...than decisions under natural phenomenon. (Practical reason vs. Rational reason) Morality First Proposition of Morality: The relationship between duty and inclination: inclination has more personal connection and motivations which make the decisions and actions more introspective, which is why we need a strong will. Decisions can be moral if people do not perform actions under what they are told but truly become introspective about what they have in mind. Second Proposition of Morality: Duty lacks personal responsibility and thus, it cannot be understood as having followed by material principle. Third Proposition of Morality: Similar to the above: duty does not have a full account of respect, therefore does not require personal commitment into thinking under morality Mill: Basic definition and Ideas: Mentions satisfaction level, yet happiness are ultimately due to pride and dignity. Happiness cannot be measured under any quantity terms and each type of happiness is different. Happiness is the absence of pain and pleasure and unhappiness is deprivation of pain and pleasure. He also believes that people should enjoy in order being truly satisfied.. Morality: All the good things under the system of morality, Mill states, should be under personal interest. He says that the system of priority is designed to intent to pleasure the individual alone. Mill > Kant: In order to attain morality, happiness should cooperate with duty and good will Examples: Family revenge ...
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...deal with morality, ethics, or both? Although these terms are often confused, morality and ethics are very distinct. On the surface this terminology may seem analogous, but their definitions are quite dissimilar. Morality and ethics are major components when examining the decision making of corporations. Despite having different meanings, morality and ethics are interrelated words that play a major part in business organizations. Morality The term morality deals with an individual or groups interpretation of what is right and wrong. In fact, it can be defined as the standards that a group or individual has about what is good and evil or right and wrong (Velasquez, 2006). Morals for the most part, are fairly unwavering within a group. The vast majority of people would agree that it is wrong or immoral to murder, steal, lie, or cheat. These are examples of moral standards. Moral standards are described as the types of behaviors or actions believed to be morally good or bad (Velasquez, 2006). There is also what is known as nonmoral standards. These principles judge what is good or bad in a nonmoral way such as good grammar or proper etiquette (Velasquez, 2006). In addition to understanding the meaning of morality, it is important to understand where these standards come from. Morality comes from many different influences in a person’s life. These standards are usually absorbed as a child from family, friends, church, school, and other various social influences (Velasquez...
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...one of the main forces that has constantly shaped and drives the world. Throughout many centuries, wars were fought, laws were made, towns and countries were built and broken down all in the effort to make known or protect many of the different religions that exists in the world today. In this paper I will be comparing and contrasting the different western religions which are Hinduism and Buddhism and the eastern religions which are Judaism, Christianity and Islam. The country of origin for Hinduism is India and Southeast Asia. Hinduism was originated from the word “India” which has the very similar spiritual and cultural practices; this was developed in India more than one thousand years ago. There are several societal and cultural influences that made the religion of Hinduism vital to the region in which it originated. The Hindus of India tends to follow several traditions and social standards. When it comes to culture, the Hindus have several myths indicating that there are multiple faces of the divine, and also myths indicating that the divine interacts in many forms with the believers Hinduism is a religious belief system that lacks unity; it is also referred to as the Santana Dharma. The Santana Dharma means the “eternal religion” (Fisher, 2005). The Hindu religion is made up of several religions that were placed under the same or one category. In the Hindu religion, the people or the believers can be the followers of multiple faiths, they worship in a different...
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...those who break the law? Individual assignment 1. 5 primary barriers and obstacles that cause us to breach our moral & ethical values 2. How do they cause you to breach your moral and ethical values - Things that cause us to do the wrong things (temptations) ex: how does self interest cause us to do the wrong things 3. What needs be done to over come those obstacles 4. Do this for each of the primary barriers Week 3 presentation: 10 points 1. Provide background on issue- extent of it taught in schools MARCELA Ex: polls, legislature, historical value 2. ID and discuss all arguments on either side of the question (broad implications of this issue) Do schools have the rights where do their rights begin and end JAMES What are the rights of the parents where do their rights begin and end JOE 3. Team conclusion- 4. Justify conclusion, why was one side more compelling than the other MIKE 20 min presentation * Construction (4 out of 10 points) * accuracy * COPY OF PPP 3 slides to each page NOTES Metaethics: understanding where do our ethical principles come from Normative: Study of ethical theories Applied ethics: examination of specific controversial ethical issues- practical application Ethics= search for the truth Ethics= what you do when no one is looking Ethics= involves values, honesty, integrity, character, trust & respect Ethics is the study of morality: Ethics is the discipline that examines one’s moral...
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...Abstract Though some of the greatest political minds of the time, including Alexander Hamilton and John Jay assisted in the effort, the final draft was Washington’s. Without question the address portrayed his ideals and principals. 1) The Benefits of Unity Washington encourages the American people to stay united “That your union and brotherly affection may be perpetual” His desire was for them to protect the sanctity of the Constitution, and to insure that it is administered with wisdom and virtue. He addresses the unity of government with the people. Washington states that unity is what will hold America together and in fact is the very foundation that supports it. "The unity of government...is a main pillar in the edifice of your real independence...of your tranquility at home, your peace abroad; of your safety; of your prosperity; of that very liberty which you so highly prize." The American people should never take for granted the “Collective and individual happiness” and they should watch for, and take every measure at their disposal to protect these liberties from threats both from within, and outside the United States. Washington encouraged a strong infrastructure for the Union “Here every portion of our country finds the most commanding motives for carefully guarding and preserving the union of the whole” Washington foresaw the importance of a common government and unified laws, that would encourage commercial enterprise and trade between the different geographical...
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...The Conflict of Morality and Egoism, in Daily Life and Business The most basic distinction to make between morality and egoism is that morality demands that, at sometimes, you are obligated to do what is not in your self-interest to do. If morality never made these demands, then it would not be anything additional to the doctrine of ethical egoism (always do what is in your self-interest to do). In daily life, people are generally expected to act within moral constraints. Most people would claim that it would be wrong for me to kill an innocent stranger, even if it was in my self-interest to do so. One variable in these types of cases is the law, which is basically an instrument to make moral constrains more self-interested. So, when considering whether or not to kill someone for their money, the threat of lifetime imprisonment or death may make not killing in my self-interest. However, the key in these cases: is there any constraint on me not to kill the person if I could get away with it? Morality would say yes, there is a genuine constraint on my actions that obligates me not to kill the person even if I could get away with it. There are also other ways that morality can stretch beyond legality. There are plenty of things that people would consider immoral, but are not illegal. Cheating on your significant other, for example, is considered immoral even though is not illegal (though it is actually illegal to cheat on your spouse in some states). Where I’m going with this:...
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...Thesis Statement The combination of Ethics and Social media is complicated. What people say online is considered their written word. Professionals often struggle with befriending clients or co-workers. Subordinates sometimes feel pressure when their bosses request friendships. The Social Media frenzy has given professionals the opportunity to communicate with clients online but the rules of confidentiality are sometimes vague. Mass media and ethics in today’s society raises many concerns as decisions are made daily involving ethics and such decisions possess the ability to impact the lives of millions of people, whom read, watch, listen, or browse through a media source outlet. To prevent a formal code of ethics from being broken through mass media, in this case-social media, it is important to understand ethical compliance, especially in the workplace. I. Legal and Ethical Issues associated with Social Media A. Privacy Policies 1. Copyright, Piracy and Libel are all issues directly associated with the ethics of social media. Using someone else’s words or speaking negatively about someone in a way that harms their reputation presents a gray area for social media users. 2. Websites are often constructed to defame someone’s character. There is virtually no way to keep people from going live with these sites. Minimal judgments have been issued mandating the removal of defaming information from websites. II. Social Media and Educational Facilities A. Student Confidentiality...
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...A Farewell To America During one of the most pivotal points in American history George Washington decided he had served our country to the fullest of his ability and needed to step down so the country could continue to prosper politically, financially, and nationally. Washington had spent the majority of his life defending the colonies from any number of attackers such as; Native Americans, the British, and political factions. He was the independent light at the end of the tyrannical tunnel of British rule. He urged the American people that in order to keep the light of freedom burning bright forever, there were some things he needed them to keep in mind throughout time. Washington’s Farewell Address was a letter to the people, for the people, to explain the necessity of those illuminating concepts that would keep the darkness of corruption and fascism at bay. Most importantly Washington wrote his Farewell Address in a manor that conveyed a true sense of pride and camaraderie to the people. He explained that he had spent the vast majority of his life defending, in one way or another, America as a whole. He understood that he had been a vital asset to the foundation of the constitution and the formation of a republican representative government. Washington apologized for any wrong doings he may have made during his time of presidency and thanked the American people for supporting him throughout the difficulties. Washington spelled out the need for his retirement, his appreciation...
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...Normative ethics addresses what is right and wrong in human action (what we ought to do); what is good and evil in human character (what we ought to be); and good or evil in the ends that we ought to seek (ANA, 2015). It attempts to prescribe the values, behaviors, and ways that people should adopt. It focuses on inquiring how a human being should behave, what they should do in certain situations and the characters they should possess. The outcome of normative ethics rests on making an inquiry using normative questions (Chadwick & Gallagher, 2016). The prescriptions consider the accepted moral standards and codes of conduct. The common morality is a good example that comprises of the normative behaviors and beliefs which the society members regard as appropriate and familiar to everyone. For example, it offers a framework of ethical stability. The code of ethics for nurses posit that nurses need to be compassionate to relieve...
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...Gandhi’s Historical Impact During the 19th and 20th centuries, there were many people who rose to power and demonstrated themselves as leaders with strong influences over their followers. This time period consisted of a few historically significant leaders such as Lenin, Hitler, Mussolini, and Mao Zedong. The main objective of these leaders was to spread their version of totalitarian ideas. Yet, another leader was prominent during the same time period, but unlike Hitler, Lenin, and Zedong, his goal was the spreading of democracy using nonviolent tactics throughout his nation as well as across the world; this leader was Gandhi. Mahatma Gandhi was a rebel, who successfully gained a large following and much support without formulating any violent war plans, or issuing violent attacks on the opposition. According to many of his writings, nonviolence and morality are the keys to achieving unity. Various peoples, such as Muslims and Jews, have encountered various situations throughout history where Gandhi felt as if using tactics other than war would be considerably effective and beneficial to the overall goal of unity and liberty as long as a strong following aided in the process. Mahatma Gandhi: Selected Political Writing focuses on the different values that Gandhi practiced, as well as preached. Much of these values were critical during a time period when many nations were experiencing turmoil, and many people were not sure how and who to trust. The writings...
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...Sex Education in Schools Should sex education be taught in schools? There had been many debates over this. They say that sex education only destroys the morality of people because they think that sex education teaches students about how sexual intercourse is done. Although sex education lowers the morality of people by teaching students how to use condoms and contraceptives, it should be taught in primary school and secondary school because (a) it prevents sexual diseases and teenage pregnancy, (b) it is indeed a need in case of parents’ absence, and (c) it gives children the idea of what is right and what is wrong. Others say that having sex education only encourages the students to engage in sexual intercourse and that it leads to sexual diseases and teenage pregnancy. The truth is that sex education does not encourage students to do it. According to Bleakley(2006), in a survey conducted, only about seventeen percent of the respondents answered that sex education does encourage them to do “it” and that the remaining eighty three percent strongly disagreed. Sex education prevents sexual diseases and teenage pregnancy. But how? Students are taught how to use condoms. According to Masland(n.d.), kids are becoming more sexually active at an earlier age. Sixty-six percent of high school students in America have done it by their senior year. These kids are in danger of sexually transmitted diseases. There is also a big possibility for them to become pregnant...
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...psychosexual theory Structure: id (pleasure principle), ego (reality principle), superego (morals, ideals) Levels of awareness: conscious, preconscious, unconscious Development: oral, anal, phallic (Oedipal complex, penis envy), latency, genital Fixations Defense mechanisms - reduce anxiety Repression (primary) Regression Reaction formation Rationalization Displacement Sublimation Projection Denial Neo-Freudians Adler—social, not sexual tensions * Birth order, inferiority complex Horney—rejected penis envy idea Carl Jung—collective unconscious Assessment Projective tests Rorschach TAT - Thematic Apperception Test Draw-a-person Sentence completion Evaluation: * Repression often not shown (vivid memory often results after trauma) * Terror management theory Social-cognitive Reciprocal determinism—interplay of Personal factors/internal cognition Behavior Environment Personal control (Julian Rotter) External locus of control Internal locus of control *Without internal locus, learned helplessness results Explanatory style (Martin Seligman) Optimistic Unstable, specific, external Pessimistic Stable, global, internal Bandura Personality influenced by observational learning, outside influences (Bobo doll study) Self-efficacy (belief in ability to do things that lead to positive outcomes) Humanism Maslow—self-actualization Hierarchy of needs * Safety—security—love—selfesteem—self-actualization Carl Rogers—person-centered Genuineness Unconditional positive regard Empathy Trait theory ...
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...Encyclopedia of Philosophy Open access to the SEP is made possible by a world-wide funding initiative. Please Read How You Can Help Keep the Encyclopedia Free Author & Citation Info | Friends PDF Preview | InPho Search | PhilPapers Bibliography Kant and Hume on Morality First published Wed Mar 26, 2008; substantive revision Sun Aug 12, 2012 The ethics of Immanuel Kant (1724–1804) is often contrasted with that of David Hume (1711–1776). Hume's method of moral philosophy is experimental and empirical; Kant emphasizes the necessity of grounding morality in a priori principles. Hume says that reason is properly a “slave to the passions,” while Kant bases morality in his conception of a reason that is practical in itself. Hume identifies such feelings as benevolence and generosity as proper moral motivations; Kant sees the motive of duty—a motive that Hume usually views as a second best or fall back motive—as uniquely expressing an agent's commitment to morality and thus as conveying a special moral worth to actions. Although there are many points at which Kant's and Hume's ethics stand in opposition to each other, there are also important connections between the two. Kant shared some important assumptions about morality and motivation with Hume, and had, early in his career, been attracted to and influenced by the sentimentalism of Hume and other British moralists. The aim of this essay is not to compare Hume and Kant on all matters ethical. Instead, we examine...
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...enables the audience to view him as a credible source due to his syntactical confidence. Other organizations, lobbyists, or lawmakers who are researching evidence on euthanasia would certainly benefit from reading his expert opinion on the matter. Moreover, his desire to develop a “judicious, regulated policy” is a certain acknowledgement that he is attempting to legally call for regulations on euthanasia (May 662). The second audience that May is appealing to are conservative Christians, who are distinctively pro-life. As his article was originally published in well-circulated The Christian Century magazine, addressing this audience exposes members of May's audience who are unfamiliar with euthanasia to its technicalities by debating morality. His tone is similar to that of a sermon; instead of utilizing scientific facts or statistics, May chooses to exclude a logos appeal in favor of an ethos objective. He preaches on moral values about life and death, mentioning that “the best death is not always the sudden death” (May 662). According to May, preparation for...
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