Premium Essay

Swot - Children Book Marktet


Submitted By dorothyyywei
Words 1394
Pages 6
SWOT Analysis As we begin a more detailed description of Ginger’s position in the book industry, we develop a SWOT analysis. A SWOT analysis can help one uncover opportunities that his/she is well-placed to exploit. And by understanding the weaknesses of the business, one can manage and eliminate threats that would otherwise catch his/her unawares. More than this, by looking at Ginger and the competitors using the SWOT framework, we can start crafting a strategy that helps her distinguish herself from your competitors and to compete successfully in the book market. Strengths and weakness represents internal factors while opportunities and threats represents external factors. (See figure 1)
Figure 1 Strengths | Weakness | -Focus on educational topics-Support from parents-Trilogy | - She does everything on her own- She doesn’t make good use of social media- No brand power | Opportunities | Threats | -Present the book in a launch party
-Expand to market through social media-School encourages the the topic | -Too many competitors out in the market-May receive bad book reviews. |

Strengths are those that Ginger is good at or something that can help the enables her to have competitive edge. Ginger has some strengths that make her stand out in the market. First, her book The Boy Who Rode the Tiger focus on positive spirit and teaches teenagers the concept of courage and grace. Her book contains important classroom values and will be welcomed by schools. Ginger has gone to different schools to present her previous book. It is an evidence that her work is supported by teachers and she continue her success with her new book. Second, her book has a good reputation among parents, soccer moms in particular. Ginger was once a middle school teacher. She knows about the the parents’ expectation in choosing reading material for their children.

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