...I. Human Adaptability Anthropology is the exploration of human diversity in time and space. Anthropology studies the whole of the human condition: past, present, and future; biology, society, language, and culture. Of particular interest is the diversity that comes through human adaptability. A. Adaptation, Variation, and Change 1. Adaptation refers to the processes by which organisms cope with environmental forces and stresses. 2. Humans use both biological and cultural means of adaptation. For example, human bodies can adapt biologically in three ways to high altitude: genetic adaptation, long-term physiological adaptation, and short-term physiological adaptation. Culturally, humans have developed technologies, such as pressurized airplane cabins equipped with oxygen masks, to deal with extreme environments. 3. As human history has unfolded, the social and cultural means of adaptation have become increasingly important. Much more recently, the spread of industrial production has profoundly affected human life. II. General Anthropology B. The academic discipline of anthropology, also known as general anthropology or "four-field" anthropology, includes four main subdisciplines or subfields. They are sociocultural, archaeological, biological, and linguistic anthropology. This four-field approach is distinctly American. 4. There are historical reasons for the inclusion of four subfields in a single disciple, with origins...
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...Does Race Exist? * Posted 02.15.00 * NOVA The concept of race is one of the most intellectually and emotionally charged subjects, not only in society but in science as well. NOVA Online asked two leading anthropologists, Dr. Loring Brace of the University of Michigan and Dr. George Gill of the University of Wyoming, who fall on either side of the debate about whether race exists in biologic terms, to state their points of view. Regardless of where you stand on the issue, we think you will find their arguments well-reasoned and thought-provoking. Loring Brace and George Gill come down on different sides of the question Does race exist biologically? Read their viewpoints here. EnlargePhoto credit: © andipantz/iStockphoto AN ANTAGONIST'S PERSPECTIVE by C. Loring Brace I am going to start this essay with what may seem to many as an outrageous assertion: There is no such thing as a biological entity that warrants the term "race." The immediate reaction of most literate people is that this is obviously nonsense. The physician will retort, "What do you mean 'there is no such thing as race'? I see it in my practice everyday!" Jane Doe and John Roe will be equally incredulous. Note carefully, however, that my opening declaration did not claim that "there is no such thing as race." What I said is that there is no "biological entity that warrants the term 'race'." "You're splitting hairs," the reader may retort. "Stop playing verbal games and tell us what you really mean...
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...What is Anthropology??? • • • 20:41 Anthropology • Scientific Approach, OBJECTIVE • Study of Humankind- human groups • Seeks to produce useful GENERALIZATIONS about people and their BEHAVIORS • To arrive at an UNBIASED UNDERSTANDING OF HUMAN DIVERSITY • Only scientific discipline that attempts to embrace an understanding of all of humanity • Helps us understand ourselves an others Anthropology Perspectives • Holistic Approach (broadest view) o To view things in the broadest possible contest o To cover the whole scope of humanity o To provide a total or composite view o Human culture as a system, functional whole, all parts relate o Biocultural Perspective Studies both the PHYSICAL and SOCIAL EX: kuru disease (neurological disease)- disease caused by culture, transmitted by mortuary practices • Cultural Relativism o To view the beliefs and customs of other peoples within the context of their culture not one’s own o Practice of not judging other cultures based on the standards of one’s own culture o ENDOCENTRISM Group centeredness Tendency to see ones own culture as the center of everything The measure or standard against which all other lifeways are evaluated Tendency to consider ones own culture as superior or better than all others o Anthropologists must be unbiased, objective o Involves an effort to remain unbiased in ones observations o Acknowledges that cultures are DIFFERENT, but NOT RANKED o No right or wrong cultures...
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...Anthropology – The comparative study of human sciences and cultures. Holistic/Holism – In Anthropology an approach that considers culture, history, language, and biology essential to a complete understanding of human society. Society – A group of people who depend on one another for survival or well-being as well as the relationships among such people, including their status and roles. Culture - The learned behaviors and symbols that allow people to live in groups. The primary means by which humans adapt to their environments. The way of life characteristic of a particular human society. Ethnography – A description of a society or culture. Emic(perspective) – Examining society using concepts, categories, and distinctions that are meaningful to members of that culture. Etic(perspective) – Examining society using concepts, categories, and rules derived from science; an outsider’s perspective, which produces analyses that members of the society being studied may not find meaningful. Ethnology – The attempt to find general principles or laws that govern cultural phenomena. Cultural Anthropology – The study of human thought, meaning, and behavior that is learned rather than genetically transmitted, and that is typical of groups of people. Ethnohistory – Description of the cultural past based on written records, interviews, and archaeology. Linguistic anthropology – A branch of linguistics concerned with understanding language and its relation to culture. Historical linguistics...
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...Holistic (multifaceted): approach to the study of human beings. Refers to an approach that studies many aspects of a multifaceted system. Cross-cultural: discovering general patterns about cultural traits Two broad classification of anthropology Biological (Physical) Seeks the emergence of humans & their later evolution (called human paleontology) and how & why contemporary human populations vary biologically (human variation) Study the fossils of human, prehumans & related animals Human genetics, population biology & epidemiology Cultural How & why cultures vary or are similar in the past & present Archaeology: study of past cultures Anthropological linguistics: study of language Ethnology: study of existing & recent cultures Archaeology Seek to reconstruct the daily life & customs of peoples who lived in the past but also to trace cultural changes & to offer possible explanations for those changes Deal with prehistory (time before written records) Historical archaeology: studies the remains of recent peoples who left written records Must used info from present & recent past in trying to understand the distant past Linguistics Study of languages Had to construct a dictionary & grammar, then could study the structure & history of language Study changes that have taken place over time Historical linguistics: study of how languages change over time & how they may be related Descriptive: focus of linguistics ...
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...someone. He then goes on to say, how when he operates on someone’s brain, he is operating on what actually makes them their unique self. And then recounts how many people took issue with comments Megyn kelly made about the race of Santa Claus and Jesus Christ. Carson also questions why people were more worried about the race of these two people, and then shares how no one talked about the message of Jesus Christ, or the symbolism behind Santa Claus. In the middle of the essay, Carson begins by looking at how the Bible gives detailed explanations and descriptions of countless people throughout the many books, yet it does not express the physical appearance, is something that Carson believes is a sign that God does not care about the color of a person's skin, because at the end of the day it does not matter. After the paragraph about the Bible, Carson confronts the arguments of those who feel like not caring about race is racist. But Carson not only addresses their arguments, by saying that racism was based on the ignorance of people, which in turn caused hatred, and that those people who were kept ignorant were not rushing to reveal the truth. Towards the end of the essay, Carson then explains how people are listening to those who want nothing more than to spread separation and discord between the different races, instead of talking about issues that truly matter, like keeping the government in check. The last portion of the essay is where Carson gives examples of what if scenarios...
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...attempts to essentialize political and cultural differences by linking physical traits (i.e. skin, blood, genes) and social practices (i.e. religion, violence, passion) to innate, immutable characteristics.” this definition of race is widely used, and has been used for an array of time. In historical epics such as Gilgamesh and The Ramayana and many historical ages, people were categorized by their physical appearance and spiritual views. At the top is Gods, then royalty, followed by nobility, towards the middle...
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...Distinguish between the concepts of race and racism. Do you agree that the concept of race is socially constructed? Can you use the conceptual framework for understanding identity to understand racial discrimination? ……………………………………………….....………………………………………………………………………………………… ….………………………..………………………………………………………………………….......................................................... To answer the following question, we would go through a re-interpretation of the word race. Followed by the biological, historical and social aspects of race from where race becomes racism (idea of social construction which in itself contains the notion of Identity). When we claim the view of race on identity, we are slowly drifted to the currents of Ethnicity. Race is a modern concept. The English language didn‟t even have the word „Race‟ until 1508 when William Dunbar referred race to a lineage of Kings in his poem. Historical records show that neither the idea nor ideologies of race existed before the seventeenth century. We will now randomly take up a definition of Race, keep it as a base for understanding and then reinterpret it if required. According to “Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy”, the concept of race has historically signified the division of humanity into small number of groups based on five categories. i. Races reflect some type of biological foundations. ii. This biological foundation creates discrete racial groupings such that all people of the same group share the same biological characteristics...
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...additional authors Recommended Citation Musselman, L. E., Langlois, J. H., & Roggman, L. A. (1996). Comment on: Sexual selection, physical attractiveness, and facial neoteny: Cross-cultural evidence and implications, by Doug Jones. Current Anthropology, 37, 739-740. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Family, Consumer, and Human Development, Department of at DigitalCommons@USU. It has been accepted for inclusion in Family, Consumer, and Human Development Faculty Publications by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@USU. For more information, please contact digitalcommons@usu.edu. Authors Doug Jones, C. Loring Brace, William Jankowiak, Kevin N. Laland, Lisa E. Musselman, Judith H. Langlois, Lori A. Roggman, Daniel Pérusse, Barbara Schweder, and Donald Symons This article is available at DigitalCommons@USU: http://digitalcommons.usu.edu/fchd_facpub/602 Sexual Selection, Physical Attractiveness, and Facial Neoteny: Cross-cultural Evidence and Implications [and Comments and Reply] Author(s): Doug Jones, C. Loring Brace, William Jankowiak, Kevin N. Laland, Lisa E. Musselman, Judith H. Langlois, Lori A. Roggman, Daniel Pérusse, Barbara Schweder, Donald Symons Reviewed work(s): Source: Current Anthropology, Vol. 36, No. 5 (Dec., 1995), pp. 723-748 Published by: The University of Chicago Press on behalf of Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/2744016 . Accessed:...
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...contributes to the substantial variations we observe every day (Lonner, 1994, p. 241). Culture is to human behavior as operating systems are to software, often invisible and unnoticed, yet playing an extremely important role in development and operation (Matsumoto, 2001, p. 3). In the early years of psychology’s development as a discipline separate from philosophy, during the last part of the 19th century, there was interest in what was called “folk culture.” But this interest waned as issues related to the concept were seen as too speculative and not readily amenable to empirical inquiry (Pepitone, 2000). Culture has re-emerged as a significant construct in the past few decades. In current psychological discourse, our definitions and conceptualizations of culture come primarily from cultural anthropology where culture is generally understood to refer to that part of our environment that is constructed by human beings to embody shared learning. Definitions and Common Themes An early definition, in 1891, presents culture as the incorporation of all socially acquired habits and knowledge (see Mio, Trimble, Arredondo, Cheatham & Sue, 1999). More than a century later, the core of this definition remains the same, despite multiple variations on the basic theme. Baldwin, Faulkner, Hecht, and Lindsley (2006) refer to the definition of culture as a “moving target” and devote an entire book to its discussion, providing an appendix of 300 variations. Nevertheless, for the purpose...
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...Deon Smalls Professor Rigby Anthropology 115 August 12, 2015 Primate Project Throughout the history of primate evolution, primatologist observed that primates was always use to an arboreal adaptation. Which is a physical trait that enables them to live life in trees, but later in evolution some primates adapted to life on ground. Over times of prosimians to human, several characteristics has been embodied due to the adaptations to new environments and resulted in evolutionary changes. From the beginning of time earth has encountered several geological and climatic changes over time. All the current primates that have existed at that time had to adjust itself especially in body configurations and locomotion in order to better survive. It is important to be aware of this information since we are the part of occurring changes as well. Throughout the evolution owing to the transforming environments interacting with natural selection, primates developed their own ways to move better meaning changes in locomotion with different types of bodies (meaning changes in body configuration). Grade I – Lemuroids Lemuroids, including true lemurs, lorises and galagos are the most primitive ones among the living primates. As they are the first grade of primates, they evolved in about 65 million years ago, in Paleocene epoch. Lemurs and lorises are the most primitive because they are more close to ancestral traits such as their reliance on olfaction, which enhances the sense of smell. Having...
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...Creolization in Anthropological Theory and in Mauritius Thomas Hylland Eriksen A great amount of intellectual energy has been invested in cultural mixing during the last decades. Reacting against an idea of boundedness, internal homogeneity, and stability that has been associated with mainstream twentieth-century anthropology, hundreds—possibly thousands—of anthropologists have tried to redefine, reform, revolutionize, or even relinquish that abhorred “C” word—”culture.” The range of engagement is suggested in the apparent congruence between postmodernist American anthropologists (for example, Clifford & Marcus 1986) and their now classic critique of the Geertzian notion of cultural integration, and the older European critique of the structural-functionalist idea of social integration, which was led by people such as Barth (1966), whose rationalism and naturalism is everything but postmodernist. In both cases, presuppositions of integrated wholes, cultures or social structures, have been debunked. From being a discipline concentrating its efforts on understanding nonliterate societies, often implicitly positing the uncontaminated aborigine as its hero, anthropology increasingly studies cultural impurity and hybridity, and the dominant normative discourse in the field has shifted from defending the cultural rights of small peoples to combating essentialism and reifying identity politics. While this development has been important and necessary for a variety of reasons, the perspectives ...
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...Batek: Traditional Tattoos Batek: Traditional Tattoos and Identities in Contemporary Kalinga, North Luzon Philippines Analyn Ikin V. Salvador-Amores ABSTRACT In the early 16th century, traditional tattooing is widespread in the Philippines, but very little is known or written about the practice. Sources for the study of traditional tattoos in Northern Luzon are very inadequate and merely make vague statements on the function and symbolic meaning of tattoos, as well as the relationship between the practice and culture as a whole. The statements likewise reveal a distinctly ethnocentric deportment. Until today, tattooing and tattoo designs in the Cordilleras are best understood within the context of headhunting. Headhunting was the only known reason for tattooing, and, to this day, no one knows exactly what tattoos signify. This paper provides insights into the roles and functions of the tattoos, and how the tattoos (batek) become cultural symbols of the intricate rituals brought about by community regimens of the Ilubo, Kalinga. No longer practiced, the batek of the Ilubo is a visually powerful rendering of symmetry and unity of designs. Batek now serve as an archive of culture for the group. Keywords: Tattoo, rites of passage, body adornment, identity, Kalinga INTRODUCTION My anthropological interest in body ornamentation, specifically in traditional tattoos, began in 1990. I met an old Bontoc woman who sold balatinao (red rice) in one of the old market stalls in...
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...1)Introduction; Crime today is at an extreme high. However, forensic science has been there to help solve every crime committed Forensic science is the scientific method of gathering and examining information about the past. The word forensic comes from the Latin forēnsis, meaning "of or before the forum. The word forensic basically means the key to solve a crime.This is the technology used to help forensic teams to analyze and solve crimes.- This is especially important in law enforcement where forensics is done in relation to criminal or civil law,[1] but forensics are also carried out in other fields, such as astronomy, archaeology, biology and geology to investigate ancient times. Forensic Science is used to Identify Criminals Rape, murder, theft, and other crimes almost always leave a devastating mark on the victim. . In modern forensic science, the crime laboratories include photography section, Evidence storage section, identification section, chemistry section, General examination section, Fire arms section, instrument section and crime scene search section. 2)Origins of forensic science: In 16th-century Europe, medical practitioners in army and university settings began to gather information on the cause and manner of death. Ambroise Paré, a French army surgeon, systematically studied the effects of violent death on internal organs.[9][10] Two Italian surgeons, Fortunato Fidelis and Paolo Zacchia, laid the foundation...
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...Bio Vocab 1. ecology - noun the branch of biology concerned with the relations between organisms and their environment; the environment as it relates to living organisms 2. biosphere - noun the regions of the surface and atmosphere of the Earth (or other planet) where living organisms exist 3. species - noun a specific kind of something; (biology) taxonomic group whose members can interbreed 4. population - noun the act of populating (causing to live in a place); (statistics) the entire aggregation of items from which samples can be drawn; a group of organisms of the same species populating a given area; the people who inhabit a territory or state; the number of inhabitants (either the total number or the number of a particular race or class) in a given place (country or city etc.) 5. community - noun (ecology) a group of interdependent organisms inhabiting the same region and interacting with each other; a group of people living in a particular local area; a group of people having ethnic or cultural or religious characteristics in common; a group of nations having common interests; common ownership; agreement as to goals; the body of people in a learned occupation; a district where people live; occupied primarily by private residences 6. ecosystem - noun a system formed by the interaction of a community of organisms with their physical environment 7. biome - noun a major biotic community characterized by the dominant forms of plant life and the prevailing climate 8. autotroph...
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