...Sustainable Fashion Supply Chain: Lessons from H&M Bin Shen Glorious Sun School of Business and Management, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China; E-Mail: binshen@dhu.edu.cn; Tel./Fax: +86-216-237-3621 Received: 15 July 2014; in revised form: 15 August 2014 / Accepted: 19 August 2014 / Published: 11 September 2014 Abstract: Sustainability is significantly important for fashion business due to consumers’ increasing awareness of environment. When a fashion company aims to promote sustainability, the main linkage is to develop a sustainable supply chain. This paper contributes to current knowledge of sustainable supply chain in the textile and clothing industry. We first depict the structure of sustainable fashion supply chain including eco-material preparation, sustainable manufacturing, green distribution, green retailing, and ethical consumers based on the extant literature. We study the case of the Swedish fast fashion company, H&M, which has constructed its sustainable supply chain in developing eco-materials, providing safety training, monitoring sustainable manufacturing, reducing carbon emission in distribution, and promoting eco-fashion. Moreover, based on the secondary data and analysis, we learn the lessons of H&M’s sustainable fashion supply chain from the country perspective: (1) the H&M’s sourcing managers may be more likely to select suppliers in the countries with lower degrees of human wellbeing; (2) the H&M’s supply chain manager may set a...
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...CASE STUDY Professor: Dr. Mary Flannery Teaching Assistant: Jia-Yuh Chen ECON 136 – Business Strategy February 27, 2006 INDUSTRY ANALYSIS The retail industry is dominated by few retail giants, with Wal-Mart competing in several retail categories. Wal-Mart competes against Kmart and Target in the general merchandise retailing; against Costco in the warehouse club segment; and against Kroger, Albertson’s and Safeway in the supermarket retailing. Competition among retailers centers on pricing, store location, variations in store format and merchandise mix, store size, shopping atmosphere, and image with shoppers. Further analysis provided by the following figure diagnoses the competitive environment of the retail industry. Five Forces Model of Competition Threat of Substitute Products Weak: Substitutes for big box retailers are smaller grocery stores; substitutes are higher priced relative to the performance they deliver. Supplier Bargaining Power Weak: Industry members account for a big fraction of suppliers’ total sales and continued high volume purchases are important to the wellbeing of suppliers. Rivalry among Competing Sellers Fierce: Competing sellers have triggered heated price competition and are active in making fresh moves to improve market standing and business performance. Buyer Bargaining Power Weak: There is a broad base of buyers so no single buyer can demand price concessions; buyers purchase merchandise in small quantities; buyer loyalty for...
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...com/content/21/1/69 REVIEW ARTICLE Open Access Pharmaceutical supply chain risks: a systematic review Mona Jaberidoost1, Shekoufeh Nikfar1, Akbar Abdollahiasl1,2 and Rassoul Dinarvand1,3* Abstract Introduction: Supply of medicine as a strategic product in any health system is a top priority. Pharmaceutical companies, a major player of the drug supply chain, are subject to many risks. These risks disrupt the supply of medicine in many ways such as their quantity and quality and their delivery to the right place and customers and at the right time. Therefore risk identification in the supply process of pharmaceutical companies and mitigate them is highly recommended. Objective: In this study it is attempted to investigate pharmaceutical supply chain risks with perspective of manufacturing companies. Methods: Scopus, PubMed, Web of Science bibliographic databases and Google scholar scientific search engines were searched for pharmaceutical supply chain risk management studies with 6 different groups of keywords. All results found by keywords were reviewed and none-relevant articles were excluded by outcome of interests and researcher boundaries of study within 4 steps and through a systematic method. Results: Nine articles were included in the systematic review and totally 50 main risks based on study outcome of interest extracted which classified in 7 categories. Most of reported risks were related to supply and supplier issues. Organization and strategy issues, financial...
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...2011 - DS 3520 OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT Course Number and Title: Operations Management - DS 3520 (3 semester hours) Prerequisite: Junior or Senior standing and must have passed ECON 3610 (Statistics). This applies to all students regardless of their major in the University. Course Description (from current catalog): Management of the processes, resources, and technologies in the production of goods and services. This course will cover topics concerning the design, operation, and improvement of production systems. These are topics such as operations strategy, capacity planning, design and analysis of processes, quality management management systems, supply chain management, production planning and inventory management. It will also address important business issues and contexts such as sustainability, strategic partnerships and alliances, global competitiveness, quality and productivity, and lean production philosophy. Learning Objectives and Expected Learning Outcomes: The learning objectives and expected learning outcomes are: 1) To introduce the fundamental concepts of Operations Management; to provide factual knowledge, terminology, methods, and theories of the field required for the management of the transformation process by which inputs are converted into useful goods and services in a production system. Students will demonstrate the understanding of the key terminology and concepts of operations management. This is linked to COB...
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...MATTEL: A Case Study | October 22 2012 | Case study discussion taken from Stanford’s Graduate School of Business “Unsafe for Children: Mattel’s Toy Recalls and Supply Chain Management” | Rob Breakiron Wenyao Ma Alek Shnayder Jiajie Wang | Contents Introduction 2 Why do companies outsource? 2 What were the primary causes of Mattel’s recall problems? Where these the result of outsourcing? 4 What actions were taken by the principals in the case to address the recall problems? Were these the right actions? Why, or why not? 5 What should Mattel do now? What should governments do? 7 How can accountability be better managed in long, global supply chains? 12 Introduction Mattel, Inc. (NASDAQ: MAT), the world’s largest toy company with over $12.5 billion in revenue, has grown from the little toy company it once was and has certainly come a long way since it was founded in 1945. The exponential world-wide growth has not always come without a hitch. In the late 2000’s Mattel was at a crossroads due to a significant toy recall problem, reaching far beyond the bottom line. During this case write up we discuss what went wrong, whose fault it was, and what can and should be done to not only fix the problem, but eliminate the chance of similar problems for Mattel and other firms in the future. Our case study will tackle the following five questions through in depth discussion: 1) Why do companies outsource? 2) What were the primary causes of Mattel’s...
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...denominator; an efficient supply chain in place which coordinates its independent parts so that they work together as a cohesive unit to produce the desired product for a profit. Altius Directory (2006-2013), “The ultimate purpose of supply chain management is to have a steady flow of inputs into the production unit, reduce the problem of excess inventories and reduce the cost of production errors (Supply Chain Logistics Management, Current Trends section). However, prior to implementing a successful supply chain, it is necessary to determine which strategy is best for your particular industry. A. Recommend with sufficient support, one of the following strategies: a Keiretsu network, a virtual company, a vertical integration, or a different supply chain strategy A Keiretsu network is a Japanese strategy where a group of members in the chain work together to ensure the success of all of its parts. This strategy relies on collaboration from its members to make a long term commitment to its members. The suppliers and manufacturers form a type of partnership where they work together to gain advantages and a competitive edge in the market. The underlying agreement is that the suppliers are willing to form a longterm relationship with each other. The keiretsu network is integrated horizontally and vertically. They are organized around their own banks and trading companies. In some instances, they are capable of controlling nearly every step of the economic chain in a variety of industrial...
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...By LCP Mohale Student No: 46059091 Qualification aimed at: BTech Industrial Engineering Lecturer: Mr Steadyman Chikumba, UNISA Senior Lecturer: Mechanical & Industrial Engineering Submission Date: 29 October 2011 Copyright © 2011 LCP Mohale Declaration I, LCP Mohale, student no 46059091, hereby declare that the work contained in this report is my own original work and I have acknowledged all additional sources that I have used/quoted directly. This report and all the information it contains may not be reproduced by any means without my written consent. Acknowledgement I am grateful to individuals who have assumed an instrumental role in bringing this project to completion: * My employer, Anglo American management for providing the environment and opportunity to execute this project. * Mr Tumisho Kekana, Commodity Implementation Manager for Underground Mining Equipment and Heavy Mining Equipment at Anglo American, for guidance and selfless mentoring throughout the project * Mr S Chikumba, Senior Lecturer: Mechanical and Industrial Engineering at UNISA, for his guidance and contribution in developing the research concept, and approach. His contribution played an essential role in the foundation and formulation of this project * Mr Vusi Mabena, for continually supporting, motivating and encouraging me at all times to keep on * Zimele Small Business hub managers and facilitators(Secunda, Middleburg, New Vaal and Witbank hub) for tirelessly...
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...Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2006) 27: 604–609 DOI 10.1007/s00170-004-2214-4 ORIGINAL ARTICLE J.M. Hsiao · C.J. Shieh Evaluating the value of information sharing in a supply chain using an ARIMA model Received: 10 October 2003 / Accepted: 20 April 2004 / Published online: 9 February 2005 © Springer-Verlag London Limited 2005 Abstract This paper considers a two-echelon supply chain, which contains one supplier and one retailer. It studies the quantification of the bullwhip effect and the value of informationsharing between the supplier and the retailer under an autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) demand of (0, 1, q). The results show that with an increasing value of q, bullwhip effects will be more obvious, no matter whether there is information sharing or not. When there exists information sharing, the value of the bullwhip effect is greater than it is without information sharing. With an increasing value of q, the gap between the values of the bullwhip effect in the two cases will be larger. Keywords ARIMA · Bullwhip effect · Information sharing · Supply chain dard deviation of order amount is bigger than that of sales, i.e. demand deviation. This kind of distortion winds upward in the form of an increasing square of the standard deviation [9]. The bullwhip effect has drawn much attention in recent years [1, 3, 4, 6, 8–10]. This effect conceals a serious problem of cost. For instance, due to an inefficient estimation of demand, various problems may occur, such...
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...5 Supply Chain Management Based on Modeling & Simulation: State of the Art and Application Examples in Inventory and Warehouse Management Francesco Longo Modeling & Simulation Center – Laboratory of Enterprise Solutions (MSC-LES) Mechanical Department, University of Calabria Via P. Bucci, Cubo 44C, third floor, 87036 Rende (CS) Italy 1. Introduction The business globalization has transformed the modern companies from independent entities to extended enterprises that strongly cooperate with all supply chain actors. Nowadays supply chains involve multiple actors, multiple flows of items, information and finances. Each supply chain node has its own customers, suppliers and inventory management strategies, demand arrival process and demand forecast methods, items mixture and dedicated internal resources. In this context, each supply chain manager aims to reach the key objective of an efficient supply chain: ‘the right quantity at the right time and in the right place’. To this end, each supply chain node (suppliers, manufacturers, distribution centers, warehouses, stores, etc.) carries out various processes and activities for guarantying goods and services to final customers. The competitiveness of each supply chain actor depends by its capability to activate and manage change processes, in correspondence of optimistic and pessimistic scenarios, to quickly capitalize the chances given by market. Such capability is a critical issue for improving the performance of the ‘extended...
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...Kellogg Schoo l of Manag ement Northwestern University Peter Meindl Stanfo rd University --------Prentice I-I all Uppe r Saddl e River , New Jersey ·--· PEAR SON -- · - · - - - "ibrary of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data :::hopra, Sunil Supply chain management: strategy, planning, and operation I Sunil Chopra, >eter Meind!.-3rd ed. p. em. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN: 0-13-208608-5 1. Marketing channels-Managemen t. 2. Delivery of goods-Management. i. Physical distribution of goods-Management. 4. Customer servicesvfanagement. 5. Industrial procurement. 6. Materials management. I. vfeindl, Peter II. Title. HF5415.13.C533 2007 658.7-dc22 2006004948 \VP/Executive Editor: Mark Pfaltzgraff ii:ditorial Director: Jeff Shelstad ;enior Project Manager: Alana Bradley E:ditorial Assistant: Barbara Witmer Vledia Product Development Manager: Nancy Welcher \VP/Executive Marketing Manager: Debbie Clare Vlarketing Assistant: Joanna Sabella ;enior Managing Editor (Production): Cynthia Regan flroduction Editor: Melissa Feimer flermissions Supervisor: Charles Morris Vlanufacturing Buyer: Michelle Klein Vlanager, Print Production: Christy Mahon Composition/Full-Service Project Management: Karen Ettinger, TechBooks, Inc. flrinter/Binder: Hamilton Printing Company Inc. fypeface: 10/12 Times Ten Roman :::redits and acknowledgments borrowed from other sources and reproduced, with permission, in this textJook appear on appropriate page within text....
Words: 138607 - Pages: 555
...Manag ement Northwestern University Peter Meindl Stanfo rd University PEAR SON --------Prentice I-I all Uppe r Saddl e River , New Jersey ·--· -- · - · - - - "ibrary of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data :::hopra, Sunil Supply chain management: strategy, planning, and operation I Sunil Chopra, >eter Meind!.-3rd ed. p. em. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN: 0-13-208608-5 1. Marketing channels-Managemen t. 2. Delivery of goods-Management. i. Physical distribution of goods-Management. 4. Customer servicesvfanagement. 5. Industrial procurement. 6. Materials management. I. vfeindl, Peter II. Title. HF5415.13.C533 2007 658.7-dc22 2006004948 \VP/Executive Editor: Mark Pfaltzgraff ii:ditorial Director: Jeff Shelstad ;enior Project Manager: Alana Bradley E:ditorial Assistant: Barbara Witmer Vledia Product Development Manager: Nancy Welcher \VP/Executive Marketing Manager: Debbie Clare Vlarketing Assistant: Joanna Sabella ;enior Managing Editor (Production): Cynthia Regan flroduction Editor: Melissa Feimer flermissions Supervisor: Charles Morris Vlanufacturing Buyer: Michelle Klein Vlanager, Print Production: Christy Mahon Composition/Full-Service Project Management: Karen Ettinger, TechBooks, Inc. flrinter/Binder: Hamilton Printing Company Inc. fypeface: 10/12 Times Ten Roman :::redits and acknowledgments borrowed from other sources and reproduced, with permission, in this textJook appear on appropriate page...
Words: 141930 - Pages: 568
...Automated Asset Management is also termed as IT asset management. IT asset management (ITAM) is the set of business practices that join financial, contractual and inventory functions to support life cycle management and strategic decision making for the IT environment. Assets include all elements of software and hardware that are found in the business environment. IT asset management (also called IT inventory management) is an important part of an organization's strategy. It usually involves gathering detailed hardware and software inventory information which is then used to make decisions about hardware and software purchases and redistribution. IT inventory management helps organizations manage their systems more effectively and save time and money by eliminating unnecessary purchases and wasted resources. Hardware asset management entails the management of the physical components of computers and computer networks, from acquisition through disposal. Common business practices include request and approval process, procurement management, life cycle management, redeployment and disposal management. A key component is capturing the financial information about the hardware life cycle which aids the organization in making business decisions based on meaningful and measurable financial objectives. Software Asset Management is a similar process, focusing on software assets, including licenses, versions and installed endpoints. Role of IT asset management in an organization The...
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...its overall supply chain management strategy. The SCM strategy in turn determines how the supply chain will perform with respect to efficiency and effectiveness. The four primary drivers of supply chain management are: facilities, inventory, transportation, and information” (Baltzan/Phillips, 2010). “ An organization can use these four drivers in varying measure to push it toward either a supply chain strategy focusing on efficiency or a supply chain strategy focusing on effectiveness. The organization must decide on the trade-off it desires between efficiency and effectiveness for each driver. The selected combined impact of the various drivers then determines the efficiency and effectiveness of the entire supply chain” (Baltzan/Phillips, 2010). Review and Analysis 2. How could Wal-Mart have revamped its transportation driver to handle Katrina more efficiently? I think Wal-Mart could have done a few things differently to handle Katrina more efficiently. The company had one thing on its mind at the time of the storm was about to hit, money. Wal-Mart sent armored cars to pick up cash from all of the stores but did not think to send relief trucks with supplies like clothes, blankets or food. I think if you are going to send trucks to a place you know something bad is about to happen just to protect your own, I think it would be a great idea to show the people of the United States that you can also be intuitive about sending supplies. Now they...
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...with Traditional supply chain management. • Drop and ship (Ship tracking issue) zappos not have information about the shipment dates • Branded shoe maker reluctant • Logistic distribution issue: - between shoe maker warehouse (operated manually, location) & Zappos & UPS • Strategic partnership with UPS for warehousing which was unsuccessful because the number of SKU was too much. Holding Inventory was too much in number ( bar code & Handler_ • Warehouse in California & then bought another in Kentucky ( using bar code strategy ) • Software to handle the inventory • VMI • Risk Pooling (website catalogue , • Replenishment of slow moving items by making partnership with 9M • Lead-time and transportation Drop and ship Supply Chain Management: Supply chain management is increasingly being recognized as the integration of key business processes across the supply chain. Supply chain management is described as a set of approaches utilized to efficiently integrate suppliers, manufacturers, warehouses, and stores, so that merchandise is produced and distributed at the right quantities, to the right locations and at the right time, in order to minimize system wide costs while satisfying the service level requirements The primary objective of supply chain management is to fulfill customer demands through the most efficient use of resources. These resources include distribution capacity, inventory and labor. In theory, a supply chain seeks to match demand...
Words: 3921 - Pages: 16
...measures. Business strategy should be right instituted and implemented to improve the core competence of the organization. It seems that strategy of supply chain is the most important part of business strategy. The strategy of supply chain always makes contributions to reduce cost and gain best benefits. Hewlett-Packard, one of the world’s best companies, the experience of its printer division showed us successful supply chain management in a constantly changing market environment. This paper emphasis on exploring and analyzing the changes that HP’s printer division made to beat back the competition. 1.1 Background Compared with its competitor, HP’s inkjet printers had attained a significant penetration in the market. In spite of the excellent sales, Antonio Perez, general manager of HP’s Inkjet Products Group, realized that small business market preferred laser printers with low prices. In such a case, he decided to orient the laser printers as a consumer product. Obviously, the target market had changed through the influence of this decision. And then it further affected its business processes, R&D, manufacturing, distribution marketing and sales. Thus it impacted directly on the strategy of supply chain. In section 2, I will pay attention to the changes in its target market. The impact of the changes on the supply chain would be shown in section 3. 2. Target Market 3.1 Concept of Target Market A target market, also known as a target audience, it is a...
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