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Communication Opinion Paper


Submitted By jrosario1988
Words 549
Pages 3
Joseph Rosario
Week 1 Assignment
Communication Opinion Paper

Effective communication is an essential element of basic communication. Without it, meaning cannot be transferred from one person to another and any misunderstandings could lead to dire consequences.
The process of communication is composed of three elements: the source (sender, speaker, transmitter, or instructor), the symbols used in composing and transmitting the message (words or signs), and the receiver (listener, reader, or student). The three elements are dynamically interrelated since each element is dependent on the others for effective communication to take place. The relationship between instructor and student also is dynamic and depends on the two-way flow of symbols between the instructor and student. The instructor depends on feedback from the student to properly tailor the communication to the situation. The instructor also provides feedback to the student to reinforce the desired student responses.
Each individual involved in the health care industry is an agent of communication. Whether the communication is verbal or nonverbal, millions of messages are being communicated on a daily basis in the industry. Effective communication requires the ability to understand and to be understood. A large aspect of communication is listening and responding to the needs or desires of the person communicating. A health care professional's performance is directly related to his or her ability to effectively communicate. As far as the provider goes, they can do many things to encourage a reluctant consumer to communicate candidly. Such a provider may open up to the consumer by being honest in regards to the quality of the products sold at the store. When the consumer sees that the provider is honest about his/her own products that should cause the consumer to open up candidly.

When people speak to

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