...vi List of Tables Table 1 Benchmark 18 Table 2 Versus Table 35 Table 3 Operational Yearly Expenses (Existing System) 39 Table 4 Operational Expenses for Proposed System 40 (Alternative 1 : Client/Server) Table 5 Operational Expenses for Proposed System 41 (Alternative 1 : Peer-to-Peer) Table 6 System’s Hardware (Alternative 1 : Client/Server) 42 Table 7 System’s Software (Alternative 1 : Client/Server) 43 Table 8 System’s Hardware (Alternative 1 : Peer-to-Peer) 44 Table 9 System’s Software (Alternative 1 : Peer-to-Peer) 45 Table 10 Network Connection Equipment 45 Table 11 Development Cost (Alternative 1 : Client/Server) 46 Table 12 Development Cost (Alternative 1 : Peer-to-Peer) 46 vii Table 13 Savings (Alternative 1 : Client/Server) 47 Table 14 Savings (Alternative 1 : Peer-to-Peer) 47 Table 15 Payback Period (Alternative 1 : Client/Server) 48 Table 16 Payback Period (Alternative 1 : Peer-to-Peer) 49 Table 17 Versus Table Operational/Organizational Analysis 50 viii List of Figures Figure 1 Company’s Organizational Chart 3 Figure 2 System Design Paradigm 5 Figure 3 Modified Waterfall 11 Figure 4 Existing System Context Diagram 27 Figure 5 Top Level Diagram 28 Figure 6 Exploded Diagram Process 3 29 Figure 6.1 Exploded...
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...Chapter 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS Dissolved Oxygen Measurement Page Section 1: Dissolved Oxygen (DO) Introduction 2 Section 2: Glossary 2 Section 3: Approved Methods 3 Section 4: Safety and Hygiene 3-4 Section 5: Sampling 4-5 Section 6: Effects of Temperature on DO 5 Section 7: Interpretations 5 Quiz 4.1 6 Section 8: Modified Winkler Method 6-9 Quiz 4.2 9 Section 9: The Electrometric Meter Method 9-11 Quiz 4.3 12 Section 10: QA/QC 12 Answers to Quizzes 13-14 Appendix A: References Appendix B: Dissolved Oxygen Reagents Appendix C: Sample Bench Sheets Chapter 4 DISSOLVED OXYGEN MEASUREMENT Section 1 : DISSOLVED OXYGEN (DO) INTRODUCTION The DO determination measures the amount of dissolved (or free) oxygen present in water or wastewater. Aerobic bacteria and aquatic life such as fish must have DO to survive. Aerobic wastewater treatment processes use aerobic and facultative bacteria to break down the organic compounds found in wastewater into more stable products that will not harm the receiving waters. Wastewater treatment facilities such as lagoons or ponds, trickling filters and activated sludge plants depend on these aerobic bacteria to treat sewage. The same type of aerobic wastewater treatment process occurs naturally in streams and ponds if organic matter is present, turning these bodies of water into “aerobic wastewater treatment plants.” If sufficient oxygen is not naturally supplied through wind and turbulence to replace...
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...This note shows you how to set up a table of contents that can be generated and updated quickly and easily, even for the longest and most complex documents. Using styles The key to creating a quick and easy contents page is to use Word’s built-in heading styles, that is, Heading 1, Heading 2, Heading 3 etc. Once you have applied these styles to the headings in your document, you can use Word’s Table of Contents function to do all the hard work for you. For more information on using styles see Making your documents look good: using MS Word the easy way. Creating a basic table of contents Once you have applied heading styles, you can create your table of contents: Click where you want the contents to appear. From the menu, select Insert – Reference – Index and Tables. The Index and Tables dialog box displays. Click the Table of Contents tab. Creating a table of contents quickly in Word Creating a table of contents quickly in Word The Print Preview box on the left shows you how your table of contents will look. The settings for your contents appear below the preview box. You will find that most of the options you need are already selected. B.2-N-3568-2007 Your contents will show page numbers, have right-aligned page numbers, and a tab leader (the character that appears between the contents entry and the page number). You can change the tab leader if you wish, for example you may want a different one, or no tab leader at all. Word shows...
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...com/ENTR%20510/entr-510-week-6-case-study-dayone Product Description ENTR 510 Week 6 Case Study DayOne Table of Contents Introduction3 Opportunity3 Improve sale margins3 Raise funds4 DayOne’s growth4 Investment4 References5 ENTR 510 Week 6 Case Study DayOne Purchase here http://devrycourse.com/ENTR%20510/entr-510-week-6-case-study-dayone Product Description ENTR 510 Week 6 Case Study DayOne Table of Contents Introduction3 Opportunity3 Improve sale margins3 Raise funds4 DayOne’s growth4 Investment4 References5 ENTR 510 Week 6 Case Study DayOne Purchase here http://devrycourse.com/ENTR%20510/entr-510-week-6-case-study-dayone Product Description ENTR 510 Week 6 Case Study DayOne Table of Contents Introduction3 Opportunity3 Improve sale margins3 Raise funds4 DayOne’s growth4 Investment4 References5 ENTR 510 Week 6 Case Study DayOne Purchase here http://devrycourse.com/ENTR%20510/entr-510-week-6-case-study-dayone Product Description ENTR 510 Week 6 Case Study DayOne Table of Contents Introduction3 Opportunity3 Improve sale margins3 Raise funds4 DayOne’s growth4 Investment4 References5 ENTR 510 Week 6 Case Study DayOne Purchase here http://devrycourse.com/ENTR%20510/entr-510-week-6-case-study-dayone Product Description ENTR 510 Week 6 Case Study DayOne Table of Contents Introduction3 Opportunity3 Improve sale margins3 Raise funds4 DayOne’s growth4 Investment4 References5 ...
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...Description ENTR 510 Week 4 Homework New Venture Table of Contents Introduction3 Necessary skills for the first person3 Necessary values4 References5 ENTR 510 Week 4 Homework Purchase here http://devrycourse.com/ENTR%20510/entr-510-week-4-homework Product Description ENTR 510 Week 4 Homework New Venture Table of Contents Introduction3 Necessary skills for the first person3 Necessary values4 References5 ENTR 510 Week 4 Homework Purchase here http://devrycourse.com/ENTR%20510/entr-510-week-4-homework Product Description ENTR 510 Week 4 Homework New Venture Table of Contents Introduction3 Necessary skills for the first person3 Necessary values4 References5 ENTR 510 Week 4 Homework Purchase here http://devrycourse.com/ENTR%20510/entr-510-week-4-homework Product Description ENTR 510 Week 4 Homework New Venture Table of Contents Introduction3 Necessary skills for the first person3 Necessary values4 References5 ENTR 510 Week 4 Homework Purchase here http://devrycourse.com/ENTR%20510/entr-510-week-4-homework Product Description ENTR 510 Week 4 Homework New Venture Table of Contents Introduction3 Necessary skills for the first person3 Necessary values4 References5 ENTR 510 Week 4 Homework Purchase here http://devrycourse.com/ENTR%20510/entr-510-week-4-homework Product Description ENTR 510 Week 4 Homework New Venture Table of Contents Introduction3 Necessary skills for the first...
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... ENTR 510 Week 2 Homework Table of Contents Introduction3 Smart Refrigerators7 Wireless Charger7 ENTR 510 Week 2 Homework Purchase here http://devrycourse.com/ENTR%20510/entr-510-week-2-homework Product Description ENTR 510 Week 2 Homework Table of Contents Introduction3 Smart Refrigerators7 Wireless Charger7 ENTR 510 Week 2 Homework Purchase here http://devrycourse.com/ENTR%20510/entr-510-week-2-homework Product Description ENTR 510 Week 2 Homework Table of Contents Introduction3 Smart Refrigerators7 Wireless Charger7 ENTR 510 Week 2 Homework Purchase here http://devrycourse.com/ENTR%20510/entr-510-week-2-homework Product Description ENTR 510 Week 2 Homework Table of Contents Introduction3 Smart Refrigerators7 Wireless Charger7 ENTR 510 Week 2 Homework Purchase here http://devrycourse.com/ENTR%20510/entr-510-week-2-homework Product Description ENTR 510 Week 2 Homework Table of Contents Introduction3 Smart Refrigerators7 Wireless Charger7 ENTR 510 Week 2 Homework Purchase here http://devrycourse.com/ENTR%20510/entr-510-week-2-homework Product Description ENTR 510 Week 2 Homework Table of Contents Introduction3 Smart Refrigerators7 Wireless Charger7 ENTR 510 Week 2 Homework Purchase here http://devrycourse.com/ENTR%20510/entr-510-week-2-homework Product Description ENTR 510 Week 2 Homework Table of Contents Introduction3 Smart Refrigerators7 ...
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...com/ENTR%20510/entr-510-week-1-homework Product Description ENTR 510 Week 1 Homework Table of Contents Introduction3 World-changing industries and opportunities over the next 5 to 10 years3 Technologies to drive these world-changing opportunities4 Regions of the world with the greatest potential for developing4 Skills needed to take advantage of these opportunities4 ENTR 510 Week 1 Homework Purchase here http://devrycourse.com/ENTR%20510/entr-510-week-1-homework Product Description ENTR 510 Week 1 Homework Table of Contents Introduction3 World-changing industries and opportunities over the next 5 to 10 years3 Technologies to drive these world-changing opportunities4 Regions of the world with the greatest potential for developing4 Skills needed to take advantage of these opportunities4 ENTR 510 Week 1 Homework Purchase here http://devrycourse.com/ENTR%20510/entr-510-week-1-homework Product Description ENTR 510 Week 1 Homework Table of Contents Introduction3 World-changing industries and opportunities over the next 5 to 10 years3 Technologies to drive these world-changing opportunities4 Regions of the world with the greatest potential for developing4 Skills needed to take advantage of these opportunities4 ENTR 510 Week 1 Homework Purchase here http://devrycourse.com/ENTR%20510/entr-510-week-1-homework Product Description ENTR 510 Week 1 Homework Table of Contents Introduction3 World-changing industries and opportunities over...
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...you do, you see a bar across the top—click the icon on that bar to select your own logo or image for replacement. Word automatically sizes and formats your image to fit the space allotted. The table of contents that follows picks up any text that you format using Heading 1 through Heading 3 styles. To update the table after you add your own information to the document, click in the table of contents and then click the Update button on the bar that appears across the top of it. Note: Body text such as the paragraphs above are formatted using the default Normal syle. This paragraph is formatted using the style named Normal - Space After to create the space between the executive summary and the table of contents. Contents Executive Summary 2 Heading 1 3 Heading 2 3 Heading 3 3 Heading 2 3 Heading 1 4 Heading 2 4 Heading 2 4 Heading 1 This template uses a few tables to create the page structure that follows. A host table consisting of just two columns and one row enables the sidebar content to sit beside the text, tables, and diagram on the left without any complicated positioning required. Nested tables (a nested table is just one table inside another) in both the left and right column enable you to place text beside the SmartArt graphic, provide the small financial table...
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...Midterm Purchase here http://devrycourse.com/ENTR%20510/entr-510-week-5-midterm Product Description ENTR 510 Week 5 Midterm Table of Contents Introduction3 Entrepreneurial Attributes3 Bootstrapping4 Opportunity and Market Assessment5 Funding and team6 References8 ENTR 510 Week 5 Midterm Purchase here http://devrycourse.com/ENTR%20510/entr-510-week-5-midterm Product Description ENTR 510 Week 5 Midterm Table of Contents Introduction3 Entrepreneurial Attributes3 Bootstrapping4 Opportunity and Market Assessment5 Funding and team6 References8 ENTR 510 Week 5 Midterm Purchase here http://devrycourse.com/ENTR%20510/entr-510-week-5-midterm Product Description ENTR 510 Week 5 Midterm Table of Contents Introduction3 Entrepreneurial Attributes3 Bootstrapping4 Opportunity and Market Assessment5 Funding and team6 References8 ENTR 510 Week 5 Midterm Purchase here http://devrycourse.com/ENTR%20510/entr-510-week-5-midterm Product Description ENTR 510 Week 5 Midterm Table of Contents Introduction3 Entrepreneurial Attributes3 Bootstrapping4 Opportunity and Market Assessment5 Funding and team6 References8 ENTR 510 Week 5 Midterm Purchase here http://devrycourse.com/ENTR%20510/entr-510-week-5-midterm Product Description ENTR 510 Week 5 Midterm Table of Contents Introduction3 Entrepreneurial Attributes3 Bootstrapping4 Opportunity and Market Assessment5 Funding and team6 References8 ENTR...
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...of the product. However, we did find a few things that we believe would enhance the manual. We all agreed that the illustrations within the manual could be better detailed. Right now, they are simply drawn illustrations that don’t accurately portray the product and use. We strongly believe that actual images of the use of the product (can be either in color or black and white) would work a lot better and provide a clearer image of the product and its use. Another item we decided on was creating a table of contents. Although the manual is short and to the point, it can still benefit from having a table of contents. This will allow for the consumer to quickly find the section they are looking for without having to look over the entire manual to find it. Also, the “technical specifications” section should be right after the diagram showing the parts of the can opener. The manual should be broken into different sections (which of course would be outlined in the table of contents). We believe the sections should be begin with something like introduction, warning/caution, how-to use your new can opener, etc. Each section will provide great detail and clarity so that the consumer understands how to operate the can opener and understands the safety precautions. We believe the manual should have a step-by-step process for cleaning and maintaining the can opener, instead of just suggestions. That way the consumer feels more confident that there is a proven process in place to extend...
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... Purchase here http://devrycourse.com/ENTR%20510/entr-510-week-6-case-study-pkolino-financials Product Description ENTR 510 Week 6 Case Study Pkolino Financials Table of Contents Introduction3 Key revenue drivers3 Influencing revenue drivers3 Key cost drivers4 Areas an investor might challenge4 References5 ENTR 510 Week 6 Case Study Pkolino Financials Purchase here http://devrycourse.com/ENTR%20510/entr-510-week-6-case-study-pkolino-financials Product Description ENTR 510 Week 6 Case Study Pkolino Financials Table of Contents Introduction3 Key revenue drivers3 Influencing revenue drivers3 Key cost drivers4 Areas an investor might challenge4 References5 ENTR 510 Week 6 Case Study Pkolino Financials Purchase here http://devrycourse.com/ENTR%20510/entr-510-week-6-case-study-pkolino-financials Product Description ENTR 510 Week 6 Case Study Pkolino Financials Table of Contents Introduction3 Key revenue drivers3 Influencing revenue drivers3 Key cost drivers4 Areas an investor might challenge4 References5 ENTR 510 Week 6 Case Study Pkolino Financials Purchase here http://devrycourse.com/ENTR%20510/entr-510-week-6-case-study-pkolino-financials Product Description ENTR 510 Week 6 Case Study Pkolino Financials Table of Contents Introduction3 Key revenue drivers3 Influencing revenue drivers3 Key cost drivers4 Areas an investor might challenge4 References5 ENTR 510 Week 6 Case Study Pkolino...
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...Product Description ENTR 510 Week 3 You decide Entrepreneurial Marketing Table of Contents Introduction3 Facts3 Guerilla marketing3 Marketing strategies4 Budget for a 3-month marketing campaign5 References7 ENTR 510 Week 3 You decide Purchase here http://devrycourse.com/ENTR%20510/entr-510-week-3-you-decide Product Description ENTR 510 Week 3 You decide Entrepreneurial Marketing Table of Contents Introduction3 Facts3 Guerilla marketing3 Marketing strategies4 Budget for a 3-month marketing campaign5 References7 ENTR 510 Week 3 You decide Purchase here http://devrycourse.com/ENTR%20510/entr-510-week-3-you-decide Product Description ENTR 510 Week 3 You decide Entrepreneurial Marketing Table of Contents Introduction3 Facts3 Guerilla marketing3 Marketing strategies4 Budget for a 3-month marketing campaign5 References7 ENTR 510 Week 3 You decide Purchase here http://devrycourse.com/ENTR%20510/entr-510-week-3-you-decide Product Description ENTR 510 Week 3 You decide Entrepreneurial Marketing Table of Contents Introduction3 Facts3 Guerilla marketing3 Marketing strategies4 Budget for a 3-month marketing campaign5 References7 ENTR 510 Week 3 You decide Purchase here http://devrycourse.com/ENTR%20510/entr-510-week-3-you-decide Product Description ENTR 510 Week 3 You decide Entrepreneurial Marketing Table of Contents Introduction3 Facts3 Guerilla marketing3 Marketing strategies4 Budget for...
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...510 Week 5 Case Study Purchase here http://devrycourse.com/ENTR%20510/entr-510-week-5-case-study Product Description ENTR 510 Week 5 Case Study Cadence Design Table of Contents Introduction3 Behavior of actors3 Responsibility of Avant5 Responsibility of underwriter5 Avant’s evaluation6 Corporate death penalty6 Protection measures7 References9 ENTR 510 Week 5 Case Study Purchase here http://devrycourse.com/ENTR%20510/entr-510-week-5-case-study Product Description ENTR 510 Week 5 Case Study Cadence Design Table of Contents Introduction3 Behavior of actors3 Responsibility of Avant5 Responsibility of underwriter5 Avant’s evaluation6 Corporate death penalty6 Protection measures7 References9 ENTR 510 Week 5 Case Study Purchase here http://devrycourse.com/ENTR%20510/entr-510-week-5-case-study Product Description ENTR 510 Week 5 Case Study Cadence Design Table of Contents Introduction3 Behavior of actors3 Responsibility of Avant5 Responsibility of underwriter5 Avant’s evaluation6 Corporate death penalty6 Protection measures7 References9 ENTR 510 Week 5 Case Study Purchase here http://devrycourse.com/ENTR%20510/entr-510-week-5-case-study Product Description ENTR 510 Week 5 Case Study Cadence Design Table of Contents Introduction3 Behavior of actors3 Responsibility of Avant5 Responsibility of underwriter5 Avant’s evaluation6 Corporate death penalty6 Protection measures7 References9 ...
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...THE PROBLEMS OF HOSTEL MANAGEMENT AND ACCOMMODATION IN HIGHER INSTITUTIONS IN NIGERIAN TABLE OF CONTENTS Title page Dedication Acknowledgment Table of content List of table Abstract CHAPTER ONE 1.0 INTRODUCTION of “the problems of hostel management and accommodation in higher institutions” 1.0Background of the study 1.1Purpose of the study 1.2Statement of problem 1.3Objective of the study 1.4Significance of the study Research questions 1.5Research questions CHAPTER TWO 2.0 LITERATURE REVIEW of “the problems of hostel management and accommodation in higher institutions” CHAPTER THREE 3.0RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.1Research design 3.2Areas of the study 3.3Population of the study 3.4Sample size 3.5Administration of the instrument 3.6Method of data Analysis CHAPTER FOUR 4.0DATA PRESENTATION ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION 4.1Summary of results CHAPTER FIVE 5.0SUMMARY, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION 5.1Discussion of result findings 5.2Recommendations 5.3Conclusion 5.4Limitation of the study Reference Appendixes TO DOWNLOAD “THE PROBLEMS OF HOSTEL MANAGEMENT AND ACCOMMODATION IN HIGHER INSTITUTIONS” COMPLETE PROJECT MATERIALS, FOLLOW THE BELOW INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY *** Read the following instructions carefully *** This website is www.uniprojects.net. Please take note of this websites and the below Phone number if you wish to order this material. +2348060592024 or 08060592024 +2348170664562...
Words: 292 - Pages: 2
...successful seasonal-paper. ·The respondent, who shared their time constant in answering our questionnaire. · My family, for understanding the days we cannot be with them to be able to finish our seasonal paper, and Above all, · To our God Almighty, who never left us and gave us guidance and hope Especially those times that we were struggling. Again, thank you for being a part of the success of our paper. - Monica i TABLE OF CONTENTS Acknowledgment i Table of contents ii-iii Chapter I, Problem and Its Environment 1 1. Introduction 1 2. Purpose of the Study 1 3. Importance of the Study 1 4. Scope and Limitations 1 5. Definition of Terminology 1 Chapter II, Related Studies and Literature 2 Chapter III, Design and Methods of Research 3 1. Research & Design 3 2. The Respondents 3 3. Instruments Used for Research 3 4. Treatment of Data 3 Chapter IV, Presentation and Interpretation of Data 4-7 LIST OF TABLE AND GRAPH Graph 1: Distribution of Respondents Based on Their Sex 4 Graph 2: Age that the Respondents Started Having a Relationship 4 Graph 3: Time the Respondents gave for each other 5 Graph 4: Views of the Respondents in the Positive Aspect of Having a Relationship 5 Graph 5: Views of the Respondents in the Negative Aspect of Having a Relationship 6 Graph...
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