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Pros And Cons Of The NCAA

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When the NCAA was founded by President Roosevelt in 1905, the institution was committed to the idea of not providing a salary to the student-athletes who took part in its organization. But, over a century later, the NCAA has changed to take full advantage of the new kinds of sports fans and especially the new kinds of media. Today, sports and athletics in the NCAA draw in around $11 billion every year for the organization. Its coaches and administrators make large amounts of money. The average salary for a NCAA football coach is 2 million but some coaches are making much more, such as one of the top teams, Alabama, their head football coach is making 7 million a year. From high salaries to performance bonuses, it seems that the NCAA is a very …show more content…
“You go to Chapel Hill and try to go to a Carolina-Duke game, good luck trying to find a ticket. It’s nationally televised. There’s so much money that goes behind just one basketball game. I do think the players from both sides should definitely see some type of benefit” (Marvin Williams). When universities sell jerseys and t-shirts with popular numbers on them, they are selling the personhood of the person whose number is on the jersey. Not only is the university allowed to capitalize on the celebrity of its players, but the players are not allowed to do this for themselves. NCAA rules state that student athletes are not allowed to use their likeness for promotional purposes. This means that a well-known athlete cannot charge money for the hours spent signing autographs but the university is able to use the athlete to generate hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars through …show more content…
If college athletes were paid then it would bring more competitiveness to the game which would draw more fans and more revenue. With more revenue they could afford better facilities or even raise salaries which could keep top athletes in school longer. This would benefit student-athletes because they are getting an education and it would also benefit the NCAA because more people would come to watch the top athlete play, which would ultimately bring in more

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