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Project Implicit Hidden Bias Test Paper

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The first test that I completed through Project Implicit’s Hidden Bias Test was focused on identifying emotions. The test displayed three different images consecutively and quickly. The first image was either happy or sad. The happy image was a woman with blonde hair, white skin and a huge smile. The sad image was a male with dark hair, dark eyes, a scrunched face, and frown. The second image was a drawn male with dark hair, light eyes, white skin, and varying degrees of emotion. The third image was static. The objective was to rate the second image’s emotion from one to six, with one being terribly upset and six being tremendously happy (Project Implicit, 2011). When I first started the test, I found myself feeling flustered because I was distracted by the other images. Because the images are only shown for a short period of time, this distraction caused me to miss the second image I was …show more content…
If the first image showed a happy or sad expression, then I was more likely to rate the second image as the same (Project Implicit, 2011). In addition, my average emotion rating for the second image was three on the emotion scale (Project Implicit, 2011). Therefore, I had a hard time distinguishing between happiness and sadness in such a short period of time. Overall, I was not surprised by these results because it is easy to be distracted by outside influences. In my own experiences, I have found my negative attitude or others’ negative attitudes have affected my perception of a person, place, thing, or event. For example, I visited a college on a rainy day, which caused me to have a negative attitude and have a bad connection with this college. It is not always easy to separate my own or others’ emotions from events. This is an unconscious bias because when I further examine the cause of my behaviors they are related to my biases (Teaching

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