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College Athlete Motivation

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Motivation is the driving force behind every situation and element in life. Athletes face many different dilemmas to achieve excellence, especially at the collegiate level. Time constraints, injuries, balancing academics and athletics, and stress are just a few examples of challenges that college athletes face. Considering these forces, this research explores previous studies that suggests reasons for college athletes to continue participation in sport.
There are many different types of motivation that influence the way individuals participate in activities and adapt to the world around them. Edward Deci and Richard Ryan have spent many years researching motivation and have developed the self-determination theory, a significant tool in studying motivation today. The theory focuses on types, rather than just amount, of motivation, paying particular attention to autonomous motivation, controlled motivation, and amotivation as predictors of performance and well-being outcomes (Deci and Ryan, 2008). While there are dozens of theories and frameworks dedicated to studying motivation in all aspects of life, there are several that have evolved the way researchers study sport …show more content…
Intrinsic motivation has been a widely accepted factor in leisure sport participation. Without the expectation of rewards, individuals participate for the sole reasons of enjoyment and social gain. For many sport participants, intrinsic motivation is the primary factor when participating in sport. At a recreational level, the primary factor for engagement is pleasure with no desire of an external reward. Satisfaction and self-improvement, not influenced by outside forces, seem to have a big impact on sport participation. However, does this change as an athlete faces a larger audience, scholarship opportunities and a more involved

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