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Vitamin B 12 Research Paper

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Meat is high in protein and very good for your body but only if you choose the right kind. Not only is beef a good source of protein but t is also has nutrients that are important to the body such as iron, zinc, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, and niacin. Eating lean cuts of beef can help you more than eating a pieces of beef with a very high fat content. A lean content burger can help reduce the risk of getting cardiovascular disease, help keep your blood sugar in check and balanced which can lower your risk of getting diabetes. Vitamin B6 and B12 can help improve your memory. Vitamin B6 also help create dopamine, which may help reduce PMS symptoms. Both nutrients niacin and zinc help protect against having vision problems. Niacin helps …show more content…
Iron also helps the growth of nails. The riboflavin in lean beef can also help prevent migraines. Consuming lean meat also increases your iron, a nutrient important for healthy red blood cells. Your red blood cells require hemoglobin pigment protein that gives your blood its color to carry oxygen. If you don't get enough iron from your diet, you might develop anemia due to the lack of red blood cells you are making. Iron also makes up a myoglobin, a protein that stores oxygen in your muscle cells. A three ounce serving of 95% lean ground beef contains 2 milligrams of iron which is 11% of the recommended daily iron intake for women and 25% of the recommended intake for men, according to the Office of Dietary Supplements. The vitamin B-12 found in lean beef also helps in red blood cell production. It also affects other tissues, aiding in neurological function and in fat and protein metabolism. For a richer source of B-12, you want to eat 95% lean ground beef, which has 2.2 micrograms of vitamin B-12 every 3 ounces. Lean ground beef contains the body parts of the cow that do not have as much fat as other parts. This makes lean ground beef a healthy alternative to regular ground beef. The total calories in lean ground

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