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Boston Marathon Bombing

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Social Media Good Or Bad? Social networking is defined as interacting with people through applications or websites, virtual communities that allow users to communicate with one another, often used to share information (“Social networking website,” 2015). Majority of the content of the websites are all provided from the users, allowing an open platform to communicate, you can share events, opinions, and media. In this essay I will discuss the pros and cons of social media during a tragic event, I will be discussing social medias involvement in the Boston Marathon Bombing and the dangers that come along with using social media in an emergency situation, I will also discuss which argument I think has a stronger case.
The evolution of social …show more content…
The use of social media to help find the 2 suspects has a better case for good than Sunil Tripathi’s case for it being bad. The value of lives being saved is greater than the risk of falsely accusing someone. Social media is not going anywhere and it will only get more popular and relevant each day. It would be silly not to use it to its full potential. Many users are aware that the majority of the content is user based so users should be more cautious on what they believe. Like other medias I believe you should check all sources before you jump to conclusions. You should never base any accusation solely off of one source. What happened to Sunil Tripathi was not right and, is scary to think about. The phrase a celebrity over night is an understatement. Eventually his name was cleared but there is nothing that can undo the pain and the agony social media caused for his family. With that being said the ultimate goal was to find the 2 suspects and social media did that. The Boston Marathon is a prime example of the good it can do, save lives, keep everyone connected, and help law enforcement. With advancements in technology the possibilities for social media being used, as a tool is endless, social media being used in emergency situations will increase and we’re seeing it. One of the first if not the first way many people receive news is through social media. Soon social media will be incorporated into everything that you

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