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Morality In America

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Moral by definition means, "of or relating to principles of right and wrong in behavior". To get a better understanding of what that means here it is in less complicated terms. Moral means having the ability to differentiate between right and wrong. American citizens are starting to lose our morality. Citizens have started overlooking when the line is crossed and they don’t realize what is wrong and what is right anymore. There are two major places that lack morality. First, the home, terrible home life can create horrible outcomes and the prevention of prosperity to the American people. Secondly is the country as a whole, in America, we are a sinking ship that needs to be saved but not by another country but by ourselves. Starting with the …show more content…
Starting with domestic tranquility. 'Keeping the good ol’ homestead calm'. The citizens have the right to fix the land but just keep giving and giving until they have no more to give. With the national debt standing at about twenty trillion dollars (Federal debt clock) why worry about the starving kids in Africa when there are starving people living right here in the country? The government is working to make other lands “free” but can’t even afford to feed the American people. They have started wars that the country can’t afford. The government then leaves the burden of a war on other countries shoulders. The United States of America has some bad values that land the American people in some pretty sticky situations. Domestic tranquility is one of the core democratic values the American people just ignore a big piece of the government. Another place that America lacks in is …show more content…
The morals, the reason the country is what it is. The reason that the country is falling apart. A country, where you have to work so hard that raising a child is difficult and teaching the simple right versus wrong lessons takes a toll on one’s mind, body, and spirit. This country allows social media to rip away the values that the children managed to learn. These values were learned prior to the parents submitted to the laziness that we face in the country. Today, in this country, people are looking up to leaders, that were put on a pedestal that are not worthy of the perfection that we bestow upon them. Those leaders are human; they make mistakes just like normal humans do. This country allows people to think it is okay to have the Idealistic approach that one has to have religion to have morals. When actually, all one has to have is drive and will power. This country is losing it morals because American citizens have to do more thinking than the politicians that are paid to think aren’t using their brains. he United States where people fight for justice and never get it. Where the Government pretty much says ‘go ahead you can rape women but only if you have money. one will get less jail time, if done that way but lucky for them, just rape her, you’ll never get what is deserved.’ In this country, a man went to jail for five grams of weed and stayed in there longer that the man that raped a

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