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Argumentative Essay On Citizens United States

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Citizens United
Money is equal to speech. At least that's how it is in American society. Lower and middle class have no way of getting their ideas out when they are against big corporations and wealthy CEOs. Corporations and Unions should not be able to buy media for political candidates for the public to view. Our government has the right to stop corruption, our people have the right to equal media and our first amendment right protects the individual, not the corporation. The case of Citizens United and the Federal Election Commission's (FEC) is a case that brought this topic into the public eye. Citizens United tried to broadcast an ad against Hillary Clinton; doing so would go against the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act. Citizens United took on the law and sued the FEC. The case was taken to the supreme court where the ruling was in favor of Citizens United 5-4. The restriction on independent spending was considered unconstitutional and they said that the government should not be able to regulate the spending. This passed allowed corporations and unions to participate in election spending. …show more content…
The average citizens voice is going to be drowned out by the corporations who can afford to buy their speech. The public will only see what corporations want them to see and what will help the company, not the people. Citizens United argued that the first amendment protected their right, but the right is to protect the individual. Even though corporations have the rights of an individual on paper, our founding fathers did not want them to have the same rights. Corporations and Unions are using the First Amendment as their way to get into the

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