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The Evolution of Human Skin Color


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Pages 18

The Evolution of Human Skin Color by Annie Prud’homme-Généreux Life Sciences Quest University, Canada

Part I – Skin Cancer
“Stop it!” called Tatiana, playfully. Her boyfriend, Zach, was inspecting her skin very carefully. “Look,” he answered her, his voice taking on a more serious tone. “Today a woman walked into the clinic for her annual physical. Everything about her seemed fine. She leads a balanced lifestyle, she eats well, she exercises: she’s healthy! But as she was about to leave, I noticed a mole on her arm. It had many of the warning signs of skin cancer. So, I removed the mole. This woman now has to wait for the lab results to see if it was cancerous. If it is, maybe we caught it early enough to treat it, and maybe not. Either way, her life is changed. I just want to make sure you don’t have any suspicious moles, okay?” Tatiana relented and allowed Zach to examine her skin. She asked: “Do only white people get skin cancer?” “No, people of all skin tone can get skin cancer, but it does occur more frequently in Caucasians.”

1. What are the causes of skin cancer? 2. Why are Caucasians more at risk of skin cancer than other populations? 3. At what age does skin cancer typically occur? Is the incidence of skin cancer greater in youth or old age?

“The Evolution of Human Skin Color” by Annie Prud’homme-Généreux

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Part II – Skin Pigmentation and UV Light
Why are human populations differently pigmented? What caused the evolution of an array of different skin colors?

Humans Were Initially Lightly Pigmented
About seven million years ago, humans and chimpanzees shared a common ancestor. Since that time, the two species have evolved independently from one another. It is generally assumed that chimpanzees changed less over that time period than humans—because they have remained in their original environment. Chimpanzees are therefore often used as a surrogate to make inferences about the physical and behavioral attributes of our common ancestors. The skin of chimps is light and covered with hair. From this observation, it has been inferred that our earliest ancestor was also probably light-skinned and covered with hair. Since humans and chimps diverged, humans left the protection of trees and adapted to a new environment (the open savannah). This change in habitat required several adaptations. Life on the savannah provided little shade and so little protection from the sun, and required a more active lifestyle (i.e., hunting as opposed to picking fruits). It is also hypothesized that the social interactions and strategizing required for successful hunting favored the development of a large brain, which consumed a lot of energy and generated heat. An increased number of sweat glands and loss of body hair evolved to dissipate heat. This created a new problem, as the light skin became exposed and vulnerable to the sun’s damaging ultraviolet (UV) radiation.

Melanin: Natural Sunscreen
UV light is harmful to living organisms because it causes changes (i.e., mutations) in the DNA sequence. Skin cells that produced a pigment called melanin were advantaged because melanin is a natural sunscreen; it absorbs the energy of UV light and shields cells from the radiation’s harmful effects. Such cells were favored in evolution and now all human skin cells can produce this pigment. People vary in their skin tone due to differences in the distribution, quantity, size, and type of melanin found in their skin cells. As you might suspect, people with dark skin tend to have larger and more numerous melanin-containing particles in their skin. This provides protection from the sun’s UV rays. Many genes are known to affect the production of melanin and cause skin color variation in humans. While skin color is an inherited characteristic, the fact that many genes code for this trait explains why children do not always exactly match their parents’ skin tone. Tanning is the process of producing more melanin in the skin in response to ultraviolet exposure, and does not require a change in the genetic code (if a parent gets a tan, the offspring will not be more pigmented).

Distribution of UV Light across the Globe
The following image (Figure 1) represents a map of the world on which the UV-light Index has been superimposed. The latitudes are shown on the left (latitude helps define a location on Earth, specifically how far north or south of the equator a site is).

4. Does the amount of UV light reaching the Earth vary in a predictable manner? If so, describe the pattern you observe. 5. What latitude receives the greatest amount of UV light? The least? 6. Based on these data, where might you expect to find the most lightly pigmented and most darkly pigmented people on the planet? Be as specific as you can. 7. Provide a rationale to your answer above (i.e., why did you think that more darkly pigmented people would be found in those areas)?

“The Evolution of Human Skin Color” by Annie Prud’homme-Généreux

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Source: Figure obtained from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Graph retrieved 18 October 2009 from http://www.cpc. This U.S. Government material is not subject to copyright protection within the United States.

“The Evolution of Human Skin Color” by Annie Prud’homme-Généreux

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Part III – Distribution of Skin Tones across the Globe
Let’s examine whether our predictions were correct. Figure 2 shows the relationship between latitude and the average skin reflectance of populations located throughout the world. Skin reflectance is a measure of pigmentation. The more a skin reflects light, the lighter it is in tone. Figure 2. Relationship of skin reflectance to latitude.

Source: Panel B of Figure 2 in Barsh (2003). Graph originally captioned as “Summary of 102 skin reflectance samples for males as a function of latitude, redrawn from Relethford (1997).” © 2003 Public Library of Science. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Public Library of Science Open-Access License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

8. Interpret this graph and the trend it describes. a. Is skin reflectance randomly distributed throughout the globe? If not, how would you describe the pattern? b. Restate your findings in terms of skin color and UV light (instead of skin reflectance and latitude). c. How closely do these findings match the predictions of your hypothesis (Question 6)? d. Some populations have skin colors that are darker or lighter than predicted based on their location (their data point falls somewhere outside of the line shown in Figure 2). What might explain the skin color of these exceptional populations? Propose a few hypotheses. 9. Hypothesize why different skin colors have evolved. Based on what you know, what factor is most likely to exert a selective pressure on skin color?

“The Evolution of Human Skin Color” by Annie Prud’homme-Généreux

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Part IV – Natural Selection and Evolution of Skin Color
Based on the information provided so far, it seems reasonable to hypothesize that darker skin evolved to protect against the harmful effects of UV light. In particular, individuals who lacked optimal pigmentation for tropical latitudes had a greater risk of skin cancer and death. Until fairly recently, this was the leading hypothesis about the evolution of skin color. However, there is a problem with this hypothesis. Let’s see if you can find it. Here is some basic information on evolution by natural selection. Evolution is a change in the gene pool of a population of organisms from generation to generation. Natural selection is but one of several mechanisms by which evolution can take place. Through natural selection, populations evolve and become adapted to their specific environment. Natural selection will occur if the following three conditions are present: • Variation: The organisms in the population vary with regard to a trait. • Heredity: Variation in the trait has a genetic component transmissible to offspring. • Selective Pressure & Differential Reproductive Success: Some traits increase the odds of surviving to reproductive age and successfully producing and rearing offspring in a given environment. Such traits are more adaptive. Those organisms having the better adapted trait leave more offspring behind—they are “naturally selected.” In the next generation, this adaptive (and inherited) trait will increase in frequency and will be represented in a greater proportion of the population. At this point, the genetic makeup of the population is different from that of the starting population: the population has evolved. Evolution is really a “number’s game”: the organisms that reproduce the most “win” because their traits will be disproportionally represented in the next generation. Note also that individuals do not evolve. They either breed more effectively or less effectively, depending on already existing differences in their traits. Only populations evolve or change over time.

10. Review your answer to Question 3. Keeping your answer in mind, how strong a selective pressure do you expect skin cancer (UV-induced mutations) to exert on reproductive success? 11. Based on this information, does your hypothesis about the evolution of skin color (Question 9) seem likely? Why or why not? How does skin color meet, or fail to meet, the three requirements of natural selection outlined above?

“The Evolution of Human Skin Color” by Annie Prud’homme-Généreux

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Part V – Folate: A Different Way of Looking at It
Since skin cancer tends to occur after age 50, it has little impact on reproductive success. Consequently, skin cancer probably exerted little pressure on the evolution of skin color. Some other factor must explain the range in pigmentation that is observed in the human population. For years, this fact was overlooked by the scientific community, and the consensus was that dark skin had evolved as protection against skin cancer. In 1991, the anthropologist Nina Jablonski was skimming through scientific journals when she came upon a 1978 paper by Branda and Eaton. This paper investigated the effects of sunlight on an essential chemical found in our body: folate or folic acid (one of the B vitamins). Folate is an essential nutrient for DNA synthesis. Since cells reproduce at a fast pace during fetal development (and hence, there is a lot of DNA replication), the highest levels of folate are needed during pregnancy. Folate deficiencies during pregnancy can lead to anemia in the mother and malformations of the nervous system (neural tube defects in particular), gastrointestinal system, aorta, kidney, and skeletal system in the fetus. There is also a high rate of miscarriages. In addition, folate deficiency has been linked to spermatogenesis defects (inability to form sperm) in mice and rats (Mathur et al., 1977), and anti-folate agents are being investigated as a form of male contraceptive (Cosentino et al., 1990). Branda & Eaton’s paper measured the folate concentration in two human test groups. The results are shown in Figure 3. One group (called “patients”) was exposed to UV-light, while “normals” were not so exposed. Figure 3. Levels of blood folate in people exposed and not exposed to UV light.

12. Based on Branda and Eaton’s results (Figure 3), what is the apparent effect of UV light exposure on blood folate levels? Folate was isolated from blood and placed in a test tube. Half of the test tubes were exposed to UV light for 1 hour. The folate concentration in the samples was measured. The results are indicated in Table 1. Table 1. Folate concentrations in four samples of human plasma before and after a 1 hr exposure to UV light in vitro. Patients were exposed to UV light for at least 9 hours every day for 3 months. The difference between the two groups was statistically significant (P< 0.005). Brackets represent the standard error of the mean.
Source: Figure 1 from Branda, R.F., and Eaton, J.W.(1978). Skin color and nutrient photolysis: An evolutionary hypothesis. Science 201: 625–626. Reprinted with permission from AAAS. This figure and Table 1 may be used for non-commercial and classroom purposes only. Any other uses require the prior written permission from AAAS.

Source: Table 1 from Branda, R.F., and Eaton, J.W.(1978). Skin color and nutrient photolysis: An evolutionary hypothesis. Science 201: 625–626. Reprinted with permission from AAAS.

“The Evolution of Human Skin Color” by Annie Prud’homme-Généreux

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13. What is the apparent effect of UV light on folate levels in these test tubes? Folate levels in humans are determined by two things: (1) dietary intake and (2) destruction through alcohol consumption or ultraviolet skin exposure.

14. 15. 16. 17. How is folate linked to natural selection? All other things being equal, which skin tone would you expect to be correlated with higher levels of folate? Based on this new information, revise your hypothesis to explain the evolution of human skin color. What would happen to the reproductive success of: a. A light-skinned person living in the tropics? b. A light-skinned person living in the polar region? c. A dark-skinned person living in the tropics? d. A dark-skinned person living in the polar region? 18. Predict the skin tones expected at different latitudes, taking folate needs into consideration. Use the world map (Figure 4) to indicate the skin tone expected at each latitude (shade the areas where populations are darkly pigmented). Figure 4. Map of the world.

Source:, CC BY-SA 3.0.

19. Can folate explain the variation and distribution of light- and dark-skinned individuals around the world?

“The Evolution of Human Skin Color” by Annie Prud’homme-Généreux

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Part VI – Vitamin D: Still Another Way of Looking at It
Folate can explain why dark skin evolved, but it cannot account for the evolution of light skin. Another factor must be at play. Vitamin D3 is essential for normal growth, calcium absorption, and skeletal development. It is particularly important in maintaining and repairing healthy bones and teeth. Its role in calcium absorption makes it essential in maintaining a healthy heart, blood clotting, a stable nervous system, and an effective immune system. Deficiencies manifest themselves as rickets (softening of the bones), osteoporosis, and osteomalacia. It can lead to death, immobilization, or deformities. Women have a higher need for this nutrient during pregnancy and lactation due to their need to absorb calcium to build the fetal skeleton. Humans can obtain vitamin D3 by one of two means. They can consume it in certain foods (fish liver oil and, to a lesser extent, egg yolk are good sources). Alternatively, skin cells have the ability to synthesize it from a cholesterol-like precursor. However, this process requires the energy of UV radiation. Theoretical research on the dose of ultraviolet radiation required to produce vitamin D3 suggests that for moderately to darkly pigmented individuals (Figure 5): • There is enough sunlight reaching the tropics (approximately 5° north of the Tropic of Cancer to approximately 5° south of the Tropic of Capricorn) to meet all of a human’s requirement for vitamin D3 throughout all months of the year. This is indicated by the dotted area on the map. Note: Vitamin D3 is not produced to toxic levels when high quantities of sunlight are present. • In the area indicated by narrowly-spaced obliques, there is not enough ultraviolet light to synthesize vitamin D3 in human skin for at least 1 month of the year; • In the area indicated by widely-spaced obliques, there is not enough UV light for the skin to synthesize vitamin D3 in any month of the year Figure 5. Amount of UV light available to synthesize recommended levels of vitamin D for a moderately to darkly pigmented person at various locations around the world.

Source: reprinted from The Journal of Human Evolution 39(1), Jablonski, N.G., and G. Chaplin, The Evolution of human skin coloration, pp. 57–106, Figure 2, copyright (2000), with permission from Elsevier. “The Evolution of Human Skin Color” by Annie Prud’homme-Généreux Page 8


20. How is vitamin D linked to natural selection? 21. Which skin tone allows someone to maintain the recommended level of vitamin D? 22. Based on this new information, revise your hypothesis to explain the evolution of the variation and distribution of human skin color. 23. Taking only vitamin D into consideration, what would happen to the reproductive success of: a. A light-skinned person living in the tropics? b. A light-skinned person living in the polar region? c. A dark-skinned person living in the tropics? d. A dark-skinned person living in the polar region? 24. Predict the skin tones expected at different latitudes, taking only vitamin D needs into consideration. Use the world map (Figure 6) to indicate the skin tone expected at each latitude (shade a region to represent pigmented skin in that population). Figure 6. Map of the world.

Source:, CC BY-SA 3.0.

25. Can vitamin D alone explain the current world distribution of skin color? Evolution by natural selection is a process of compromise in which costs are minimized and benefits are maximized. Both light and dark skins have costs and benefits. As you are probably now realizing, adopting one level of pigmentation has trade-offs.

“The Evolution of Human Skin Color” by Annie Prud’homme-Généreux

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NATIONAL CENTER FOR CASE STUDY TEACHING IN SCIENCE 26. Using principles of natural selection, predict the skin tone expected at different latitudes, taking ultraviolet exposure, vitamin D, and folate needs into consideration. Use the map (Figure 7) to indicate skin tone patterns at different latitudes (shade regions where populations are expected to be darkly pigmented). Figure 7. Map of the world.

Source:, CC BY-SA 3.0.

27. Are UV light, vitamin D and folate needs sufficient to explain the current world distribution of skin color? 28. How might you explain that Inuits, living at northern latitudes, are relatively dark-skinned (much more so than expected for their latitude)? Propose a hypothesis. 29. Conversely, Northern Europeans are slightly lighter-skinned than expected for their latitude. Propose a hypothesis to explain this observation.

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Part VII – Adaptation in Progress
While reading the newspaper, you stumble upon an article called “Are you getting enough vitamin D” (Mittelstaedt, 2007). It describes the results of a recent study on the vitamin D blood levels of students at the University of Toronto. The results are analyzed by the students’ ancestry. Intrigued by these findings, you obtain and read the original research paper (Gozdzik et al., 2008). The figure below shows the levels of vitamin D found in the blood of Canadian students, shown by their ancestry (Gozdzik et al., 2008). The bottom of each box represents the 25th percentile of the data, the top of the box represents the 75th percentile, and the horizontal bar within the box is the median (the value below which 50% of all data points fall). 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] levels greater than 75 nmol/L are considered optimal (Holick & Chen, 2008). Note that similar results would be found in the United States (Calco & Whiting, 2003; Bodnar et al., 2007). Figure 8. Amount of vitamin D in blood of Canadians, shown by ancestry.

Source: Gozdzik et. al. 2008. © 2008 Gozdzik et al., an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License ( by/2.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

30. Which populations have insufficient amounts of vitamin D in their blood? 31. What is a common trait to all of these populations? How could this explain their deficiency? 32. For several decades, milk and cereals have been fortified with vitamin D to help increase intake of this nutrient. Hypothesize why these fortification programs appear to be failing in some ethnic groups (there may be different reasons for different groups). 33. What should some Canadians do to avoid vitamin D deficiency?

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NATIONAL CENTER FOR CASE STUDY TEACHING IN SCIENCE 34. If individuals do not take steps to boost their vitamin D intake, hypothesize what might happen to their descendants in the future. 35. What might happen to Australians of European descent over time? 36. Think of the forces that affected the evolution of skin color in the past. Contrast these to the factors that affect skin pigmentation today. Hypothesize about the factors that may affect skin pigmentation in the future. a. Do you think the impact of natural selection on skin color is as strong today as it was in the past? b. What factors may have decreased or increased selection today? c. Predict skin color distribution in the year 2500. Outline your assumptions and the reasons for your predictions. To beat the “winter-blahs,” a person of European descent is planning a trip to the Caribbean. Consider all the evidence you have learned in this case and apply it to this situation. What would you advise this lightly-pigmented person to do on the trip?

37. During the trip, the lightly-pigmented individual is looking forward to lying on a beach and working on his/ her tan. Will this person be adapting to the environment (in a Darwinian sense)? In other words, will evolution take place by developing a tan in a geographical region of intense UV light? 38. Should the lightly-pigmented person wear sunscreen on the trip? 39. Should this person wear sunscreen when he/she is at northern latitudes (i.e., at home in Canada)?

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Part VIII – Sexual Selection Too?
Sexual selection is a special type of natural selection. Darwin was the first to recognize that if males or females of a species choose their mate based on a particular trait, then their preference will exert selective pressure on that trait. The result is that the opposite sex will evolve to meet that preference. An obvious example is the peacock’s tail. If females prefer males with the longest and most ornate and iridescent tail as mates, even if having such a tail seems detrimental to the male’s survival, it may be selected for evolution. This is because reproductive success, and not survival per se, is the most important characteristic that drives evolution. Females might prefer males with elaborate traits because it is a real signal of health and genetic worth; only males with good genes can afford to have such a handicap (such a large and cumbersome tail). This process is called sexual selection. It occurs when individuals in the population differ in their ability to attract a mate. Research by Nina Jablonski and George Chaplin suggest that women generally produce 3–4% less melanin in their skin than do men in all populations of the world.

40. How might this observation be the result of sexual selection? Explain your reasoning. 41. Could this observation be the result of “normal” natural selection (i.e., not sexual selection)? Explain your answer.

Barsh, G.S. (2003). What controls variation in skin color? PLOS 1(1): 019–022. Bodnar, L.M., Simhan, H.N., Powers, R.W., Frank, M.P., Cooperstein, E., and Roberts, J.M. (2007). High prevalence of vitamin D insufficiency in black and white pregnant women residing in the northern United States and their neonates. Journal of Nutrition 137(2):447–52. Branda, R.F., and Eaton, J.W. (1978). Skin colour and nutrient photolysis: An evolutionary hypothesis. Science 201: 625–626. Calvo, M.S., and Whiting, S.J. (2003). Prevalence of vitamin D insufficiency in Canada and the United States: Importance to health status and efficacy of current food fortification and dietary supplement use. Nutrition Reviews 61(3): 107–13. Cosentino, M.J., Pakyz, R.E., and Fried, J. (1990). Pyrimethamine: An approach to the development of a male contraceptive. Proceedings of the National Academy of Scences. (U.S.A.) 87, 1431–1435. Freeman, S. (2005). Biological Science, 2nd edition. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall. Gozdzik, A., Barta, J.L., Wu, H., Wagner, D., Cole, D.E., Vieth, R., Whiting, S., and Parra, E.J. (2008). Low wintertime vitamin D levels in a sample of healthy young adults of diverse ancestry living in the Toronto area: Associations with vitamin D intake and skin pigmentation. BMC Public Health 8: e336. Retrieved 22 April 2011 from Holick, M.F., and Chen, T.C. (2008). Vitamin D deficiency: A worldwide problem with health consequences. Am J Clin Nutr 2008, 87(4):1080S-1086S. Mathur, U., Datta, S.L., and Mathur, B.B. (1977). The effect of aminopterin-induced folic acid deficiency on spermatogenesis. Fertility Sterility 28, 1356–1360. Mittelstaedt, M. (2007). Are you getting enough vitamin D. Globe and Mail Dec 19 2007. Retrieved 8 December 2009 from Relethford, J.H. (1997). Hemispheric difference in human skin color. Am J Phys Anthropol 104: 449–457.
2 Photo in title block © Alexandre Zveiger— Case copyright held by the National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science, University at Buffalo, State University of New York. Originally published May 19, 2011. Please see our usage guidelines, which outline our policy concerning permissible reproduction of this work.
“The Evolution of Human Skin Color” by Annie Prud’homme-Généreux Page 13

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Evolution of the Skin Case Study Answers

...Evolution Of Skin Colour | Adv Bio 11 | Maggie Gagnon Courtney Sibley | What are the causes of skin cancer? Some causes of skin cancer are over explosion to UV light, moles, as well it can be passed on hereditarily. Why are Caucasians more at risk of skin cancer than other populations? Caucasians have the lowest amount of melanin in their skin cells when being compared to other cultures. Melanin is crucial to protecting our skin from UV rays, and so someone with a darker skin tone is better protected. At what age does skin cancer typically occur? Is the incidence of skin cancer greater in youth or old age? Generally skin cancer is more predominant to youth aged 20-30. Does the amount of UV light reaching the Earth vary in a predictable manner? If so, describe the pattern you observe. By looking at the map, you can tell that areas where the earth is closer to the sun had a higher UV index, where as the places that are farther away (ie Antarctica) have a lower UV index. What latitude receives the greatest amount of UV light? The least? The highest amount of UV could be found across the equator (0 longitude) the least could be found from 60-90 and -70-(-90) longitude. Based on these data, where might you expect to find the most lightly pigmented and most darkly pigmented people on the planet? Be as specific as you can. The more naturally light people would be found in the far north or far south, the more naturally dark people would be found...

Words: 2450 - Pages: 10

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Skin Cancer

...the dangers entailed Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer in the United States. It is the abnormal growth of cells in the skin. There are two different types of skin cancers: Melanomas and non-melanomas. Most skin cancers are the non-melanoma type. There are two main types of non-melanoma skin cancer: basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma. Most non-melanoma skin cancers are basal cell carcinoma. It can damage deeper tissues, such as muscles and bones. It almost never spreads to other parts of the body. Squamous cell carcinoma however, is less common. It often develops from a small rough spot that grows into sun damaged skin and can sometimes spread to other parts of the body. Non-melanoma skin cancer is usually caused by too much sun. Using tanning beds or sunlamps too much can also cause it. There are other types of skin cancer that are non-melanoma but these are much less common - they include Merkel cell carcinoma and several kinds of sarcomas. Melanomas often resemble moles; some develop from moles. The majority of melanomas are black or brown, but they can also be skin-colored, pink, red, purple, blue or white. Melanoma is caused mainly by intense, occasional UV exposure, frequently leading to sunburn, especially in those who are genetically predisposed to the disease. Melanoma kills an estimated 8,790 people in the US every year. Melanoma, the most lethal form of skin cancer, is responsible for more than 80 percent of all skin cancer deaths and spreads...

Words: 1953 - Pages: 8

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Essay On Harmful Mutation

...among Humans Mutation A gene mutation is an irreversible change in the sequence of DNA which a gene is made up of. After mutation, the sequence becomes different from that found in most human beings. Mutations are a result of damage to DNA during replication or to the genomes of RNA usually caused by chemical mutagens or radiation. Mutations in genes can either have no effect, alter the product of a gene, or prevent the gene from functioning properly or completely. Mutations can also occur in non-genic regions. Mutations in sex cells can be transmitted to the next generation; mutations in other cells cannot be transmitted. The effects of mutation may be beneficial, harmful or neutral. The DNA fails to copy correctly thus leading to gene mutation. Harmful Mutations Harmful mutations result in severe consequences on the health of the person. Some examples of harmful mutations are as follows: 1. Sickle Cell Anemia It is an example of natural harmful mutation existing in human beings. It is a...

Words: 1213 - Pages: 5

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...What is Anthropology??? • • • 20:41 Anthropology • Scientific Approach, OBJECTIVE • Study of Humankind- human groups • Seeks to produce useful GENERALIZATIONS about people and their BEHAVIORS • To arrive at an UNBIASED UNDERSTANDING OF HUMAN DIVERSITY • Only scientific discipline that attempts to embrace an understanding of all of humanity • Helps us understand ourselves an others Anthropology Perspectives • Holistic Approach (broadest view) o To view things in the broadest possible contest o To cover the whole scope of humanity o To provide a total or composite view o Human culture as a system, functional whole, all parts relate o Biocultural Perspective  Studies both the PHYSICAL and SOCIAL  EX: kuru disease (neurological disease)- disease caused by culture, transmitted by mortuary practices • Cultural Relativism o To view the beliefs and customs of other peoples within the context of their culture not one’s own o Practice of not judging other cultures based on the standards of one’s own culture o ENDOCENTRISM  Group centeredness  Tendency to see ones own culture as the center of everything  The measure or standard against which all other lifeways are evaluated  Tendency to consider ones own culture as superior or better than all others o Anthropologists must be unbiased, objective o Involves an effort to remain unbiased in ones observations o Acknowledges that cultures are DIFFERENT, but NOT RANKED o No right or wrong cultures...

Words: 4747 - Pages: 19

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Where Did Blue Eyes Com from?

...Where did blue eyes com from? Blue eyes is the result evolution. Darwin thought us that mutations that result in a big change in our phenotype is either a benefit for the population and therefore the trait is passed on to offsprings or the mutation has a negative effect on the population and that is a lethal factor. Their is also a third effect of mutation where it is neither positive or negative. Eye colors will fall into that last category as well as mutation like, hair color, baldness, freckles and beauty spots which neither increases nor reduces a human’s chance of survival. It is only the result of nature that is shuffling the human genome, creating a genetic cocktail of human chromosomes and trying out different changes. Because of the humongous amount of information that our DNA carries, scientist were able to identify that people with blue eyes share the exact same DNA difference that causes their blue eyes. This mutation can be retrace about 6,000 to 10,000 years ago in Europe. This is why we can find that mostly Europeans will have blue eyes. This is due to common ancestors. Professor Hans Eiberg from the Department of cellular and Molecular Medicine said that « Originally, we all had brown eyes ». Approximatively 16 genes will be responsible for eye color in humans; however their is two main genes that are associated with eye color mutation and both of them are localized in Chromosome 15.Those genes also called P protein are involved in the production of melanin...

Words: 467 - Pages: 2

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End of Race-Is It Possible

...about the human race, where they both expressed a valid concern about its genetic future. However, they used two different approaches to prove their theories. The Dalai Lama, in 2005, wrote the book, The Universe in a Single Atom. In his chapter “Ethics and the New Genetics” Gyatso focuses on the benefits of genetic engineering and its enormous potential, while warning us of its harmful consequences. In contrast, but yet pursuing the same point, Steve Olson in his book “Mapping Human History” (2002) and the chapter “The End of Race: Hawaii and the Mixing of Peoples” traces the differences and similarities between people of various races and ethnicity. He uses the frequencies of genetic mutations in the mitochondria, migration from one continent to another and racially mixed populations where the target is the mostly American state of Hawaii. Should the world be concerned about the end of singular genetic ethnicity of each race? And is it going to happen? Race most likely will disappear as we now know. It seems to have been defined as two general groups-white and black, distinct from one another by only color of complexion. The white race will not be truly white, the black race will not be truly black, and the brown, yellow and red races will not be truly genetically ethnic either. What does race actually mean? According to Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, the definition of race is “one of the main groups that humans can be divided into according to the color of their...

Words: 1351 - Pages: 6

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Race Is Not Biological Essay

...believed to come from their ancestors. As a result to this, people then think that race is a matter of bloodlines, it is biologically passed down from ones parents. Jenell Paris suggests that race is actually a socially constructed phenomenon, a way to categorize people for social purposes based on one’s physical appearance and differences. (Priest, Robert J.2007) Many do not realize this. Most people do not know that race is a social reality, they believe that it is a biological reality. The way race should be seen is that is just plainly does not exist. The human species evolved from the people in Africa. The migrated to different parts of the world and the geographical environment causes us to have varies physical traits. These differences in appearance are due to mutation, natural selection, and genetic drift (Fisher, Jefferson1995). Because the environments where drastically different in these geographic regions, the human traits changed for...

Words: 1100 - Pages: 5

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Maligant Melonomia

...qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyui opasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfgh jklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvb nmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwerty uiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdf ghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxc vbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwer tyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmrtyuiopasdfg hjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcv bnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwert yuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasd fghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzx cvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwe rtyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmrtyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdf ghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxc vbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwer tyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopas dfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklz xcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmrt yuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasd fghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzx cvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwe rtyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopa sdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjkl ...

Words: 2505 - Pages: 11