...Systems theory: a scientific/philosophical approach and set of concepts, rather than a theory, for the transdisciplinary study of complex phenomena. It was first proposed by the biologist Ludwig von Bertalanffy in the 1940's (anthology: "General Systems Theory", 1968), as a reaction against scientific reductionism*. Rather than reducing a phenomenon (say, the human body) to a collection of elements or parts (say, the organs or cells), systems theory focuses on the relations and interactions between the parts, which connect them into a whole (see holism*). The particular arrangement of elements and relations determines an emergent* organization, or system*. That organization is abstract, independent of the concrete substance of the elements, which may be atoms, molecules, cells, transistors, or people. This entails that the same principles of organization can be found in different domains: physics, chemistry, biology, psychology, sociology, technology... One of the aims of systems theory is to unify different scientific disciplines by uncovering these general principles (see unity of science*). Systems theory studies characteristics common to many or all complex systems. These...
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...Intervention (300 words) Introduction After directly working with the family for a period of six weeks, the relationship between the mother (Mrs J) and the other three children (HD, HD, HD) it would appear that a systems based approach maybe most appropriate. The family unit (to include the father – Mr D) can be seen as a system, and to gain an insight into the working pieces of the system, I must try and understand the dynamics and how the individuals interacts with it. Systems theory is based principally on the basis that no individual is isolated. The family interactions, (to include professional interventions) represent a system (or web) around the individuals. In the family environment, the decision taken by one of the family member (i.e. the Mrs J or Mr D) can directly affect the options available for the other members. It is also important to acknowledge that the family are also reliant upon other exosystems (such as Children Services, health and education) to influence and support the children within it (Bronfenbrenner, 1994). The internal and external system can be complex and overlapping, “systems theory concentrates on the relationship between the parts rather than parts in isolation” (Social Care Institute for Excellence, 2004, p.18). Why use systems theory? Within this particular case it would be easy to focus upon the individuals within it and neglect the external influences assisting them. However such a stance would only have a partial success as the internal...
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...SYSTEMS THEORY Summary RSP 1 SYSTEMS THEORY Three Distinct but Closely Interrelated Theoretical Legacies Information theory: focuses on the reduction of uncertainty which is achieved by the acquisition of information . Cybernetics: a science of communication concerned with the transmission and control of information; it examines the communication and manipulation of information in various systems . General Systems Theory (GST): interested in systems in general; family systems theory is an extension of this branch . Definitions and Terms Three Uses/Definitions: General Systems Theory (GST) is used to explain the behavior of a variety of complex, organized systems. GST is also a process of theory construction which focuses on building universal concepts, postulates, and principles. GST, as a worldview, emphasizes interrelationships between objects. Terms Isomorphism: Refers to equivalence of form: there is a one-to-one correspondence between elements and relationships. Cybernetic system: systems with feedback. Core Assumptions of General Systems Theory GST Has Potential for Unifying Science: suggests that there are unifying principles in every discipline; GST is a way to consider isomorphism between them. A System Must Be Understood as a Whole Von Bertalanffy: promoted the notion that a family, or any system, is greater than the some of it's parts. Lewin: the whole is different from the sum of it's parts. Human Systems are Self-Reflexive...
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...The family systems theory is more than just a theory, it offers insight to causes of human behavior. The family system theory asserts that families are individual and unique even within the same culture and ethnicity. The family system is in constant change depending on their ever changing environment and because of this is often a resistance to change. Each individual member of the family have different roles and each person develops and grows at their own rate. Depending on the internal and external stress each person is affected differently causing. The family system theory According to this theory people are resistant to changes due to internal and external barriers. With the family unit being the hub in which children learn by it can be...
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...century a theory to explain historical development as a dynamic process. Marx and Darwin used this theory in their work. System theory (as we know it) was used by L. von Bertalanffy, a biologist, as the basis for the field of study known as ‘general system theory’, a multidisciplinary field (1968). Some influences from the contingency approach can be found in system theory. Core Assumptions and Statements System theory is the transdisciplinary study of the abstract organization of phenomena, independent of their substance, type, or spatial or temporal scale of existence. It investigates both the principles common to all complex entities, and the (usually mathematical) models which can be used to describe them. A system can be said to consist of four things. The first is objects – the parts, elements, or variables within the system. These may be physical or abstract or both, depending on the nature of the system. Second, a system consists of attributes – the qualities or properties of the system and its objects. Third, a system had internal relationships among its objects. Fourth, systems exist in an environment. A system, then, is a set of things that affect one another within an environment and form a larger pattern that is different from any of the parts. The fundamental systems-interactive paradigm of organizational analysis features the continual stages of input, throughput (processing), and output, which demonstrate the concept of openness/closedness. A closed system does...
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...Ecological Systems Theory I chose Ecological systems theory as my Term paper topic. Ecological systems theory, also called development in context or human ecology theory, identifies five environmental systems with which an individual interacts. The Microsystem which is the innermost level of the environment, The Mesosystem. The second level of Bronfenbrenner’s model, the mesosystem, encompasses connections between microsystems. The exosystem which consists of social settings that do not contain the developing person but nevertheless affect experiences in immediate settings, the outermost level of Bronfenbrenner’s model, the macrosystem, consists of cultural values, laws, customs, and resources and the cronosystem, ever changing environment. [Development through the Lifespan, Sixth Edition pg 24] This theory provides the framework from which community psychologists study the relationships with individuals' contexts within communities and the wider society. Ecological systems theory was developed by Urie Bronfenbrenner. This theory also looks at a child’s development within the context of the system of relationships that form his or her environment. Bronfenbrenner’s theory defines complex “layers” of environment, each having an effect on a child’s development. [Dede Paquette – John Ryan] http://www.dropoutprevention.org/sites/default/files/paquetteryanwebquest_20091110.pdf I chose this topic because I feel that focusing on one aspect of development throughout the...
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...MANAGEMENT 641 ASSIGNMENT TOPIC PROJECTS & SYSTEMS THEORY HISTORY: Any phenomena can be understood using two different approaches Reductionism and Systems theory. These techniques have been in conflict for quite some time, especially since many philosophers started to question the Reductionism approach to understand the world. Now over the years the Systems theory approach is being increasingly applied. The Reductionism method implies that the best way to understand a phenomenon is to break it down into small components and individually examining each component. On the other hand, Systems theory is an interdisciplinary and holistic approach to evaluating the relationships and characteristics of different components within a ‘system’ and the effects of these interrelations on the whole organization (Hamilton 1997,32-46). A system can be defined as smaller entities and mechanisms that are interdependent and form an integrated whole. SYSTEMS THEORY: The concept of General systems theory was first introduced by the German philosopher Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel who used notion in relation to organic biology (Hamilton 1997,32-46). The General systems theory proposed that “The whole is not just the sum of parts” (Kast and Rosenzweig 1972, 450) rather the interrelation of the individual parts determines the characteristics and functions of the whole body. This holistic approach suggested that characteristics of the complete system cannot be fully appreciated by individually...
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...Family Systems Theory LaTova Quattlebaum Simmons College Family Theory September 24, 2015 Family Systems Theory The family systems theory has many strengths, one being that it “encourages nurses to see individual clients as participating members of a larger family system” (Kaakinen, Coehlo, Steele, Tabacco, & Hanson, 2015, p. 76). That being said working labor and delivery this concept holds true as the birth of an infant affects everyone in the family not just the woman, all roles within the family system are switched and everyone has to adapt. That adaptation could be adaptive or maladaptive in order to maintain stability (Kaakinen et al, 2015, p. 76). A weakness is that the theory maybe too “abstract for beginners” (Kaakinen et al, 2015, p. 79). Healthcare facilities appear to focus on the individual rather than the family, with that happening it makes it harder for new nurses to recognize the importance of “a family as a whole, is greater than the members of the family” ( Kaakinen et al, 2015, p.79). Looking at the family as a whole, during the laboring and birthing process, it is essential to take care of the mom laboring, but as equally as important to care for those attending the labor (i.e. dad, grandparents, and siblings) as their negative experiences could ruin the entire labor experience for the family as a whole. References Kaakinen, J. R., Coehlo, D. P., Steele, R., Tabacco, A., & Hanson, S. H. (2015). Family health care nursing: Theory, practice...
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...Sociotechnical systems theory Jimmy John Upstate University Sociotechnical systems theory is basically the belief that employees that are better equipped with the proper things that they need to do their jobs, training and knowledge on how to do that specific job that they in return will be more efficient at their jobs. The end result will create useful products and services to consumers. There by creating less wasteful products. This approach suggests that “organizations are effective when their employees (the social system) have the right tools, training, and knowledge (the technical system) to make products and services that are valued by the customers.” (Bateman & Snell2013). In quantitative management, managers have analysts that use mathematical techniques to come up with statistical results on different courses of action to make decisions on the proper course of action. However these are simply used as supplemental factors in making decisions because there are many things that are too unpredictable to use this approach in making decisions based solely on. The organizational behaviors approach is based on the belief that depending on the manager’s views of his or her employees will determine the success or failure of the business. Let’s same that we have two different managers do the same job. The first manager views his or her employees as lazy and feel that they have to be constantly watched to make sure that they are working. This will resulting...
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...There are different theories that relate to the global economy. One of these theories is the world systems theory, which was developed by Wallerstein. This theory acts as a model that describes all the changes that resulted in shaping the world into what it is today. Its focus is specifically on the changes that took place in Western Europe a few centuries ago during a period of significant economic development. The world systems theory saw the division of the world into some three parts, which are the core, the semi-periphery, and the periphery. The core mainly comprised those countries that were economically developed as the United States, countries from Western Europe, and Japan. The semi-periphery included those countries from Asia that were less developed while the periphery included those countries that were very rich in resources, but very poor and highly underdeveloped. These countries were mainly from Africa and Latin America (Frank, 2001). The world systems theory takes a Marxian approach in understanding the lack of development particularly in Latin America and Africa. This theory is materialist as it oversees politically and cultural, the collective and religious characteristics of the country all determined by the economy and it is an analysis of the system because all is perceived as one organization. The world systems theory is an analysis of capitalism and thus it finds its origination in the Annales School and the dependency theories. This theory was developed at...
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...!1 Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Systems Theory Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Systems Theory identifies 5 environmental systems that act with bi-directional influences amongst context and individuals to describe human development. From most intimate to least intimate, the components of this theory include: microsystems, mesosystems, exosystems, macrosystems, and chronosystems (Berk, 2010). This paper will describe how each of these systems shapes an individual’s life progression by analyzing their effects at the ages of twenty-five and forty-five on an interviewee, Kitty. These ages were chosen specifically because of the significant gap in their maturity levels. The majority of people experience different settings and relationships as young adults than they do later in their life and therefore the contexts the individual faces will be appropriately different at each of the two time periods. The most immediate connections and activities that are made on a day-to-day basis fall under the category of a microsystem (Berk, 2010). The birth of Kitty’s first daughter falls under this level of Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Systems Theory. At the age of twenty-five, Kitty’s daughter became the center of her attention and therefore one of the most important microsystems in her life at this time. She gave her child support, comfort, and everything necessary for survival, while the child motivated her mother to mature and take on more responsibility. This is an example of how there is always a...
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...Bowen Systems Theory Introduction It is essential to understand the behavior of a person before engaging in assisting them to overcome their challenges in counseling. However, in the course of understanding this individual, there would be barriers, as the person may not have the free will to disclose their actions. Therefore, this necessitates the help of the family to the nurse conducting the assessments to gather useful information that on application will help the patient in need. Therefore, to establish such information, through the association of the patient to the family or close friends helps in understanding the person and factors that led to the situation they face. Thus, in this aspect, this constitutes the Bowen Systems Theory, which has the sole purpose of assisting the psychiatric examination and assessment of patients (Bowen, Rawlins, & Martin, 2010). To understand the theory, the discussion further leads to the diagnostics and treatments available through this theory. Additionally, there are various journals written on the subject that provide a critical analysis of the Bowen theory. Thus, there is an illustration of the journal presented. Understanding the Topic Murray Bowen was an American Psychiatrist who studied and taught psychiatry as a professor in the Georgetown University. He was a bright fellow who designed and developed the initial prototype of the current Bowen system theory. However, he worked in conjunction with other professors and...
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...Organizational Theory – Organizational Systems Analysis Organizational Theory – Summary Paper Today’s organizations draw upon the concepts of social and cultural anthropology, political science, strategic management, and organizational behavior. To become a successful manager in today’s organizations, mangers must understand and adjust to organizational concepts, implementation and management of change within organizations, concepts of systems of theory problem solving and decision making. As a manger in my current organization, this course has taught me how to improve my managerial skills through recognizing and understanding the concepts mentioned above. The following is a complete system analysis of my company based on the Six-Box Model. Within the six-box model I will demonstrate how the following factors: (1) Boundaries and Environments; (2) Organizational Structure; (3) Formal and Informal Systems; (4) Reward Systems; (5) Power; (6) Force Field Analysis, (7) Organizational Interventions; and (8) Reactions to Proposed Changes affect a managers management style. Organizational Boundaries and Environments Boundaries in organizations can be defined as “the umbrella under which rules are implemented to shape their purpose and goals.” (Ware, 2005). Boundaries are in place to determine the sphere of influence for the internal activities of an organization and to govern the reactions to external environments...
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...between system oriented theories, sustainability issues and disclosures made by Orica Limited in their 2013 Sustainability Report (“Orica 2013”). The review is based on the system oriented theories covering Stakeholder Theory, Legitimacy Theory and Institutional Theory. On the basis of this assessment, recommendations are made for future approaches to Orica’s Sustainability Reporting. The 2013 Sustainability Report by Orica provided benefit to stakeholders. Orica’s key sustainability challenges and opportunities focus on: refining the customer value proposition, developing people capability and competence, driving common systems and processes, developing performance metrics and targets, reviewing manufacturing reliability and integrity, extending the mining service offering and securing low cost and capital efficient supply (Orica 2013). These areas are constantly being enhanced and some current initiatives are the Seven Pillar training program to ensure all employees have an understanding of Orica’s vision, value and strategies, development of stakeholder plans at key sites to provide a consistent approach to management, implementing Environmental Management Plans (EMPs) to identify key environmental risks, controls and impacts, and Project Sustain which identifies initiatives under Orica’s Safety, Health, Environment and Community (SHEC) (Orica 2013). The disclosures made by Orica can be assessed using system oriented theories. Deegan (2012, p. 109) defines system oriented...
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...Theories of Systems Analysis and Design for Integrated Business Solutions Xin Tian Herzing University Theories of Systems Analysis and Design for Integrated Business Solutions Introduction The word system comes from the Greek work “systema” defined as an organized relationship among functioning components or units. Business system analysis and design breaks down the entity’s components into its basic constituents for the purpose of studying how each component works with other components in the fulfillment of the business purpose (Grady, 2007). Business system analysis and design entails identifying the goals of an enterprise. Next, the analyst develops systems that will fulfill these goals through studying the basic components of the system with the aim of fulfilling the business’ goals in an efficient way. The analysis aspect of the system deals with what the systems should do while the design part outlines how the system will fulfill its purpose. A basic system will consists of two or several interrelated constituents. Each element of the system will consist of three properties. 1) Each component affects the functioning of the entire system. 2. Each component is affected by at least one other component in the system. 3. All subsystems of the components have the first two properties. Systems analysis and design for integrated business solutions entail three levels. The first level is the...
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