. Then, cognitive aging and decline will be discussed in relation to Jean’s physical and mental health and her dementia. Richard’s role as Jean’s primary caregiver will be studied through...
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...2. Men's Language (Excerpted from The Men's Bibliography: A comprehensive bibliography of writing on men, masculinities, gender, and sexualities, compiled by Michael Flood. 19th edition, 2008. Home URL: http://mensbiblio.xyonline.net/) a) Men and Language Note: Works on boys, literacy and language in education are listed under "Growing up Male" above. Coates, Jennifer. (2003). Men Talk: Stories in the making of masculinities. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishers. 1. ‘We was Playing Naked Football the Other Night’: Introduction. 2. ‘Good Story!’: The Formal Characteristics of Male Narrative. 3. ‘So I Thought ‘Bollocks to it’: Men, Stories and Masculinities. 4. ‘Bad as My Mate’: Stories in Sequence. 5. ‘She’d Made Sardines in Aspic’: Women’s Stories, Men’s Stories and the Construction of Gender. 6. ‘I’m Quite Good at Mexican Food’: Men’s Narratives in Mixed Conversation. 7. ‘Still in Shock Weren’t You Darling’: Masculinity and the Heterosexual Couple. 8. ‘There are Problems’: Men’s Talk and Contemporary Masculinities. Cowburn, Malcolm. (2004). Men, masculinities and what men do: the relationship of critique and change (invited review essay). Sexualities, 7, 4 497-501. Edley, N. (2001a). Analysing masculinity: Interpretative repertoires, ideological dilemmas and subject positions. In M. Wetherell, S. Taylor & S. Yates. (eds.), Discourse as data: a guide for analysis (pp. 189-229). London: Sage Publications. Edley, N. (2001b). I. Conversation analysis, discursive psychology...
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...Personal narrative It was Summer 2005, I had just moved with my family to Colorado from California last year. I was still getting accustomed to the wonders of Colorado, when one day my parents told me and my younger brother that we were going to meet up with our, aunt, uncle, and 2 older cousins at pueblo reservoir. A day or two after we were told this we were woken up early so we could get to pueblo and enjoy the whole day there. We had a quick breakfast, packed some stuff for a barbeque, and piled into the massive brick of an SUV ,otherwise known as a Suburban, and we headed out, on the way I asked a few questions that any five year old would undoubtedly ask on a trip like where we were going, if we were there yet, and a few others....
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...This article was downloaded by: [Lahore University of Management Sciences] On: 02 May 2015, At: 09:58 Publisher: Routledge Informa Ltd Registered in England and Wales Registered Number: 1072954 Registered office: Mortimer House, 37-41 Mortimer Street, London W1T 3JH, UK Anatolia: An International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/rana20 Understanding the influence of interpersonal relationships on identity and tourism travel Julia F. Hibbert a b a , Janet E. Dickinson & Susanna Curtin a a School of Tourism, Bournemouth University , Fern Barrow, Poole , BH12 5BB , United Kingdom b School of Business and Economics, Linnaeus University , Kalmar , Sweden Published online: 25 Jan 2013. To cite this article: Julia F. Hibbert , Janet E. Dickinson & Susanna Curtin (2013) Understanding the influence of interpersonal relationships on identity and tourism travel, Anatolia: An International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research, 24:1, 30-39, DOI: 10.1080/13032917.2012.762313 To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13032917.2012.762313 PLEASE SCROLL DOWN FOR ARTICLE Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the “Content”) contained in the publications on our platform. However, Taylor & Francis, our agents, and our licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness...
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...Data Gathering Method Evidence-based Practices in Corrections Clarence S. Lasana MGMT 568: Organizational Development & Change Tarleton State University Summer 2012 Cover letter July 22, 2012 Dear Participants: Mr. Robert, Sala, Area Manager: The Hertz Corporation Austin Bergstrom International AP, Austin, Texas Respected Mr. Robert Sala, I am a student from Texas A&M University, Central Texas doing my MS in Management & Leadership, as per the Data Gathering project requirement I am conducting an Employee Satisfaction Survey on The Hertz Corporation at Austin, Texas. The purpose of the Employee Satisfaction Survey is to gather data on the Hertz Corporation at Austin Bergstrom International Airport with the intention of solving employee relation problems. This is a “Skip level” survey. This survey includes all employees and excludes all internal managers. The survey will consist of open ended and close ended questions. The answers are expected to be answered with integrity as I use these answers to analyze the overall data. Once the analysis has been completed, the data will be kept confidential. Sincerely, Mr. Lasana ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Survey Introduction During the spring of 2012, I Clarence Lasana noticed a lack of leadership...
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...Relations, foreign policy, and security studies. Primarily developed by Joseph S. Nye, the concept is typically drawn upon to emphasize the more intangible dimensions of power in a field long dominated by overtly material (i.e. military) power. Recently, some scholars have reframed soft power — specifically the key notion of attraction — as a narrative and linguistic process. This literature, however, has downplayed some of the other deep-seated underpinnings of soft power, which this article argues lie in the dynamics of affect. Building upon the International Relations affect and aesthetics literatures, this article develops the concept of soft power as rooted in the political dynamics of emotion and introduces the concept of affective investment. The attraction of soft power stems not only from its cultural influence or narrative construction, but more fundamentally from audiences’ affective investments in the images of identity that it produces. The empirical import of these ideas is offered in an analysis of the construction of American attraction in the war on terror. Keywords Affect, discourse, emotion, narrative, Nye, soft power Introduction In her confirmation hearings in January 2009 before the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton argued that to deal with a multiplicity of pressing global issues, the US ‘must...
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...these men had no choice but to fulfill their patriotic duty. As the leader of the platoon, First Lieutenant Jimmy Cross goes through an inner conflict between love and duty, carrying his orders in his mind and Martha in his heart. But how far can war or following orders, impair the human side of compassion and love? Although, soldiers become men at war, O’Brien focuses in a story where war makes men emotionally handicap, leaving mental scars that may never heal. The story is told by a third person’s point of view, however, O’Brien includes a touch of his personal experiences during the war where he spent a year in Vietnam (Hicks). As Josiah Bunting said, “The things he carried into war are very different from what he carried away from it” (Bunting) expressing O’Brien’s experience at war and how his experience as a soldier would convince readers to believe that the different traumatic moments really happened. Although his personal experiences are counted as relevant, some critics consider his storytelling to be “nothing new about trying to tell war stories- that the “truths” they contain “are contradictory”, elusive and this indeterminate”. Kaplan goes on saying that “representation includes staging what might have happened in Vietnam while simultaneously questioning the accuracy...
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...INTRODUCTION Purpose/Justification Problems related to reading comprehension have been besetting both private and public educational institutions all over the country. In the Philippine setting evidences revealed that 2009, 2010 and 2011 NAT results exemplified that the second year students struggled much on reading comprehension as shown by the three mean percentage scores in English subject. In particular, the mean percentage scores of Macario B. Asistio Sr. High School—Unit I for the school years 2008-2009; 2009-2010 and 2010-2011 are 43.11, 36.57 and 36.60 respectively (Department of Educational Testing and Research Center, 2009; 2010; 2011). Likewise, comprehension related studies conducted locally have verified and supported that the students showed difficulty in reading comprehension (Columna, 2013; Ayles, 2009 and Dela Cruz, 2004). In a study conducted by Columna (2013), results revealed that the students were struggling to comprehended texts in their L2 with majority of them fall under instructional level and a significant of them fall under frustration level. In the same manner, Dela Cruz (2004) found that the students in the secondary level have difficulties in reading materials in the content areas especially in Mathematics and Science. The researcher posits that these comprehension problems have rooted from the questioning pedagogical strategy employed by the teachers. Chin (2002) found that questions, particularly those asked in response to wonderment, stimulate...
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...One respondent said “I thought of suicide because I felt people were talking bad about me. Some people want for me to die. That’s what this law is about, to cause enough stress on the offender so he will take his own life”. An additional respondent stated: “Afraid to go outside. Do not want to meet neighbors. Afraid my own children will find out or that they will be harassed by other children in the neighborhood. I have lost the desire to live. I welcome an early death”. One of the mostly simply put responses was “I feel labeled; once you are accused you are garbage” (Levenson & Cotter, 2005, p. 11-12). "At some point, we have to have a notion that punishment is over. What these public-notification laws do is they essentially place a big scarlet letter on someone's chest, that for the rest of this person's life he will be publicly branded. The whole notion of rehabilitation in this country has been lost, particularly for sex offenders” (Casey, 1998, p. 1). The sex offender registry and notification laws label these offenders for life: it impacts their lives forever and does not allow them to successfully reintegrate into society. In order to keep a record of these offenders, a national database that can be accessed by law enforcement and government officials is necessary. However, “states should not be allowed to post information...
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...WOMEN AND INTERNATIONAL ASSIGNMENTS: TAKING STOCK— A 25-YEAR REVIEW Y O C H A N A N A LT M A N A N D S U S A N S H O R T L A N D Women’s progress into management and, more specifically, into the world of expatriates, is the subject of this review. Despite advances in equal opportunities legislation, women failed to embark on expatriate missions in significant numbers during the 1980s. In the 1990s, more women were offered international assignment opportunities but they remained a negligible minority compared to men. The first decade of the twenty-first century has witnessed a gradual increase in the number and visibility of women in international assignments. Through a comprehensive review of the literature over the period from 1980 to now, this article charts the emerging themes and changes in the tone of discourse: from when organizations were debating whether to “give women a chance” through attempts to identify and remove “blockages” to women’s progress to, most recently, structural changes in the expatriate assignment and claims for women’s superior affinity to operating internationally. We highlight gaps in the current literature and propose a platform for future research. We conclude with recommendations for practice. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Introduction T he last two decades of the twentieth century and the early years of the twenty-first saw a significant rise in cross-border international business activity, driven by globalization and the domination...
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...different formal responses developed, at least in part, in reaction to Coutinho’s work. The Art of Interviewing: Eduardo Coutinho and the Theater of the Real Shot between 1981 and 1984, Cabra marcado para morrer (1984) is, in a sense, the completion of the project from which it inherits its title; it integrates original footage salvaged after the Brazilian military invaded the Galiléia cooperative in Pernambuco at the time of the March 31, 1964 coup. Filming had begun just a month earlier. The original Cabra—made with the support of the National Student Union (União Nacional dos Estudantes, UNE) and the leftist Movement for Popular Culture (Movimento de Cultura Popular, MPC), created by Recife’s radical prefect Miguel Arraes de Alencar (1916–2005)— was to be a feature-length fiction about the struggles and assassination of peasant leader João Pedro Teixeira (1918–1962), enacted by real-life peasants, including João Pedro’s wife Elisabeth and several of their eleven children, playing themselves. Following the Amnesty law of 1979, which opened a tortuous process of “democratization,” Coutinho and his crew returned to the original locations and found the participants from the project that was aborted seventeen years earlier. Coutinho eventually went on to make a very different film than what the original Cabra would have been. The opening sequence, which shows the reunited participants and their families watching the salvaged film reels during an open-air screening at Galiléia, not only...
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...Why is men’s fashion photography redefining the image of the contemporary male and how does it use diverse male sexualities as a tool in advertising? The works of renowned photographers such as Hedi Slimane have a heavy impact on prevailing images of male sexualities in fashion advertising, eventually affecting the image of the ideal male in fashion. Male sexualities in high fashion photography can oscillate between the homoerotic or a dominant hetero-masculinity, thus there is usually no middle ground in fashion advertising, especially where artistic direction takes over. Such advertising targets niche “high fashion” audiences and responds to the popularization of sexual themes in other forms of advertising (and indeed wider media), whilst associating diverse sexualities with artistry. Coding in high fashion advertisements affect, but also respond intuitively to, audience sexual ideologies by deconstructing the concepts of femininity and masculinity that have undergone rapid change in our self-reflective and deconstructing postmodern world. Hedi Slimane’s penchant for androgynous men has significantly heightened popularity for thin male models in the fashion industry. His work usually incorporates explicit concepts of homo-eroticism and femininity inspiring many leading contemporary designers and photographers who saw his designs as radical and surprisingly persuasive” [1]. Indeed, Hedi’s influence on modern fashion aesthetics suggests that “designers everywhere started...
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...Postmodernism is dead A new exhibition signals the end of postmodernism. But what was it? And what comes next? by Edward Docx / July 20, 2011 / Leave a comment Published in August 2011 issue of Prospect Magazine I have some good news—kick back, relax, enjoy the rest of the summer, stop worrying about where your life is and isn’t heading. What news? Well, on 24th September, we can officially and definitively declare that postmodernism is dead. Finished. History. A difficult period in human thought over and done with. How do I know this? Because that is the date when the Victoria and Albert Museum opens what it calls “the first comprehensive retrospective” in the world: “Postmodernism—Style and Subversion 1970-1990.” Wait, I hear you cry. How do they know? And what was it? Postmodernism—I didn’t understand it. I never understood it. How can it be over? You are not alone. If there’s one word that confuses, upsets, angers, beleaguers, exhausts and contaminates us all, then it is postmodernism. And yet, properly understood, postmodernism is playful, intelligent, funny and fascinating. From Grace Jones to Lady Gaga, from Andy Warhol to Gilbert and George, from Paul Auster to David Foster Wallace, its influence has been everywhere and continues. It has been the dominant idea of our age. So what was it? Well, the best way to begin to understand postmodernism is with reference to what went before: modernism. Unlike, say, the Enlightenment or Romanticism, postmodernism (even as...
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...parents during Christmas vacation in 1968–69 that stirred his interest in the Middle East, and it was his high school journalism teacher, Hattie Steinberg, who inspired in him a love of reporting and newspapers. After graduating from high school in 1971, Friedman attended the University of Minnesota and Brandeis University, and graduated summa cum laude in 1975 with a degree in Mediterranean studies. During his undergraduate years, he spent semesters abroad at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the American University in Cairo. Following his graduation from Brandeis, Friedman attended St. Antony's College, Oxford University, on a Marshall Scholarship. In 1978, he received an M.Phil. degree in modern Middle East studies from Oxford. That summer he joined the London Bureau of United Press International (UPI) on Fleet Street, where he worked as a general assignment reporter. Friedman spent almost a year reporting and editing in London before UPI dispatched him to Beirut as a correspondent in the spring of 1979. He and his wife Ann lived in Beirut from June 1979 to May 1981 while he covered the civil war there. In May 1981,...
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