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Classical Racialism

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For an exceedingly long amount of time people have been categorized into what we commonly call races. The definition of race according to the Dictionary of Human Geography is a “means of social classification and differentiation that attempts to essentialize political and cultural differences by linking physical traits (i.e. skin, blood, genes) and social practices (i.e. religion, violence, passion) to innate, immutable characteristics.” this definition of race is widely used, and has been used for an array of time. In historical epics such as Gilgamesh and The Ramayana and many historical ages, people were categorized by their physical appearance and spiritual views. At the top is Gods, then royalty, followed by nobility, towards the middle …show more content…
Leading to the topic of race not existing. Classical racialism is the view that races are biologically distinct populations of human beings, and that along with phenotypic makers of this difference, these populations manifest different capacities for various phenomena such as cultural aptitude, intelligence, moral character and aesthetic beauty. Classical racialism dominated race- thinking for much of the modern period. A great deal of past and present scholarship on race has been aimed at defeating various accounts of the biological reality of race. Thus it is the main focus on how race isn’t biological, meaning there is no defined component that indicates who is a certain “race”. Meaning there is no such thing as race. The argument over race being non-existent has taken place for generations, (George Mason, 1960; Ashley Montagu, 1964; Margaret Mead et al., 1968; Anthropology Newsletter …show more content…
Long and Rick A. Kittles research is, “There are no agreed- upon criteria for when to assign formal names to groups that might more appropriately be considered aggregates of local populations. ‘Race’ classifications fail for phenotypically intermediate populations. They fail for individuals who trace their ancestry to two or more named ‘races’. And they are defined by sets of characters that show independent geographic trends. It has been difficult to relate many human populations as distinct evolutionary lineages.” (1). These major points that Jeffrey C. Long and Rick A. Kittles discuss is true for a majority of the population. A large portion of people come from many different backgrounds. And the only reason a person’s physical attributes are the way they are is due to genetic variation. There are no genes distinctive of the groups we call races, no biological markers of psychological or behavioral differences. Which means that no two people are the same. With that in mind how is it possible to separate people into groups, as if they are all the same. The concept of race is basically the same as stating that everyone that has one genetic similarity should be classified to belong to one group. If that were the case then total human population would have to be grouped together as one “race”. Hence why we call ourselves the Human Race. We are all one people, there are no subcategories to being human.

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