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Systemic Lupus Research Paper

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Systemic Lupus Erythematous (SLE)
Section 1

1.1 Definition

Lupus Erythematosus (LE) is an autoimmune disease that exists on a spectrum. On one part of the spectrum, there is Discoid Lupus Erythematosus (DLE) which mainly affects the skin and on the other hand Systematic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) has more systematic implications in regards to important organs in the human body such as the brain, lungs and the heart.

SLE is also known as Lupus, is a chronic, long-term disease that is not able to distinguish between healthy tissues and damaged tissues. This causes Lupus to affect several organs and is characterized by the formation of antibodies against certain kinds of self-antigens (Gleichmann, Elven, Van Der Veen & J. P. W., 1982). The disease …show more content…
The effect of race, however shows that comparatively there is a higher onset of SLE among different races. In Segasothy & Phillips’s study (as cited in Petri, 2002), Lupus is found to be more frequent in Aborigines than Caucasians in Australia. Johnson, Gordon, Palmer & Bacon’s study (as cited in Petri, 2002) supports that SLE is more common amongst Asians than in Caucasians in the UK and in Oahu, Hawaii. According to a study by Samanta,Feehally & Roy (as cited in Petri, 2002) shows that Asians with SLE also have shortened survival. There is no consensus yet as to the cause of this race effect. Some are of the opinion that the racial differences are genetic, however there is disagreement on this as others say that socio-economic variables are a huge factor to be considered (Petri, …show more content…
Comorbidities are usually side-effects of the disease or are associated with SLE itself. The reason for this is because SLE poses acute, severe and life threatening symptoms or is a fluctuating and chronic process that impacts several systems and increases the risk of malignancy or being susceptible to more diseases as your immune system is lowered (Chan, Yu, Yeh,Horng & Huang, 2016). However, early diagnosis and initiation of treatment of SLE often leads to a rapid recovery of the cardiac abnormalities (Chen, Chang, Hsu, Liao & Chen, 2014). As SLE mainly affects females in the reproductive age group, Pregnancies for patients with SLE pose a greater risk of fetal loss, intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR), prematurity, pre-eclampsia, and low birth weight stated in a study by Clark, Spitzer, Nadler & Laskin (2003), (as cited by Aly, Riyad & Mokbel, 2016). According to Ravelli, Ruperto & Martini’s study (as cited by Aly, Riyad & Mokbel, 2016) recent developments have succeeded in improving treatment that improves the patients quality of life which includes pregnancy

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