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Human Services Restraint: It's Past And Future Summary

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In the article, Human services Restraint: It’s Past and Future, David Ferleger discusses worst-case scenario when students are harmed or killed from restraint and seclusion. “Isaiah Simmons died January 23, 2007, at the Bowling Brook Preparatory School in Maryland. He allegedly acted out in the dinner line and was restrained. Four youths who witnessed the incident said staff sat on him for 3 hours until he passed out and died. The school has closed, the death was ruled a homicide, and indicted staff were charged with waiting 41 minutes before calling 911 about the unresponsive boy; they were later cleared of criminal charges” (155). The tragic death resulted in the unethical way the incident was managed. It is possible that many deaths …show more content…
In the article, Effective Crisis Management Planning: Creating a Collaborative Framework emphasizes on the advantage of active team planning that reduces the risk of unsafe classrooms (Marcia L. Rock, 248). Schools should foster on creating leaders that are well-prepared and knowledgeable about restraints and seclusions. Marcia L. Rock summarizes a six-step framework plan that involves collaboration. The first step is for team members to define when a crisis episode is happening. A crisis team will develop an agreement from “specific, measurable and observable terms” coined by Alberto and Troutman in 1995(Marcia L. Rock, 254). Evidence will prove the intensity of a situation, whether or not physical action is placed. For instance, a student biting himself or others is evidence of a dangerous altercation. Therefore, the team members conclude to take action when the student attempts to bite. The second step is classifying who will respond to the crisis scene. Team members are represented by the quality of their performance. As a result, they are properly trained and certified in crisis intervention. Marcia L. Rock mentions, “Crises team members need to possess flexible positions

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