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Swot Analyze


Submitted By nickyy
Words 519
Pages 3
• Market Demographics
Our service is mainly located in Ho Chi Minh City because of its potential, where people always want to experience new things and time is a very important issue. Our ideal customer is between the age of 16 and 30 who enjoys having a quick meal which can be easily found on the street with attractive design and affordable price such as B's Mart, Family Mart and other street foods.
Customers are typically teenagers and officers who are busy working and studying. They often do not have time to cook a proper meal at home. They also have a wide range of disposable income. Some are outgoing and fun-loving people, others are often spend more times at work.
Our service design consulting customer is a large group of teenagers who is looking for a good meal deal with best price, best quality in a healthy way. • Market Needs
These group of people get bored of fast foods and considered more about time managing. They are now looking for more healthy food with a quick serve. In order to meet customer needs, we will target a service that provide certain good foods such as sticky rice, kimpap, sandwiches, healthy drinks, etc... The service we are trying to build up that are covered by the type of this demographic consumers.
Customers in this segment also has limited financial capacity. Teens typically get their money to buy foods, fast foods will not be always best choice. Firstly, it is pricey, it costs much more money than local foods. Especially for teenagers, who can not always afford without their parents supporting. Secondly, they have to take risks of their health for always eating fast food. This becomes a very serious topic that have always mentioned on TV, newspapers, etc.. (
Very frequently, these customer talk to each other about which service or product is good and suitable for them. They also participate in online forums, websites, apps and discussion groups to gather tips and other information to explore new places. Additionally, they enjoy sharing tips and leave comments to where they have experienced. As a result, the word of mouth potential for good service is explosive. • Market Trends
Things are not always the same. In modern life, both men and women would spend more time at work and put a lot of effort toward their careers rather than spending time at home cooking for their family. Before, women normally stay at home being as a housewife, looking after their children and preparing meal for their husbands.
Now they are more opened and out going, they refer a good service that provide good foods, so that they can just get a quick meal and save more time for other works to do. Besides, they consider more about their health, they tend to live more healthy and fitness. Fast food will not be longer their choices, especially for their children and teenagers. Knowing the market trends is increasing, we will start our business by giving out best to the customers. • Market Growths

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