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Suze Says She Lives by Her Credo, “People First, Then Money, Then Things.” What Do You Think She Means by That? What Does That Mean to You? Please Explain Your Answer.


Submitted By JamieTiaMarie
Words 255
Pages 2
Suze says she lives by her credo, “People first, then money, then things.” What do you think she means by that? What does that mean to you? Please explain your answer.

"People First, Then Money, Then Things," clarifies that when Suze says "People First," she means taking care of you first, not taking care of everybody else, as some people misinterpret it. You need to take care of yourself first. "People first" does not refer to your parents, your siblings, your children, your grandparents, your aunt, your uncle, your friends, your co-worker. You need to have food in your house to feed yourself, you need to have clothes in the closet to clothe yourself, and you need a roof over your head so you can sleep in a dry and safe home. I believe she's not referring to keeping stacks of money hidden in your mattress. Every person should be debt free, including a mortgage. Suze is just saying have an emergency fund, be prepared. That brings me to "then things." This means that once you have taken care of yourself first and you have all of the appropriate items in place financially speaking, then you can worry about things, like vacations, redecorating your bathroom, buying an expensive handbag, etc. I agree with this statement from Suze and it’s hard to understand and have a clear thought of what she’s trying to tell you. I believe I correctly got the point and think I understood her concept to the best of my abilities.

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