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Describe How To Dilute Research Paper

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While dishes like jerk pork can benefit from extreme levels of allspice, most cannot. Allspice is one of those spices that works best when combined with other strong flavors. If it is used in excess, it can easily outshine other flavors and make a dish one-dimensional or even bitter to the point of being inedible. If you have accidentally used too much, consider the following tips for toning it down.

The first thing that you should try is to dilute the flavor. Dilution is a great tool for dealing with almost every too-strong flavor. You can do this by adding more of the ingredients in the recipe, with the exception of allspice. If it works, the allspice will be balanced out by the additional ingredients and your dish will be palatable. This requires that you have more of all the ingredients in the recipe as well as the time to prepare them. It also results in you having more food than you intended, which means that you may have leftovers. If this is not a viable option for you, consider splitting the dish into two equal portions and only adding the extra ingredients to half of it. The other half can be stored or discarded. This can limit the amount of leftovers and shorten the time required to prep ingredients.

Mask It With Other Strong Seasonings …show more content…
A stronger flavor may be able to distract the taste buds from the taste of too much allspice. Which ingredient you choose depends largely on the nature of your recipe. Opt for another component that is already in the recipe. For example, a savory dish that requires allspice may also require onion or garlic. Both of those are much easier to tolerate in excess than allspice. Increasing them may help to neutralize the allspice flavor. In a dessert like an apple pie, consider adding more cinnamon to the mix. Cinnamon’s intensity and heat may be able to overwhelm most of the excess allspice

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