...NT11110_unit-2_short answer Joshua w Schutzler ITT-Tech university The first question was what devices are necessary for a personal computer would be a monitor would be the first because it allow you to see what go on with the computer you can see what you have type on the monitor you can see to see the computer respond form input. The second thing would a keyboard it would allow you to input information in to the computer as well as type in a command into the council pail to operate the hold computer and you can use your keyboard as a mouse so it can take care of both inputing and moving around on the computer monitor. The item not need for day to day use is a printer it is useful yes but you can go form day to day without using it and if you really need to use on the liberty has a printer you can use for twenty five cents. The next one is mic most people don't use a mic unless you are a gamer who play a lot of online game. Speaker are not need yes you mint like listen to music but you not likely to listen to it when you doing something with a high need of contusion or just looking up some thing. a modern is considered an I/O device because modem are a devise that allow a computer to talk over phone line and it input and output for it can send and receive form modem to modem. the last question is can you think of why a printer may also be classified as an input device well a printer talk to a computer...
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...They talk about some of the core components of the computer the guts of the computer including the motherboard, the various bus tech-neologies, and interfaces that you might encounter. Deciding on a motherboard should be your first task when you build a PC. Adapter cards are vital because they allow video, audio, and network capabilities. It is important to know how many and what type of adapter card slots are available on your motherboard be-fore selecting specific adapter cards. The motherboard represents the logical foundation of the computer. Everything that makes a computer a computer must be attached to the motherboard. From the CPU to storage devices, from RAM to printer ports, the motherboard provides the connections that help them work together. Motherboard is essential to computer operation in large part because of the two major buses it contains: the system bus and the I/ O bus. Together, these buses carry all the information between the different parts of the computer. The location and orientation of these buses varies depending on the type of form factor used. The form factor is the design of the motherboard, which the case and power supply, must comply with. Motherboards can come with integrated I/ O ports; these are usually found as a rear port cluster. The MCH is used by devices that re-quire a high speed of data transfer. It is important to note that on many AMD-based motherboards, this chip doesn’t connect to the RAM; instead, the RAM is accessed directly by...
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...Business Research Applications First Energy is a multi-state corporation with more than 17000 employees and supplies electricity to customers in six states including Ohio, Virginia, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Maryland (First Energy Corp, 2011). With this many customers comes a large responsibility to maintain competitive costs and services. Supplying electricity, including customer and business revenue, is a costly venture. To stay viable and competitive, extensive research into alternative forms of energy is essential. First Energy spends much of their time and expenses into this research and it explains itself further in the following paragraphs. First energy commits itself to abiding by the rules, regulations, laws, and environmental policies in effect (First Energy, 2010). As pollution laws become stricter and fines increase for higher than allowed pollution levels, First energy must find efficient and cheaper ways to supply electrical energy. For First Energy to move forward with technology, keep customer and business rates low, and comply with state and federal regulations, First Energy spends generous amounts of time and assets into research. That is what keeps that business in the progress it is in. A major portion of these assets and time First Energy uses is research into improving and enhancing existing equipment. To accomplish this, First energy partners with various organizations to test prototype equipment and processes. These partners...
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...VERSLAGEN HOORCOLLEGES CONSUMENTENGEDRAG & INNOVATIE IN DE PRAKTIJK 2014-2015 periode B Naam: Studentnummer: Klas: Docent: ------------------------------------------------- WEEK 1 ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Datum: ------------------------------------------------- Spreker: ------------------------------------------------- Onderwerp: ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- VRAGEN: ------------------------------------------------- Welke drie vragen had je voorafgaand aan het college? Zijn deze vragen beantwoord? Welke antwoorden kreeg je? ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- 1. ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- 2. ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- 3. ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ALGEMENE SAMENVATTING: ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ...
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...Cultural Event Paper The goal of cultural events is bringing people with different backgrounds together. Cultural events can be very inspiring, life changing, fun, and educational. Cultural events can have a big impact on people in than they might realize. Events that get people out of their comfort zone might be uncomfortable at first but it also can be very moving. I am sure that many people are blind to the facts of trying something new but in reality trying new things can be quite interesting. You can get educated on subjects that you might not are open to. It will enable you to look past your own individual instances and go beyond the limit into different experiences and perspectives. I have always been open to people with different personalities and life morals. While I have been at college I have been introduced to a lot of unique people. There is such a large mixture of cultures here on campus. After being here for 10 weeks I decided to attend and event with my friends that we thought would be very exciting. On November 29, 2012 we went to the Drag show that was hosted by the Saluki Rainbow Network. Personally, I support the gay movement and I have no hostility toward homosexuals. I must say that this was a very exciting/ learning experience and I am very happy that I attended. When I walked in the intense decorations and the crowded ballroom surprised me. All types of people from different areas that were there to see the show surrounded me. There were people there...
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...English II Discussion Board Unit 5 Writing and Editing a Research Paper Lisa R Brown Writing a paper is a process and it takes time and great effort. It was very hard getting started due to the fact that you have so many ideas or important things you can right about. Choosing the right topic was very hard because you have to make sure the topic of your choice will hold the reader’s attention. Once you have chosen your topic, the fun begins. The first step in the writing process is rereading. In this stage you would gather information from various sources that pertain to your topic. Make sure you document all sources in case you need to cite them. Then there is the pre writing stage were you writing down all of your ideas. While taking notes, you are creating ideas and writing an outline that will help put your essay together. Now it is time to start drafting. All of the notes that you have taken can now be turned into paragraphs to form your document. Once you have completed writing your paragraphs, it is time to evaluate your drafts. In this process you can determine what needs to be revised. Make sure that there aren’t any gaps and all of the information is pertaining to your topic. This way, you can be certain that the information makes sense on a reader’s point of view. At this point you can add or delete information that will make you essay come together. In the revising process, you have to carefully evaluate what you have written and you may have to change or reorganize...
Words: 453 - Pages: 2
...Badan perundangan Dari Wikipedia Bahasa Melayu, ensiklopedia bebas. Lompat ke: pandu arah, gelintar Dewan Pertuanan di Istana Westminster merupakan salah satu daripada dua dewan di United Kingdom Badan perundangan ialah sejenis majlis perundingan perwakilan yang memiliki kuasa untuk menggubal, meminda dan meratifikasi undang-undang. Ia dikenali dengan banyak nama, dengan yang paling umum merupakan parlimen dan kongres, walaupun istilah-istilah itu juga membawa pengertian yang lebih khusus. Dalam sistem berparlimen, badan perundangan ialah badan yang tertinggi dan yang melantik cabang eksekutif. Sebaliknya, dalam sistem berpresiden, badan perundangan dianggap sebagai cabang tersendiri yang kuasanya sama sahaja dengan cabang eksekutif. Selain daripada menggubal undang-undang, badan perundangan biasanya mempunyai kuasa tersendiri untuk menaikkan cukai dan menerapkan belanjawan serta rang undang-undang wang yang lain. Kebenaran dewan perundangan juga biasanya diperlukan sebelum mengikat perjanjian perdamaian atau mengisytiharkan perang. Komponen utama badan perundangan merupakan satu atau lebih dewan yang mendebatkan dan menerima rang undang-undang melalui undi. Badan perundangan yang memiliki hanya satu dewan dikenali sebagai ekadewan. Badan perundangan dwidewan terdiri daripada dua dewan yang berasingan, biasanya diperihalkan sebagai Dewan Pertuanan dan Dewan Rakyat. Tugas, kuasa, dan kaedah yang digunakan untuk memilih anggota adalah tidak sama untuk kedua-dua dewan tersebut...
Words: 3888 - Pages: 16
...SIMPANAN ATAU INSURANS Contoh Scenario Nama : En Faisal Umur : 25 tahun Kerjaya : Eksekutif di sebuah syarikat Status : Tidak merokok SIMPANAN Seorang graduan, En Faisal baru sahaja memulakan kerjayanya sebagai seorang executive di sebuah syarikat tempatan. Setiap bulan anda menyimpan RM200. Pada hujung tahun, jumlah simpanan anda adalah RM2400 + + ( Termasuk interest(bunga) (0.3% di akaun simpanan, 3% di akaun tetap, atau 7% jika simpan di ASB) Anggaran simpanan selepas 2 tahun berjumlah RM4,800+ + Malangnya, selepas 2 tahun mencarum, En Faisal disahkan menghidapi tumor yang memerlukan RM50,000 kos perubatan. Terima kasih kepada simpanan, beliau mempunyai RM4,800, tetapi masih memerlukan RM45,200. TAKAFULLINK BSN INSURANS Atas kesedaran pentingnya perlidungan takaful, Encik Faisal telah menyertai pelan perlindungan komprehensif Takafullink BSN Prudential (Life Insurans + Medical Card + Saving) dengan sumbangan RM200 sebulan. Manfaat pelan perlindungan Takafullink En. Faisal berdasarkan ilustrasi berikut: 8 Manfaat Utama | Manfaat | Jumlah (RM) | 1 | Kematian/Hilang Upaya Kekal | 100, 000 | 2 | 36 Jenis penyakit Kritikal | 50, 000 | 3 | Kematian/hilang Upaya Akibat Kemalangan | 50, 000 | 4 | Kad Perubatan TakafulHealth | 150, 000 | 5 | Elaun Hilang...
Words: 464 - Pages: 2
...Submitted by: Awais Ali jan Roll# 11488 ================================================================= == Pakistani Exporters ------------------------------------------------- Agar Batti And Products Manufacturers Exporters In Pakistan , Pakistani Companies * ------------------------------------------------- Adnan EnterprisesA-27,Block-4,Gulshan-e-Iqbal,Karachi * ------------------------------------------------- International Fragrance Corp.Export Processing Zone,Landhi Industrial Area,Karachi * ------------------------------------------------- Karachi Perfumery HouseShah Alam Market,Papar Mandi,Bottle Bazar,Lahore * ------------------------------------------------- Karachi Perfumery HouseBottle Bazar,Off M.A.Jinnah Road,Karachi * ------------------------------------------------- Khawaja Agarbatti ProductsRoom-106,1st Floor,J.J.Centre,Daryalal Street,Jodia Bazar,Karachi * ------------------------------------------------- Metro Agarbatti Co.F-106,Hub River Road,S.I.T.E.,Karachi * ------------------------------------------------- Metro Agarbatti Co.F-106,Hub River Road,S.I.T.E.,Karachi * ------------------------------------------------- Muhammad Ismail Muhammad JamilNear Arambagh Police Station,Karachi * ------------------------------------------------- RajcoMarkwick Road,Near Civil Hospital,Karachi * ------------------------------------------------- Venus Agarbatti Co.Hassan Ali Effendi Road,P.O.Box No.8263,Karachi ...
Words: 1412 - Pages: 6
...| | | | | | | | | | | | AGENSI ANTIDADAH KEBANGSAAN KEMENTERIAN DALAM NEGERI Laporan Dadah November 2012 KANDUNGAN MUKA SURAT STATISTIK PENAGIH DADAH ………………………………….…………..2 - 5 PROFIL PENAGIH……………………………………………………………..6 - 20 | |• Etnik | | | | | | | | |• Jantina | | | | | | | | |• Umur | | | | | | | | |• Pekerjaan | | | | | | | | |• Tahap Pendidikan | | | ...
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...Suasana kebun anggrek di Kebun Raya Bogor hari ini tampak sepi. Lembab, sejuk, basah, menjadi atmosfer khas yang menyambut Vanilla saat melangkahkan kaki melewati gerbang masuk kebun tersebut. Sembari menyusuri jalan setapak, ia melihat beragam jenis anggrek yang sedang mekar di kanan-kiri. Indah sekali dengan warna-warni semarak, merah, kuning, ungu, putih. Begitu menggoda hati dan ingin memetiknya. Namun, ia tahu hal itu dilarang. Vanilla tersenyum sendiri. Ia menyusuri jembatan kecil yang di bawahnya terdapat kolam dengan air jernih dan air mancur kecil. Gemericik suaranya terdengar menyenangkan dan damai. Di ujung jembatan, Vanilla melihat Mizar berdiri tersenyum dengan sebuket bunga berwarna kuning muda kehijauan. Vanilla beranjak mendekat. Senyumnya mengembang melihat Mizar yang begitu tampan meski berpenampilan kasual mengenakan celana jeans dan kemeja putih. Ah, bukankah pria itu memang selalu terlihat tampan? "Ini bunga vanilla. Ternyata ada banyak ditanam di kebun anggrek ini." Mizar mengulurkan tangan, memberikan buket bunga. Mata Vanilla terbelalak. "Zar, dilarang memetik anggrek di sini!" bisiknya panik. Ia urung menerima. Mizar tertawa kecil. Kerlingan matanya menunjukkan sifat jahil seperti biasa. "Jangan sampai ketahuan penjaga! Khusus untuk kamu hari ini. Happy Birthday, Darling..." Ragu-ragu, Vanilla hendak menerima bunga pemberian Mizar yang memiliki nama yang sama dengan dirinya itu. Tepat saat itu, ia merasakan ponselnya bergetar. Seseorang menelepon...
Words: 1759 - Pages: 8
...马来西亚华校教师会总会(教总)调查研究及资讯组整理 2009 年 6 月 截至 2009 年 1 月 31 日柔佛州华小学生人数统计数据 序 号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 校名 学校编号 中 JBC 0001 JBC 0002 JBC 0003 JBC 0004 JBC 0005 JBC 0006 JBC 0007 JBC 0008 JBC 0009 JBC 0010 JBC 0011 JBC 0012 JBC 0013 JBC 0014 JBC 0015 JBC 0016 JBC 0017 JBC 0018 JBC 0019 JBC 0020 JBC 0021 JBC 0022 JBC 0023 JBC 0024 峇都巴辖爱群华小一校 峇都巴辖爱群华小二校 峇都巴辖普乐华小 峇都巴辖正修华小一校 峇都巴辖正修华小一校 白沙浮振华华小 四加亭中华华小 石文丁中华华小 亚音港中华华小 新加兰中华华小 巴力加礼中华华小 铁山中华华小 龙引中华华小 巴力士隆港脚中华华小 新加兰中正华小 合春港华民华小 峇都巴辖华仁华小 峇都巴辖华南华小 巴力拉惹光南华小 永平新港华小 永平南利华小 巴力加心励群华小 亚依淡马华华小 峇都巴辖明智华小 巫 SJK(C) AI CHUN 1, BATU PAHAT SJK(C) AI CHUN 2, BATU PAHAT SJK(C) BULOH, PARIT BULOH SJK(C) CHENG SIU 1, BATU PAHAT SJK(C) CHENG SIU 2, BATU PAHAT SJK(C) CHERN HWA, BUKIT PASIR SJK(C) CHONG HWA, SRI GADING SJK(C) CHONG HWA, SEGENTING SJK(C) CHONG HWA, SUNGAI AYAM SJK(C) CHONG HWA, SENGGARANG SJK(C) CHONG HWA, PARIT KADIR SJK(C) CHONG HWA, SRI MEDAN SJK(C) CHONG HWA, RENGIT SJK(C) CHONG HWA, KANGKAR SENANGGAR SJK(C) CHUNG CHENG, SENGGARANG SJK(C) HUA MIN, BATU PAHAT SJK(C) HWA JIN, BATU PAHAT SJK(C) HWA NAN, BATU PAHAT SJK(C) KONG NAN, PARIT RAJA SJK(C) KANGKAR BAHRU, YONG PENG SJK(C) LAM LEE, YONG PENG SJK(C) LI CHUN, PARIT KASSIM SJK(C) MALAYAN, AIR HITAM SJK(C) MING CHIH, MINYAK BEKU 学生 人数 690 358 121 896 1060 1150 111 142 48 265 123 109 451 71 98 906 784 534 329 258 94 51 358 1 马来西亚华校教师会总会(教总)调查研究及资讯组整理 2009 年 6 月 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 JBC 0025...
Words: 13780 - Pages: 56
...1.ciri” kalimat efektif 1.Memiliki unsur penting atau pokok, minimal unsur SP. 2.Taat terhadap tata aturan ejaan yang berlaku. 3.Menggunakan diksi yang tepat. 4.Menggunakan kesepadanan antara struktur bahasa dan jalan pikiran yang logis dan sistematis. 5.Menggunakan kesejajaran bentuk bahasa yang dipakai. 6.Melakukan penekanan ide pokok. 7.Mengacu pada kehematan penggunaan kata. 8.Menggunakan variasi struktur kalimat 2. criteria metode ilmiah Karya ilmiah disusun dengan menggunakan metode ilmiah, yaitu cara menerapkan prinsip-prinsip logis terhadap penemuan, pengesahan dan penjelasan tentang suatu kebenaran. Adapun kriteria metode ilmiah adalah : * Berdasarkan fakta (bukan kira-kira, khayalan, legenda) * Bebas dari prasangka (tidak subyektif) * Menggunakan prinsip-prinsip analisis (kausalitas & pemecahan masalah berdasarkan analisis yang logis) * Menggunakan hipotesis (sebagai pemandu jalan pikiran menuju pencapaian tujuan) * Menggunakan ukuran obyektif (bukan berdasarkan perasaan) * Menggunakan teknik kuantifikasi (nominal, rangking, rating) M. Nazir, (1988) 3. pertimbangan dalam memilih topic Topik/Masalah adalah pokok pembicaraan. Dalam memilih topik/masalah, Arifin (2003:8) m emberikan beberapa pertimbangan : * Topik yang dipilih harus berada di sekitar kita, baik di sekitar pengalaman kita maupun di sekitar pengetahuan kita. Hindarilah topik yang jauh dari kita karena hal itu akan menyulitkan kita ketika menggarapnya. * Topik yang dipilih...
Words: 2236 - Pages: 9
...A RESEARCH PROPOSAL ON IMPACT OF RURAL BANKING ON RURAL FARMERS IN BANGLADESH INTRODUCTION: Bangladesh is an agro-based country, essentially are endeavoring for rapid development of the country. More or less 80 percent people directly or in directly depend on agriculture for their occupation .But it is a matter of great sorrow that farmers of our country get less facility in agricultural inputs especially agricultural credit. Due to the lack of credit at proper time they cannot produce crops at proper efficiency. So the responsibility of rural banks needs to be increased. Because If current agricultural trends continue, by the year 2020 in Bangladesh food shortage will increase many times, .The lower calorie intake could lead to poverty, malnutrition and hunger. In an attempt to alleviate some of these potential problems, several institutional and non-institutional sources of rural credit have been made available to Africans. It is hoped that, in the long term, credit will enable the poor to invest in agricultural and non-agricultural productive assets, to adopt new technologies and farming methods, and to minimize environmental degradation. Bangladesh, like other developing countries, has traditionally experienced low productivity, low income levels, low domestic savings, unemployment, and malnutrition. The Bangladesh government, through the Bangladesh Bank , established Rural Banks to channel credit to productive rural ventures and promote rural development. Rural...
Words: 3976 - Pages: 16
...TAJUK : Sistem Pengurusan Mata Pelajaran Dan Pemarkahan Berasaskan Web Bagi Kolej RIMA Johor Bahru NAMA PENULIS NAMA IJAZAH FAKULTI : : : Elleney Merynda Wasli Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains (Komputer) Fakulti Sains Komputer Dan Sistem Maklumat 23 Mac 2005 TARIKH PENGHANTARAN : v PENGHARGAAN Segala puji bagi Allah S.W.T tuhan pencipta alam, selawat dan salam ke atas junjungan besar Nabi Muhammad S.A.W. Alhamdulillah, syukur ke hadrat Ilahi kerana dengan limpah kurnia-Nya, saya dianugerahkan dengan kesempatan masa, kekuatan semangat dan ketenangan jiwa dalam melaksanakan Projek II ini. Di sini saya ingin merakamkan setinggi-tinggi penghargaan dan ucapan terima kasih kepada penyelia saya Cik Marina Md Arshad atas segala nasihat, tunjuk ajar, bimbingan serta dorongannya yang tidak pernah putus sepanjang tempoh projek ini dijalankan. Setulus penghargaan saya tujukan kepada semua pensyarah yang telah mendidik saya selama ini dan tidak ketinggalan juga kepada rakan-rakan seperjuangan sekalian yang tetap setia bersama dalam keadaan susah mahupun senang. Semoga kita akan sama-sama berjaya dalam usaha kita mencapai puncak kejayaan yang diimpikan. Insya’ Allah.. Akhir kata, sekalung penghargaan buat keluarga saya yang telah banyak berkorban dan memberi sokongan penuh kepada saya dari dahulu hingga kini. Segala jasa dan pengorbanan kalian amat bermakna dan akan saya kenang sepanjang hayat. vi ABSTRAK Perjalanan sistem akademik di Kolej RIMA Johor...
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