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Air Conditioning

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In central heating and air conditioning systems, the same ducts are used to force either the cooled or the heated air into your home, depending on what the weather is like. Where the winters are quite chilly, central heating is important. These systems can be fueled with oil, electricity, gas, or solar power. The basement is where the primary heating appliance is usually located. Air ducts help deliver the heat by sending steam through pipes and room radiators. Insulation is key to maintaining a good level of heat in the house, because poor insulation will allow 60% of the heat to escape.

In places where summer temperatures get very hot it is standard for people to use air-conditioners to keep themselves nice and cool. Simple principles of refrigeration run electric air conditioners by removing heat from the air. You should look into an air-conditioner that has a heat pump to keep things cool in the summer months and warm throughout the winter. The heat pump delivers heat from the outside air. In summer, it takes heat from the inside air and pumps it outside to create a cooler home. It has tubing which is filled with refrigerant and connects the indoor air handler and the outdoor condenser/compressor unit. The refrigerant cools and warms the coils, and then circulates the air. …show more content…
Asthma and cough problems can sometimes be alleviated by utilizing humidifiers, in order to better moisturize the air around them, which may improve lung function. Humidifiers are devices that can be as complex as battery-powered or electric devices, or as simple as pans of water set on the radiator. Some humidifiers do not create any steam. If this is the case, make sure you disinfect the humidifier from time to time with a liquid solution made for that

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