Premium Essay

Sus Ginoo


Submitted By Lordkaitou
Words 355
Pages 2
Public Relations * A communication function of mgm’t through w/c organizations adapt to alter or maintain their environment for the purpose of achieving org. goals . * Using your media to achieve your mktg. Objectives * Comminicate your message, build your image, motivate desired behavior, generate greater revenues and profits. * Should be a win-win partnership w/ journalist
Who needs PR? * Small business owner, manager * Entrepreneurs can get frontpage publicity and level the playing field vs. wealthier competitors who advertise * Corporation manager or Executives- To communicate with target market more often * Consumer- You will know what you need
Reasons why a business person may want to use PR. * Grow the business * Make more money * Increase sales * Respond to a crisis (safety risk. defect) * Correct any bad press
P.R. – What it is and how it works * How it fits into an overall mktg. campaign? * Who needs it? * How it can benefit me? * Make or buy?
Brainstorming and thinking creatively * Come up w/ breakthrough ideas that make your product or service, standout and get media attention
Putting the wheels into motion * Turn plans into a working campaign * Press release, facing featured articles, deliver your message in person.
Choose the right medium for your message * Radio, tv, print, internet
Creating buzz * Create event , use/exploit events of others to get free publicity * Monitor PR result
Mktg and the 4 Ps * Product * Price * Place * Promotion
PR and advertising- PR is practically free vs ads (its a bargain)
Ads are clearly identified as paid promotion, PR is not
Key differences: * Control
Ads- total control of content, format, timing
PR- press release may or may not be used * Repitition
Ads- repeatable
PR- is not, to get

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